Summer 2024 Journal Roundup

Check out our Journal Roundups for the latest articles in Islamic studies. This is the forty-fifth iteration to be published and the Summer 2024 edition is now online. The Summer 2024 edition currently has issues from 35 journals in a wide variety of subjects and disciplines and will be revised as more journals announce their Summer issues.

The journal roundup project covers over 90 English language journals in a variety of disciplines related to Islamic Studies, providing the table of contents for each journal as a tool for researchers, academics, students, and those generally interested in the field of Islamic Studies. We include only articles; book reviews can be found on the journal sites. Please let us know if we have missed any journals or if you have questions at [Curated by Robert Zayd KiaNouri-Zigmund]

Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies

Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies

Volume 22 Issue 2

Compliance Factors in Malaysian Guidelines for Hadith Authentication Authors: Mohamad Khalid Bahrudin, Ishak Suliaman, and Mohamad Azrien Mohamed Adnan 

The Dynamism of the Social Literary and Hermeneutical Streams in Qurʾanic Classical and Modern Exegesis Studies A Critical Comparative Analysis Authors: Selamat bin Amir, Ahmad Bazli Ahmad Hilmi, Mustaffa bin Abdullah, and Muhamad Alihanafiah Norasid Pages

 Local Wisdom in Malay Natural Interpretation “Turjuman Al-Mustafid”: Analysis of Surah Al-Baqarah with a Historical Approach Authors: Ahmad Izzan and Mohammad Irfan Farraz Haecal 

Systematic Literature Review of the Research Design Based on the Tafsir Tahliliy Method Authors: Siti Aishah Zainudin and Shahir Akram Hassan 

Content Analysis Study of Prophetic Prayer Medicament in Kitab Tib MSS1653 Malay Medical Manuscript Authors: Norhasnira Ibrahim and Faisal Ahmad Shah 

Gagasan Malaysia Madani: Analisis Korelasi Enam Nilai Teras Ketamadunan Daripada Kisah Nabi Sulayman (As) Dalam Surah Al-Naml The Idea of Malaysia Madani: A Correlation Analysis of Six Core Values of Civilisation from the Story of Prophet Sulayman (PBUH) in Surah Al-Naml Authors: Khairulnazrin Nasir, Rahim Kamarul Zaman, and Khalilullah Amin Ahmad 

القضايا البلاغية في شرح ابن عقيل على ألفية ابن مالك وأثرها في توجيه المعاني والدلالات القرآنية The Rhetorical Issues in Ibn Aqīl’s Commentary on Ibn Malik’s Alfiyyah and Their Impact on Directing Quranic Meanings and Indications Authors: Maryam Abedalaziz, Thabet Abu Al-Haj, and M. Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff

 الاكتئاب النفسي، أسبابه وعلاجه في ضوء القران الكريم: دراسة تطبيقية على حالة الجالية اليمنية في ماليزيا Psychological Depression, Its Causes and Treatment in the Light of the Holy Quran Authors: Abdulwahab Mahyoub Murshed Amer and Zinab Abdulwahab Mahyoub Murshed 

American Journal of Islam and Society

American Journal of Islam and Society

Volume 4 Issue 2

The Reconceptualization of the Umma and Ummatic action in Abdullah Bin Bayyah’s Discourse by Rezart Beka

An Egyptian Ethicist by Ossama Abdelgawwad

The Other Legitimate Game in Town? Understanding Public Support for the Caliphate in the Islamic World by Mujtaba Ali Isani, Daniel Silverman, Joseph J. Kaminski

The Reparative Work of the Imagination by Ashwak Hauter

The Warrior Prophet: Muhammad and War by Ovamir Anjum

Response to Zainab Bint Younus’ Review of “Women and Gender in the Qur’an” by Celene Ibrahim

Muslims of the Heartland: How Syrian Immigrants Made a Home in the American Midwest by Tazeen Ali

Perilous Intimacies: Debating Hindu-Muslim Friendship After Empire by Yohanan Friedmann

Islamic Architecture: A World History by Tammy Gaber

Arab Law Quarterly

Arab Law Quarterly

Volume 38 Issue 5

Islam Compliance, beyond Sharīʿah Compliance: Toward a Broader Socio-Economic Transformation by Mohammad Omar Farooq


Ribā and Paying Off Non-stipulated Interest: The Capability to Become a Prevalent Custom (ʿUrf) in Islamic Society by Javad Fakhkhar Toosi


The Egyptian State as a Muǧtahid: Law and Religion in the Jurisprudence of the Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court by Samy Ayoub


The Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court on the Abolition of Public Interest Litigation, Decision of 14 January 2023 in the Constitutional Challenge 120/36 by Kilian Bälz


