Muslim Group Says Donald Trump To Blame For Rise in Hate Crimes For Second Year Running
NewsweekThe number of hate crimes against Muslims in the U.S. increased by fifteen percent in 2017, the second year in a row that the number has risen, with President Donald Trump’s policies blamed.
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No Reprimand For D.C. Lawmaker Who Donated to Nation of Islam Event Where Jews Were Denounced
The Washington PostThe D.C. Council will not reprimand member Trayon White Sr., after he donated from his constituent services fund to a Chicago event where Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan denounced Jews.
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How John Bolton and Mike Pompeo Mainstreamed Islamophobia
VoxThrough networks of professional engagements and institutions, Bolton and Pompeo have a history of being involved in the so called ‘counter-jihad’ Islamophobic movements that vilify Islam and Muslims.
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France: Open Letter Linking Islam To Anti-Semitism Sparks Backlash In France
France 24An open letter published in French daily Le Parisien condemning a “new anti-Semitism” in France has stirred heated debate in the country, with critics describing the text as discriminatory against Muslims.
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Anti-Semitism Is A Sin In Islam, Says Top Muslim German Leader
NewsweekAnti-Jewish attacks and attitudes are impermissible in Islam, one of Germany’s most senior Muslim officials has said, as concern about anti-Semitism in the country mounts.
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UK: The First UK Festival of Muslim Culture and Literature Launches in London This Week
TimeOutMFest – a new arts festival of ‘Muslim cultures and ideas’– is going to try and showcase the contributions of British Muslims in the literary world.
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Egypt: Saudi Arabia to Reward Mo Salah With Piece of Land in Mecca
Egypt TodayAs a congratulations for his record-breaking achievements in soccer, Saudi Arabian officials are gifting Egyptian striker Mohamed Salah options to have property in the holy city of Mecca.
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This Philosopher Proves That Islam and Critical Thinking Aren't Contradictions
My SalaamIn his book ‘How to Philosophize in Islam?’ Souleymane Bachir Diagne challenges the view that philosophy and Islam are incompatible. The Senegalese philosopher highlights the open and skeptical tradition that exists within Islamic thinking and wants to cherish and strengthen it.
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Six Anti-Muslim Comments That Could Haunt Trump In Travel Ban Supreme Court Case
NewsweekSupreme Court justices considering the constitutionality of the Trump administration’s third travel ban will have to decide how heavily to weigh the president’s anti-Muslim comments and tweets against his broad authority to act in the country’s best interests.
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Macron’s Plan is the Latest Attempt at Religious Integration in France
The Washington PostPart of a long campaign to combat radicalization and promote French secularism, President Macrons latest calls to reform Islam in France fit into a broader context of the French state attempting to integrate Islam.
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The Netherlands: Dozens of Dutch Mosques Financed From Gulf States: Report
NLTimesMillions of euros are coming into the Netherlands from conservative Gulf States, bringing attention to the rise in Islamism and Salafism from these institutions.
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Islam, Sexual Ethics, and Community Conversations
AltmuslimahWith abstinence being the law for those not yet married, communities must do more to encourage and promote this within the broad spectrum of sexually diverse lifestyles and preferences.
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Crossing Divides: The Battle to Unite Former Child Soldiers In Peace
BBCFrom a conflict between Christians and Muslims that started in 1999 are heavy strains on the psychological well-being of several child soldiers, who are being actively rehabilitated to promote peace in their lives.
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Muslims, Immigrants on US Militias' New Enemies List
Voice of AmericaThe three Kansas militiamen planned to blow up an apartment complex housing Somali refugees during the 2016 presidential election, unleashing what one of them called ‘Crusades 2.0.’
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America Inside Out - The Muslim Next Door
Youtube- National GeographicKatie Couric learns about today’s pressures and opportunities for Muslim Americans in this National Geographic episode.
