Leaked emails show Ukip leader comparing Muslims to Nazis
The GuardianThe new Ukip leader is said to have whipped up religious tensions and anti-Muslim prejudice after leaked emails showed he argued that people should no more want Muslims to settle in their country than Nazis.
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Sisi orders demolition of Sufi mosque on Mahmoudiyah road
Egypt IndependentEgyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Saturday has chosen to demolish the mosque of Sufi Imam Abu al-Ikhlas al-Zarqani, located on Mahmoudiyah Road in Alexandria’s Gheit al-Anab area, in order to complete the Mahmoudiyah corridor project.
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Woman forced to leave bus for wearing face veil in Netherlands;
Al JazeeraA Muslim woman wearing a niqab – a veil that covers the whole face except for the eyes – has been forced to leave a bus in the Netherlands following the introduction of a law that bans face-covering clothing in public buildings and on transport, according to local media reports.
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Romania, a beacon of coexistence for Muslims in Eastern Europe;
Al JazeeraRomanian Muslims, some of whom have Ottoman roots, are largely spared of the Islamophobic rhetoric seen in neighbouring countries.
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Detention of Muslims at UK ports and airports 'structural Islamophobia'
The GuardianMuslims are being detained at ports and airports for up to six hours by law enforcement using controversial counter-terrorism powers so disproportionately that the practice has become Islamophobic, according to human rights group Cage.
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Saudi Hajj ministry investigating how gift to pilgrims was wrongly labelled ‘anthrax’
Arab NewsThe Hajj and Umrah Ministry is investigating the inaccurate translation of the word “jamarat” into “anthrax,” which led to Sheikh Yusuf Estes making a video warning pilgrims of the mistake and its possible repercussions.
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How two Islamic groups fell from power to persecution: Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey’s Gulenists
The ConversationBoth in Egypt and Turkey, Islamic movements have struggled to survive in authoritarian regimes that exert strong control over religious practice, Naomi Schalit writes.
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How mainstream media fuels the UK's Islamophobia crisis
Middle East EyeNegative views about Muslims, amounting to institutionalised Islamophobia have been shaped and nurtured by mainstream media coverage that has become increasingly hostile towards adherents of the Islamic faith, CJ Werleman argues.
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Five reasons the world needs a wake-up call on religious persecution
The ConversationAll over the world, people – and whole communities – are suffering from persecution purely because of their religion or beliefs. This kind of violence – including attempts to annihilate whole religious groups – is on the rise.
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Indian Islamic preacher apologizes to Malaysians for racial remarks
ReutersIndian Islamic preacher Zakir Naik apologized on Tuesday for making racially sensitive remarks in Malaysia, after police banned him from speaking in public and questioned him for hours over the comments.
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The political impotence of the Muslim American community
Al JazeeraToday, many American Muslims eagerly claim the legacy of brothers Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X as their own, but lack the political courage and moral integrity by which they lived, Ali Al-Arian posits.
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Arab regimes are fully on board with India's settler-colonial project in Kashmir
Middle East EyeLeaders of the Muslim world have failed to take India to task for the ongoing repression of Kashmiri citizens, according to Azad Essa.
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Moderate Islamists make new power quest in Tunisia
ReutersTunisia’s moderate Islamists are hoping the genial Beethoven fan they have nominated to run in next month’s presidential elections will break the mould in the Arab world by turning success at the ballot box into uncontested rule.
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'Kashmir women are the biggest victims of this inhumane siege'
Al JazeeraSense of fear deepens as Indian politicians stoke misogyny with talk of freedom to marry ‘white-skinned’ Kashmiri women, Adnan Bhat observes.
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Most U.S. Muslims are patriots. Asking them to choose between faith and nation has a pernicious consequence.
Washington PostNew research shows that simply asking about their national identity can lower Muslims’ political engagement.
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‘Pride of Muslims’: Chechnya’s leader Kadyrov inaugurates ‘Europe’s largest mosque’
Russia TodayChechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has inaugurated what authorities say is Europe’s largest mosque. Sitting just outside the capital of Grozny, the mosque can accommodate more than 30,000 people.
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Maydan editors selected some of the most thought-provoking news items on issues around Islam, religion and public-life for you. Let us know what you have been reading. Drop us a line at mediaroundups@themaydan.com!