Secularization of Islam in Post-Revolutionary Iran, written by Mahmoud Pargoo by Mohammad Magout

Arabic Sciences and Philosophy

Arabic Sciences and Philosophy

Volume 34 Issue 2




by Alexander Lamprakis



Volume 71 Issue 3

The Earliest Manuscripts of Kairouan (9th-11th Centuries): New Approaches for a More Accurate Dating by Umberto Bongianino and Clément Salah

A Subtle Subversion From Arabo-Centrism to Universalism in the 5th/11th Century Šāfiʿī School’s Considerations of Lineage for Marriage Suitability (Kafāʾa) by Youcef Soufi

Du neutre, ici en français mais également là(-bas) en arabe by Manuel Sartori

A Note on Klb yārh in al-Bīrūnī’s Autobibliography by Oliver Kahl

Le corps dans le roman des écrivaines syriennes contemporaines : dire, écrire, inscrire la différence , written by Martina Censi by Alma Abou Fakher

The Shīʿī Past in the Great Book of the Songs , written by I-Wen Su by Mathias Hoorelbeke

Asian Affairs

Asian Affairs

Volume 55 Issue 3







A RECENTLY DISCOVERED LETTER FROM CAPTAIN ARTHUR CONOLLY by Gleb Zilberstein, Svetlana Zilberstein, Elisa Bastianello, Kseniya Yakovleva & Pier Giorgio Righetti

Australian Journal of Islamic Studies

Australian Journal of Islamic Studies

Volume 9 Issue 2

The Role of Reason in Establishing Civilization: Insights from Classical Muslim Perspectives
DOI: by Fadi Zatari

Purpose-Driven Life in Islam and Emotional Stability: Examining Said Nursi’s Perspective
DOI: by Salih Yucel

Reshaping Minority Fiqh: The Ideas of ‘Abd Allah Ibn Bayyah
DOI: by Haidar Masyhur Fadhil

The Necessary Connection between Laws of Physics and Metaphysics
DOI: by Omer Atilla Ergi

Natural Sciences in the Era of ‘Decline’: Discovering Manuscripts at Jāmi’ Al-Azhar
DOI: by Muhammad Faris Ibrahim

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies

Vol. 51, Issue 4

Mission impossible: the Italian bombing of Bahrain and the British response by Massimiliano Fiore

An increasingly corrosive expedient? Israel’s evolving relationship with back-channel diplomacy by Peter Jones

Constitutional choice in emerging democracies: adoption of the 2004 Afghan Constitution by Marina Omar

Politics of hope and populist backlash: kurds in Turkey and Palestinians in Israel by Gershon Shafir & Şevin Gülfer Sağnıç

Framing democracy – organisational perspectives on democracy in post-2011 Tunisia by Jan-Erik Refle

The rise & decline of the Dargazin’s Sunnis and their role in the events of Afghan’s invasion to Isfahan by Habib Sharafi Safa & Alireza Ali Soufi

Buying modernization. Western NGOs and gender politics in Pahlavi Iran by Hannah Welslau

The failure of democracy in Afghanistan by Ahmad Murid Partaw

Diasporic Syrian women writers: stories of resilience and survival by Rida Anis, Fozya Aldared, Bahriye Kemal & Agnes Woolley

Orchestrating Palestinian youth political socialization during the British Mandate (1917-1948): policies and community responses by Janette Habashi

Sephardic longshoremen at the Haifa Port (1933-1936): dynamics of skill-selective labor immigration from Thessaloniki to mandatory Palestine by Shai Srougo

The influence of the social contract on the stability of Moroccan society after its Independence by Qi Jiang

Everyday life and tactical resistance of the political prisoners: the case of F-type prisons in Turkey by Sibel Bekiroglu & Cagatay Topal

Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East

Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East

Vol. 44, Issue 2

Jewish Spaces in Egypt as Sites of Memory by Mostafa Hussein

Ethical Antinomies: The Problem of Realism in Ottoman Literary Modernity  by Mehtap Ozdemir

Empowering the “Ecosystem”: The Coding School as a Foil for Markets in Lebanon  by Zak Tobias

Knowledge Production in the “Arab-Majority” World and Unlearning in the Field: Autoethnographic Reflections from Lebanon toward Alternative Research Politics by Ali Kassem

Introduction: Following Absence: Plotlines of Erasure and Ruination in the Middle East and North Africa by Anne-Marie McManus; Nancy Y. Reynolds

Race, Time, and the Petrified Subject in Algeria: Reading Frantz Fanon’s Algerian Writings and Kateb Yacine’s Nedjma  by Anne-Marie McManus

Forgettable Black and Amazigh Bodies: Boujemâa Hebaz and the Moroccan Racial Politics of Amnesia  by Brahim El Guabli

“A Nonexistent Incapacity”: Tracing Chronic Injury through X-Ray Images in Colonial Tunisia’s Gafsa Phosphate Mines (1920s–1930s)  by Rebecca Gruskin

Vanishing Nubia: Following Botanists in Egypt  by Nancy Y. Reynolds

Absenting as a Repertoire of Action: A Demolition, a Dump, and a Garden  by Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins

Murmurs of Presence in Objects of Absence  by Ilana Feldman

The Radical Instability of the Present  by Camille Lyans Cole

Contemporary Islam

Contemporary Islam

Vol. 18, Issue 2

The opportunities and limits of Islamist ideological developments on the rights of non-Muslims and women by Joas Wagemakers

Points of convergence: Islamist conceptions of citizenship and the struggle of Egyptian Christians for their rights as a religious group by Rachel M. Scott

The Muslim Brotherhood and women’s issues under Sadat: dogmas and discussions by Kiki Santing

Islamists, civil rights, and civility: the contribution of the brotherhood siras by Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen

Explaining Boko Haram’s anti-Muslim violence by Abubakar Abubakar Usman

Sacred placemaking in a Muslim minority setting: a contemporary dynamic of Islam in a North Bali village, Indonesia by Syaifudin Zuhri

Islam nuanced: transcending Shi’a clerical authority among Iranian Americans in rural Kentucky by Erfan Saidi Moqadam

Islam and social changes among university-going urban youth in Bangladesh by Bulbul Siddiqi

Intermediaries and illegal gratification in the Indonesian bureaucracy of Muslim marriage by Muhammad Latif Fauzi

Contemporary Review of the Middle East

Contemporary Review of the Middle East

Vol. 11, Issue 3

China’s Arms Transfer to Iran: More Noise, Less Substance by Atul Kumar

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Multipronged Approach to the Repression of Kurds by Allan Hassaniyan

Exploring E-Government Development Index as an Indicator of Sustainability in the Gulf Region by Muhammad Younus, Eko Priyo Purnomo, Achmad Nurmandi, Chin-Fu Hung, Prathivadi Anand, Tiara Khairunnisa

Co-movement of Oil and Stock Markets During COVID-19: Evidence from the Gulf Corporation Council by Muhammad Hanif

When Religion Takes the Stage: How the Coup Regime Instrumentalizes Religion in Securitizing Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt by Ahmet Fathy İbrahimoğlu and Mehmet Rakipoglu

Tourism and Israel–Arab Normalization Processes: The Case of Israel, Morocco, and the UAE by Yaron Salman


Critical Muslim

Critical Muslim

Issue 51

Ziauddin Sardar embraces the desires of the great Muslim poet Allamah Mohammad Iqbal; Jeremy Henzell-Thomas sees desire as a stick with two ends; Luke Wilkinson examines al-Ghazali’s way of balancing desires; Peter Matthews Wright’s love of reading leads to desire for reforming Islam; Anonymous builds the ISIS Prisons Museum; Mohammad Sahily laments the suppression of desire after the Arab Spring; Boyd Tonkin reveals the true identity of the author of the epic romance Ali and Nino; Rachel Dwyer is wooed by Bollywood desires; Liam Mayo finds desires in concealed spaces; C Scott Jordan untangles complex desires; and our list of ten undesirables.


Also in this issue: Marjorie Allthorpe- Guyton tours Venice Biennale 2024; Maya Van Leemput is astonished by the Postnormal Times MADANI Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur; Abdullah Geelah praises a novel history of Africa; Anna Gunin reveals insights from the Caucasus; Christopher B Jones dissects longtermism; Naomi Foyle reads enchanting new poetry; Hassan Mahamdallie traces his Trinidadian roots; Amandla Thomas-Johnson experiences life after Hurricane Beryl; short stories by Alev Adil and Amenah Ashraf; and poems by Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Kabir.


Die Welt des Islams

Die Welt des Islams

Vol. 64, Issue 4

Competing Visions of Morality in Politics: A New Perspective on the Ideological Currents of the Late Ottoman Empire

Authors: M. Asım Karaömerlioğlu and Çiğdem Oğuz


Ein Beitrag Martin Hartmanns: „Japan und der Islam“

Authors: Michael Knüppel and Jun Sugawara


Facing the Franks Again: The Crusades in Arab Social and Political Thought (1914–48)

Author: Oleg Sokolov


Reconciling Islam with Indonesian Nationalism: Acceptance of the Arab Middle Eastern Influence During the Dutch Colonial Period