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US National Security Adviser John Bolton was Chairman of ‘anti-Muslim’ Think Tank
The Independent UKJohn Bolton, US President Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser, was on the board of what some critics have called an anti-Muslim think tank- the Gatestone Institute.
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For Muslims, Supreme Court’s Ruling On Entry Ban Will Be Statement of America’s Values
The Washington PostWaiting to hear the Supreme Court’s decision on President Trump’s travel ban, for some Muslim Americans will be the deciding in factor in their perception of American liberties and values.
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A Republican Running For Governor In Michigan Is Using Unfounded Conspiracy Theories Against A Muslim American Rival
BuzzfeedA Republican candidate for governor in Michigan used a typical and unfounded anti-Muslim conspiracy theory during a presentation about his Muslim American Democratic rival, suggesting he is part of an unfounded Muslim plot to engage in “civilization jihad” that is subversively attempting to take over the country.
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Mosul's Famed Mosque And 'Hunchback' Minaret, Destroyed By ISIS, Will Be Rebuilt
NPRThe UAE will contribute millions to rebuild a mosque and cherished leaning minaret that were destroyed after the Iraqi city of Mosul was overrun by the Islamic State.
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With Dismissal of Lawsuit, Utah Muslim Leader Wont Know Why He Landed On 'no-fly' List
KUTVA federal judge in Salt Lake dismissed a lawsuit filed by Yussuf Abdi who claimed the government violated his constitutional rights when he was put on the no-fly list, keeping him boarding a plane from Kenya to Salt Lake City.
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Iranian Journalist Arrested Over Tweet Deemed Insulting To Shi'ite Imam
Radio Free Europe Radio LibertyA Shi’a Iranian journalist has been arrested in Tehran over a tweet deemed insulting to the Shi’ite Eighth Imam, making a joke about the Imam as ‘one of us.’
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‘Even gospel is violent’: French Open Letter Calling For Koran Revisions Met With Muslim Pushback
RTMuslim leaders in France said Islam was being unfairly singled out after an open letter on anti-Semitism blamed Islamic radicals and called for the removal of passages from the Koran that sanction violence against non-believers.
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The Dueling Ayatollahs
Al MonitorAs political tensions increase, Ayatollah Khamenei and Sistani are odds for the future direction and impact of Shiite Islam’s presence in Iraq.
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A Muslim and a Hindu Thought They Could Be A Couple. Then Came The ‘love jihad’ Hit List.
The Washington PostYoung Hindu-Muslim couples in India are being targeted by propaganda aimed to vilify Muslim boyfriends as solely attempting to convert their girlfriends and spread Islam, a counter-movement in India being called ‘love Jihad.’
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Trump Lawyer Calls Islam a 'great country' While Defending Muslim Ban
Middle East EyeUS President Donald Trump’s senior legal officer has called Islam ‘one of the great countries of the world’ while defending the US president’s ban on Muslim immigration, sparking ridicule on social media sites.
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Germany: Reuven Firestone: Muslims and Jews are 'manipulated by fear'
Deutsche WelleWith attacks on Jews in Germany increasing, DW spoke with the renowned theologian Reuven Firestone, about the complex relations between Islam and Judaism, and how Muslims and Jews could be brought closer together.
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Trump Motivates Muslim Americans to Run For Office
The Philadelphia TribuneIn response to President Trump’s strong policies and rhetoric against Muslims, Muslim Americans are taking on the task of becoming politicians and public officials to combat the trend.
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'Blessed Ramadan' Lawn Sign Campaign Is Unexpected Success
StarTribuneMinnesota Army National Guard leaders are packing an unexpected item when they head to their annual training camp next month — a lawn sign displaying the words ‘To Our Muslim Neighbors: Blessed Ramadan.’
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Maydan editors selected some of the most thought-provoking news items on issues around Islam, religion and public-life for you. Let us know what you have been reading. Drop us a line at mediaroundups@themaydan.com!