December 4-10

Arab, Muslim Opposition Building to any US Nod on Jerusalem

Arab, Muslim Opposition Building to any US Nod on Jerusalem

AP News

Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, President Trump recognized the holy city as Israel’s capital despite heavy opposition from Arab states, Muslims across the world, and European powers.
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Ethnic Georgian Muslims in a Christian-Dominated Nation

Ethnic Georgian Muslims in a Christian-Dominated Nation


Muslims have lived peacefully in Georgia for centuries, a country with a majority of Orthodox Christians which considers itself as tolerant to all faiths, but a large number of people see Islam as alien to the Georgian national identity.
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To Some Zionist Christians and Jews, The Bible Says Jerusalem Is Israel's Capital

To Some Zionist Christians and Jews, The Bible Says Jerusalem Is Israel's Capital


Jews and evangelical Christians who say an undivided Jerusalem should be the eternal capital of Israel have a ready answer for anyone who questions that claim: The Bible says so.
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Escape From Isil, Part 3: Inside the Centre Trying to Reform Jihadists

Escape From Isil, Part 3: Inside the Centre Trying to Reform Jihadists

Telegraph UK

At the Counter-Extremism Centre in northern Syria, pupils are being taught ‘killing civilians is not permitted in Islam,’ and other surprising ideas as prisoners are being re-educated by moderate Islamic scholars.
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Speak Out for the Rohingya

Speak Out for the Rohingya

U.S. News

From the conflict plaguing the Muslims of Myanmar, there is a moral call for the United States to intervene and protect the Rohingya population from their relentless persecution.
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NY Times Editorial: Sharing 'Britain First' Videos Does 'serious and totally unnecessary harm'

NY Times Editorial: Sharing 'Britain First' Videos Does 'serious and totally unnecessary harm'

The Hill

‘Sharing the (Britain First) garbage does serious and totally unnecessary harm to America’s interests and standing in the world,’ claims the NYT editorial board as they highlight the intense backlash President Trump faces for retweeting a staunchly anti-Muslims video.
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On Historic Trip, Turkey’s Erdogan Meets Muslims in Greece

On Historic Trip, Turkey’s Erdogan Meets Muslims in Greece

AP News

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with members of Greece’s Muslim minority on Friday, ending a landmark visit to Greece that sharply divided opinion in the country and saw tensions in relations resurface.
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India Police: Murder of Muslim Was Apparent Religious Attack

India Police: Murder of Muslim Was Apparent Religious Attack

AP News

Following an increase in attacks against religious minorities, police in western India have arrested a Hindu man they say brutally killed a Muslim laborer in an apparent religious attack.
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UN Human Rights Chief Calls out Trump Over Anti-Muslim Retweets

UN Human Rights Chief Calls out Trump Over Anti-Muslim Retweets


The United Nations’ top human rights official was “aghast” over President Donald Trump’s decision to re-tweet anti-Muslim videos from the far-right ultra nationalist group Britain First last week.
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Hasan Minhaj Tackles Islamophobia with Comedy

Hasan Minhaj Tackles Islamophobia with Comedy

The Johns-Hopkins Newsletter

Discussing statistics, values, and stereotypes, Muslim and Indian-American comedian Hasan Minhaj, began his talk by discussing the effects of racism and xenophobia both on his personal life and on the U.S. today.
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Despite Furor Over Jerusalem Move, Saudis Seen on Board with U.S. Peace Efforts

Despite Furor Over Jerusalem Move, Saudis Seen on Board with U.S. Peace Efforts


Trump reversed decades of U.S. policy on Wednesday with his announcement and instructions to begin the process of moving the embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, despite warnings that it would drive the wedge between Israel and the Palestinians deeper. In this controversial move, Saudi authorities diverge from the Muslim majority and back Trump on this.
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Why Trump’s Evangelical Supporters Welcome His Move on Jerusalem

Why Trump’s Evangelical Supporters Welcome His Move on Jerusalem

Religion News Service

Both historically and in holy scripture, Jerusalem as the capital of Israel holds great eschatological and religious significance to both Evangelical Christians and Jews, who support President Trump’s move of the US Embassy.
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Why the President’s Anti-Muslim Tweets Could Increase Tensions

Why the President’s Anti-Muslim Tweets Could Increase Tensions

The Conversation

After sharing misleading and debunked videos that vilify Muslims in the West, President Trump’s further the social and communal divide between Muslims and non-Muslims across the world.
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Bacon Used in Hate Crime: Man Gets 15 Years in Mosque Vandalism

Bacon Used in Hate Crime: Man Gets 15 Years in Mosque Vandalism

USA Today

After tearing down lights and smashing windows, a Florida man is sentenced to 15 years in prison for vandalising a mosque in Titusville, Florida.
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Hindu Man in India Kills a Muslim and Posts the Vide

Hindu Man in India Kills a Muslim and Posts the Vide

The New York Times

In a gruesome attack against a Muslim man in Rajasthan, India, a Hindu man is recorded attacking a helpless, older Muslim man in a popular video being shared in certain groups around India.
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Number of Salafists in Germany Reaches Record High

Number of Salafists in Germany Reaches Record High

Deutsche Welle

With an increasing network of internet recruitment and Salafi mosque attendance, German domestic intelligence chief records a greater number of Salafists and ‘fragmentation’ in German society.
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Maydan editors selected some of the most thought-provoking news items on issues around Islam, religion and public-life for you. Let us know what you have been reading. Drop us a line at!