Author: Motoki Yamaguchi

The Evolution of the Hebronite Regionalism 1929–48

Author: Harel Chorev-Halewa

International Journal of Islamic Architecture

Vol. 13, Issue 2

Theorizing Climate Change and the Built Environment in the Islamic World

By Michelle Apotsos

Reinventing Sacred Ground Amidst Natural Disaster: The Holy Islamic Tomb in Seventeenth-Century Quanzhou

By Sylvia Wu

The Last Grand Külliye of Istanbul: The Yeni Valide Mosque Complex and the Little Ice Age

By Onur Öztürk

‘Architectural Design for Procuring Thermal Comfort’: Hassan Fathy, Nubia, and Desert Building

By Nancy Y. Reynolds

The Déesse and the Dam: Extractive Audacity, Montage, and the Politics of Ecological Devastation on the Euphrates

By Meghan Clare Considine

Halil Altındere’s Space Refugee: Martian Modernism, Syrian Resettlement, and Life After Climate Change

By Rachel Winter

The Oasis Loop: Vernacular Agricultural Landscapes in Arid Conditions

By Pablo Pérez-Ramos

Islamic Law and Society

Islamic Law and Society

Vol. 31, Issue 3

The Magian Position: Legal Consequences for Creedal Ignorance in the Far Maghrib, 8th/14th-11th/17th century

Author: Caitlyn Olson

The Status of Music in Islamic Law: Ibn Ḥajar al-Haytamī’s (d. 974/1567) Treatise Against Recreation in its Polemical Context


Between Preaching and Judging: the Muslim Brotherhood and the Predicament of takfīr (1960s–1980s)

Author: Sebastian Elsässer

Islamic Apocalyptic Jurisprudence

Author: Ali Rod Khadem

Israel Affairs

Israel Affairs

Vol. 30, Issue 4

A new explanation of antisemitism: Jew hatred as a civilisational phenomenon

Liah Greenfeld

The influence of economic antisemitism on boycotting Israeli products: the case of French consumers

Hayiel Hino

Judaeophobia: fear of Judaism in Israeli culture

Gideon Katz

Ma’abarot: Israeli immigrant transit camps revisited

Hila Shalem Baharad

Party banning in Israel

Mika Hackner

Prenatal diagnosis and pregnancy termination in Israeli-Arab women of families with a deaf child

Aliza Amiel & Mahdi Tarabeih

Reflections on Jewish nationalism, militarism and ageing masculinity in Yoram Kaniuk’s novel Scums

Danielle Gurevitch

Women retirement age reform: evidence from Israel

Gil Cohen & Sagit Barel-Shaked

The divide between attitudes and practical implementation of the ‘Preschool of the Future’ model through the lens of Israeli preschool teachers

Dorit Alt & Niva Dolev

Evaluating the impact of school resources, cultivation index and nationality on school’ academic success: evidence from the Israeli high schools

Sagit Barel-Shaked & Erez Buda

Dismantle the monster: teachers, parents, and others position themselves figuratively vis-à-vis the Israeli education system in times of crisis

Reut Gamliel & Irit Kupferberg

Should I stay or should I go: the differences between elite football and basketball coaches’ backgrounds

Ilan Tamir & Assaf Lev

Cybermania: how Israel became a global powerhouse in the domain that is revolutionizing the future of humanity / The battle for your computer: Israel and the growth of the global cyber-security industry

David Rodman

Jerusalem Quarterly

Jerusalem Quarterly

Issue 98

Discussing Food and Foodways: No Better Time Than the Present

by : Christiane Dabdoub Nasser

Olive Oil and the Tastes of Palestine

by : Omar Qassis

Freekeh and Fellahin: A Symbiotic Relationship of Sumud

by : Amany Ahmad

Nourishing Resilience: The Palestinian Kitchen Table and the Healing of Generational Trauma

by : Hanine Shehadeh

Culinary Traditions in the Jerusalem Countryside: Communities Displaced by the 1948 Nakba and Those Who Remained

by : Samar Awaad

Recipes Carry Voices and Stories: An Interview with Mirna Bamieh

by : Mirna Bamieh

From Mill to Memory: A Journey of Food Practices in Exile

by : Yafa El Masri

Visionary Health Care in the Most Trying of Circumstances

by : Christopher Burnham

Journal of the American Oriental Society

Journal of the American Oriental Society

Vol. 144, Issue 3

Nicholas Morrow Wiiliams, Translating the Esoteric: On the Chinese Translation and Commentary of the Mahāvairocana sūtra, with Special Reference to the Reinterpretation of Kalpa 

Yushuag Zhag, Things, Place, Self: From “Four Things” to “Four Friends” in the Studio 


Gilad Itach, Neo-Assyrian Policy in the Levant Reexamined: Prosperity in the Provinces as a Test Case


