October 16-22

Quebec's New Religious Neutrality Law Offers a Special Level of Hypocrisy

Quebec's New Religious Neutrality Law Offers a Special Level of Hypocrisy

CBC Radio-Canada

Sitting under the official crucifix of the National Assembly, Quebec’s Pauline Marois insists on passing legislation to keep religion out of the public sphere.
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Khizr Khan: The Patriotic American Muslim Who Called Out Donald Trump

Khizr Khan: The Patriotic American Muslim Who Called Out Donald Trump

The Guardian UK

A look at his memoir, An American Family, Khizr Khan, father of a U.S. servicemember who died in Iraq, challenges President Trump’s Islamophobic stance against Muslims in the U.S.
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Being Muslim in the NBA

Being Muslim in the NBA

The Undefeated

 Seven current and former NBA players participated in a roundtable discussing the challenges of being a Muslim basketball player, the reactions they have received from fans and teammates, and the influence of Islam on their lives.
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Czech Republic Politician Calls for Ban on Islam

Czech Republic Politician Calls for Ban on Islam

The Express Tribune

In a country with a low Muslim population, Czech populist Andrej Babis is predicted to win a majority in the Parliament with staunch anti-Muslim and Islamophobic rhetoric.
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Feminist campaigner accuses Oxford professor of rape

Feminist campaigner accuses Oxford professor of rape

The Guardian

French feminist campaigner accused academic Tariq Ramadan of rape, Ramadan rejects the accusation.
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Anti-Islamic Fliers Appear in Stewartville

Anti-Islamic Fliers Appear in Stewartville

Post Bulletin

Flyers targeting the ‘deception of Islam’ and its threat to ‘our way of life’ have been found across doors and neighborhoods in Stewartville, Minnesota as part of a staunch anti-Islamic speaker’s promotion.
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South Dakota Man Who Took Guns to Anti-Islam Event Sentenced

South Dakota Man Who Took Guns to Anti-Islam Event Sentenced


A South Dakota resident was found guilty on a federal firearms charge for aiming to spark violent reactions has been sentenced to 7 months in jail.
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Sima Wali, Champion of Afghan Women’s Rights, Is Dead at 66

Sima Wali, Champion of Afghan Women’s Rights, