[IMTF] On the Islamic Theology of Poverty

In my previous essay I explored how the Islamic tradition lends itself to multiple interpretations regarding the Islamic theology of poverty. While there are traditions that endorse the acquisition of wealth and praise richness, there…

[IMTF] Kultivierung von Tugenden in Zeiten der Pandemie

Viele Menschen haben im Zuge der Covid-19 Shut Downs und ihren Einschränkungen vor allem in Bezug auf die sozialen Interaktionen, starke Wut und Angst empfunden. In der Pandemie haben Menschen Kontrollverluste erlitten und sind mit…

[IMTF] Cultivating Virtues in Times of Pandemic

Many people have experienced intense anger and fear in the wake of the Covid-19 shutdowns and their subsequent toll on social interaction. During the pandemic, people suffered a loss of control and were confronted by…