Ebru Turan, The Vilification of Sultan Meḥmed II: Dürr-i meknūn and Criticism of Ottoman Plans to Conquer the Mamluk Sultanate


Michal Lecker, The Itinerant Judaeo-Muslim Preacher Abū Rayḥāna and His Daughter,

Muḥammad’s Concubine Rayḥāna


David Buchta, Unknown Like : Complications in Sanskrit “Alphabet Poem” Stotras


Benno van Dalen, Poyan Rezvani, Nadine Lohr, and Maurizio Boehm, A Hitherto Unknown

Arabic Manuscript of Thābit b. Qurra’s Version of the Almagest


Tom Hardwick, Peddlers and Pen Pushers: The Antiquities Trade in Egypt  


Werner Daum, Ancient South Arabian Legal Texts with Semitic Parallels and Their Anthropological Background

Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Vol. 24, Issue 1


Reflections on Containment and Transgression in “The Book of Misers” by al-Jāḥiẓ

Lale Behzadi

The Apostrophic Frame of Ibn Shuhayd al-Andalusī’s (d. 426/1035) Satire on Inspiration and Literary Theft

Enass Khansa

Coincidence, Entanglement and Wonder in “The Thousand and One Nights”

Wen-chin Ouyang

Early Modern Hajj Accounts as Framed Narratives

Richard van Leeuwen

Embedding in Two Variants of a Solomonic Legend

Guy Ron-Gilboa

The Persian “Bilawhar wa Buyūdhas(a)f(a)” as a Mirror for Princes

Pegah Shahbaz

Scripture as Frame in Naṣr Allāh Munshī’s “Kalīla and Dimna”

Theodore S. Beers

A Phenomenology of the Middle Eastern Frame-Tale Collections

Ulrich Marzolph

القصة الإطار والجواب السردي في كليلة ودمنة

Frame Story and Narrative Response in “Kalīla and Dimna”

Said Yaktine

Three Uses of the Frame in Tanūkhī’s “al-Faraj baʿd al-shidda”

Zina Maleh


Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient

Vol. 67, Issue 5-6

Sufis and Sultans in Eighteenth-Century Delhi: Re-evaluating the Political Letters of Shāh Walī Allāh of Delhi (d. 1762)

Author: Daniel Jacobius Morgan

A Historiographical Survey of Sinophone Research into Mediterranean-East Asian Maritime Trade (1st–8th Centuries CE)

Authors: Han Xuefei[韩 雪飞] and Rebecca Darley

Cash Waqfs and Commercial Capital: Evidence from Ottoman-Venetian Trade (16th Century)

Author: Tommaso Stefini

Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Tehran

Author: Farzin Vejdani

Reconciling Peoples and Places: Perpetual Re-interpretation in Perceptions of Social and Cultural Identities in Northeast China

Author: Loretta E. Kim

Journal of Islamic Manuscripts

Journal of Islamic Manuscripts

Vol. 15, Issue 3

Approaching the Last Decades of Arabic Manuscript Culture (1870–1930): Materiality

Author: Cornelius Berthold

The Ismaʿili Manuscripts in University Library Tübingen

An Inquiry into Provenance

Author: Verena Klemm

A Preliminary Handlist of Manuscripts from the Library of al-Ashraf Qāytbāy

Author: Kristof D’hulster

More on Yemeni Manuscripts

Author: Noha Sadek

Journal of Islamic Studies

Journal of Islamic Studies

Vol. 35, Issue 3

The rural mosque uncovered in the Andalusi village of La Graja (eleventh century ce)

Pedro Jiménez-Castillo and others

Poetry and Sufi commentary: a case of/for religious reading in premodern Sufism

Arjun Nair

Grief and loss in Shiʿi thought: Zayn al-Dīn al-ʿĀmilī’s (d. 965/1558) Musakkin al-fuʾād

Gianni Izzo


Journal of the Middle East and Africa

Journal of the Middle East and Africa

Vol. 15, 2024

Unsuccessful Effort of the Superpowers to Settle the Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Aftermath of the Six-Day War: The Gromyko-Goldberg Agreement

Arieh J. Kochavi

Reluctant Nationalists: World War II Veterans and Postwar Nationalism in Nigeria, 1945–1960

Waliu A. Ismaila

Turkey’s Evolving Political Terrain: A Study of Post-2016 Coup Relations Involving Religious and Sociopolitical Movements

Efrat Aviv

Iran, Religious Agents, and the People: Voices from Khuzestan

Elisheva Machlis

Pain, Tears and Blood: Doubts about the Concept of Revolution in Ghāʾib Ṭuʿmah Farmān’s al-Makhāḍ

Hilla Peled-Shapira & Ronen Zeidel


Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies

Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies

Vol. 20, Issue 2

Women Weavers and Their Agency: Reconsidering Rug Weaving in Contemporary Iran 

Golnesa Rezanezhad Pishkhani

A Palestinian Woman’s Writings: Reflections on Hegemony and Resistance 

Noura Kamal

Female Self-Attack and Suicide in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North and Liana Badr’s The Eye of the Mirror 

Bilal Hamamra; Ayman Mleitat; Ahmad Qabaha

Muslim Women and Social Activism: The #MosqueMeToo Movement 

Nafiseh Ghafournia

Women’s Activism and New Media in the Arab World 

Miriyam Aouragh

Creating the Modern Iranian Woman: Popular Culture between Two Revolutions 

Gülriz Şen

Moral Crisis in the Ottoman Empire: Society, Politics, and Gender during WWI 

Onur Çezik

Sanctions as Siege: A Forum on the Impacts of Sanctions on Gender and Women’s Lives in the SWANA Region 

Lucia Sorbera; Tamar Shirinian

Reframing War: Women, Sanctions, and Impoverishment in Gaza 

Eileen Kuttab

“An Article That I Am Not in the Mood to Write Anymore”: Motivations to Research about Popular Feminism 

Demet Gülçiçek



Journal of North African Studies

Journal of North African Studies

Vol. 29, Issue 5

Authoritarian transformations in the Maghreb: the case of the securitisation of Algerian-Moroccan relations

Jassim Althani

Tunisia’s December 2023 local elections and the twisting path to ‘bottom-up democracy’

Chamseddine Mnasri

‘The Red Sea is the key to the Mediterranean’. The Italo-Ottoman war and the Red Sea region (1911–1912)

Massimo Zaccaria

The Libyan askaris on the eve of national independence: two life stories across different strategies of intermediation

Antonio M. Morone

Forthcoming youth bulge in Egypt: possible sociopolitical implications

Andrey Korotayev & Julia Zinkina

Biographies of insecurity: labour migration from the Moroccan margins

Hamdi Echkaou & Johannes Frische

Re-visiting the past in search for silver-lining: Moroccan students’ perceptions of technology-mediated faculty practices under COVID-19

Hicham Zyad

Journal of Ottoman Studies

Journal of Ottoman Studies

Issue 63

New, Early Modern or a Classical Age:Definitions and Studies on Ottoman History

Feridun Emecen 

From Serçe Palace to Seyf Palace to Seyfe

İlhan Şahin 

The French Capitulation (‘ahdname) of 1604: A Re-evaluation and Critical Edition of an Ottoman Charter of Privileges

Radu Dipratu 

On the European Silver Coins Circulating in the Ottoman Empire during the 16th and 17th Centuries

Numan Elibol 

Who “Banned” New Medicine in the Ottoman Empire?

Akif Ercihan Yerlioğlu 

An Example of Settlement in the 19th Century Ottoman Domain: Arap Villages in Dobrudja

Majed Mohammed Binzouba 

The Tanzimat Roots of the Armenian Question in the Western Anatolian Countryside

Fatma Melek Arı 

When Emmanuel Carasso Turned Italian: A Biography of Extraterritoriality and Questions of Nationality in the Ottoman Empire

Ramazan Hakkı Öztan 

Muhavere as a Strategy for Reconciliation in Ottoman Translation History

Osman Çeviktay, Ayşe Banu Karadağ 

“Edirne Bâdi Efendi Nüshasının ‘İlk Anonim Kronik’ Olduğu İddiası ile Neşri Üzerine Bazı Mülahazalar” Başlıklı Tenkit Yazıma Verilen Cevaba Cevap

Necdet Öztürk 

“Hayatta Kalamayan Güfteler” ya da Geleneğin İcadı: Osmanlı/Türk Müziğinde Bestelerin Devamlılığı Üzerine İki Yeni Makalenin Değerlendirmesi

Zeynep Yıldız Abbasoğlu 

On Zionism or The Zionist Question by Muḥammad Rūḥī al-Khālidī (1864-1913): Exploring the Context of a Pioneering Work

Mariam Saeed El Ali

VIII. Taşnak Kongresi Hakkında Yeni Bilgiler ve Alaattin Uca’nın Sözde Değerlendirme Yazısına Cevap

Kemal Çiçek 

Yasemin Asadi, İranlı Yolcuların Gözünden Osmanlı İstanbul’u (1802-1905)

Alper Yıldırım 

Erhan Çifci, Prusya’dan Nato’ya Türk Ordusunda Batı Etkisi

Efe Güzeloğlu 

Zekeriya Kurşun, Osmanlı Arapları Hilafet-Siyaset-Milliyet 1798-1918

Tuba Yıldız 

Editörler: Aysel Yıldız, Yannis Spyropoulos, M. Mert Sunar, Payitaht Yeniçerileri – Padişahın “Asi” Kulları, 1700-1826

Naime Yüksel Karasu 

Editör: Kenan Yıldız, Terekeler Neyi Derler? Miras Kayıtlarının İzinde Osmanlı Araştırmaları

Büşra Aktaş Kütükçü 


Medieval Encounters

Medieval Encounters

Vol. 30, Issue 4

Beyond Hagiography: Gender and Violence in the Earliest Liturgy for Pelagius

Author: Kati Ihnat

The Spiritual Garment in Medieval Islamic Mysticism and Kabbalah

A Comprehensive Study of Zoharic Literature and the Writings of Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn al-ʿArabī (1165–1240)

Author: Yinon Kahan

A Wet Nurse Debate: Jews, Christians, and Later Medieval “Racism”

Author: Irven M. Resnick

Apulian New Christians in Venetian Dalmatia

Circum-Adriatic Dimensions of the Migration of Converted Jews and Their Descendants to Split (Spalato) in the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries

Author: Lena Sadovski

Middle East Critique

Middle East Critique

Vol. 33, Issue 3

Resistance to Repression and Back Again: The Movement for Palestinian Liberation in US Academia

Lara Deeb & Jessica Winegar

‘Axis of Evil’ and the Academic Repression of Palestine Solidarity

Somdeep Sen

Antisemitism and Zionism: The Internal Operations of the IHRA Definition

Neve Gordon

The Free Speech Exception to Palestine

Steven Salaita

Witnessing the Architecture of a Cancellation: The Silencing of Voices on Palestine in Austrian Academia

by Author Collective scăpa شاهد & by Author Collective scăpa شاهد

Erasing Palestine in Germany’s Educational System: The Racial Frontiers of Liberal Freedom

Anna Younes & Hanna Al-Taher

Intent to Harm: Settler Colonial Outposts in Psychoanalysis

Lara Sheehi

Palestine Solidarity and Zionist Backlash in Australian Universities

Jumana Bayeh & Nick Riemer

A Land Acknowledgment in a Different Key: Palestine, Solidarity and the Disruption of the Liberal Script

Brenna Bhandar

The Coloniality of Academic Freedom and the Palestine Exception

Jairo I. Fúnez-Flores

Middle East Law and Governance: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Middle East Law and Governance: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Vol. 16, Issue 2

Wasta and Democratic Attitudes in the Middle East

Author: Hannah M. Ridge

Explaining Sectarian Dynamics in the Syrian Governorate of Deir Ezzor Through the Lens of Instrumentalism and Historical Sociology

Authors: Haian Dukhan and Mohammed Hassan

Women’s Religious Agency and the Positioning of the Mosque: a Case Study of State-Sponsored Female Preaching in Egypt

Author: Dina Hosni

Female Leadership Roles: Subjectivity and Self-Representation

The Muslim Sisterhood Activism in the Digital Era

Author: Ola Abdelaal

Rethinking Power-Sharing in Post-War Lebanon: The Case for a Pluralist and Multi-Level Research Agenda

Authors: Tamirace Fakhoury and Miriam Aitken

Lebanon’s ‘Concomitant Crises’ and Consociationalism as a Leading Form of Conflict Management

Author: Allison McCulloch

NGOization and Politicization of Aid

Author: Clothilde Facon-Salelles

Lebanon’s Endemic Power-Sharing Dilemmas and their Manifestation in the Beirut Blast

Author: Alessandra Thomsen

Protesting Power-Sharing: Placing the Thawra in Recent Waves of Contentious Politics

Author: John Nagle

“We are the Revolution, Abroad”: Diaspora Protests, Identity Construction, and the Remaking of Citizenship in the 2019 Lebanese Thawra

Author: Miriam Aitken


Middle Eastern Studies

Middle Eastern Studies

Vol. 60, Issue 4

‘An Oriental Gentlewoman’: Princess Nazlı Fazıl’s interview in The Gentlewoman in 1899

Elif Yumru

Selânikli Tevfik – writer, journalist, translator

Syed Tanvir Wasti

The effect of nationalist movements on Turkish and Irish children’s literature: swans and epic heroes: ‘Fly like great birds, who have no voice’

Refika Altıkulaç Demirdağ & Ali Altıkulaç

A Russian stooge or a Greek puppet? Joachim III’s struggle for autonomy of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (1864-1912)

Denis Vovchenko

Discourses on outdated but still valid currencies in Israel, from the Egyptian withdrawal in 1841 to 2023

Amos Nadan

The battle over the Zionist maritime ethos: ‘Sea Day’ and claims to the Land of Israel’s sea culture

Kobi Cohen-Hattab

The rise of the Hebronite alliance: Hebronite regionalism between Palestine and Jordan, 1940–1967

Harel Chorev Halewa

The Palestinian youth of East Jerusalem – between Palestinian and Israeli identity

Shaul Bartal

Cultural Imperialism and the American scramble for antiquities in Mandate Syria: 1920–1939

Charles Sills

Are cinema, TV and football recommended for Muslims? The Millî Görüş movement’s view on popular culture

Uri Rosenberg

Politics and Religion

Politics and Religion

Vol. 17, Issue 3

Division on the Christian right: Republican pastors and the use of force

Stephanie N. Shady, Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks

Religion, spirituality, and susceptibility to conspiracy theories: examining the role of analytic thinking and post-critical beliefs

Alexander Jedinger, Pascal Siegers

Was there an enthusiasm gap? Examining support for Donald Trump among evangelicals and nonevangelicals

Alondra S. Pagán Márquez, Paul A. Djupe, Matthew Mettler, Jeffery J. Mondak

Pope Francis as an influential leader? How papal statements affect public attitudes toward anti-poverty measures

Riccardo Ladini, Lucia Faggiana

Which political entities are “Friendly” to religion? The interplay of entity, identity congruence, and Christian nationalism

Samuel L. Perry

The relationship between state-provided Islamic education and Islamism

Ahmed Ezzeldin Mohamed


Politics, Religion & Ideology

Politics, Religion & Ideology

Vol. 25, Issue 3

‘I’m not a martyr, I’m a terrorist’: the Cospito affair and the rejection of martyrdom in insurrectionary anarchism

Francesco Marone

Imperism as political nomos in Russia and beyond

Matteo Benussi

Unraveling the Islamist nostalgia; Kulturkampf on urban space in Turkey

Necmettin Doğan

Media, identity and threat: the portrayal of foreign fighters in Kosovar press

Kledian Myftari & Milan Obaidi

The effects of religious group engagement on anti-abortion protest participation in Poland

Courtney Blackington

Irritating the secular: on Peter Berger and Charles Taylor’s theological projects

Krystof Dolezal

Religion Compass

Religion Compass

Vol. 18, Issue 7

The past and future of the study of Islamic esotericism

Liana Saif

‘Minding the pentecostal paradox’: Currents and cross-currents in pentecostal studies in Africa (PenteSA)

Chammah J. Kaunda

Christianity and modern Japanese society: An historical overview

Bo Tao

Religion and Development in Africa: History, Status, and Future Prospects

Elias Kiptoo Ng’etich

Islamic Chaplaincy in North America: The State of the Field

Sajida Jalalzai


Turkish Historical Review

Turkish Historical Review

Vol. 15, Issue 2

The Christian Population of 16th-Century Ottoman Anatolia: An Overview and Preliminary Observations on Its Location and Numbers in the 1520s

Authors: Konstantinos Moustakas, Aikaterini Konstantina Kontopanagou, and Petros Kastrinakis

Justice of the Peace Courts in the Adjudication of Property Disputes in the Ottoman Countryside (1839–1914)

Author: Alp Yücel Kaya

War Tax Law (Tekalif-i Harbiye): An Instrument of Dispossession and Capital Accumulation in the Ottoman Empire during the Great War

Author: Ayla Ezgi Akyol

U.S. Commercial Diplomacy Toward Turkey: Ambassador George C. McGhee’s Role in the Privatization of the Oil Business in the 1950s

Author: Murat Iplikci


Turkish Studies

Turkish Studies

Vol. 25, Issue 4

Competing against Erdoğan, collaborating with the state: why did Kiliçdaroğlu fail as the main opposition leader in Turkey?

Behlül Özkan

Turkey’s approach to the Arab spring revisited: political field and foreign policy in the AKP era

Francesco D’Alema

Interest groups and EU-Turkey relations: a focused analysis on TÜSİAD and MÜSİAD

Orhan Günay

Political economy of Turkey’s pivot to Asia

Defne Gönenç, Vasileios Fouskas, Qingan Huang & Sinan Ünlüsoy

Neoliberal transformation through circulation of economic elites in times of critical junctures: the case of 1999–2001 economic crises in Turkey

Ali Baydarol & Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm

Tracing ideologies, influences, and politics: the shaping of a state monopoly in Turkey’s sports system (1920s–1990s)

Esra Erturan-Ogut & Tolga Şinoforoğlu

The role of the official ceremonies and hidden curriculum on Atatürkism’s socialization and indoctrination in Turkish schools (1980–2002)

Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak

Why do people doubt vaccines? Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Turkey

Ceylan Engin & S. Sena Akkoç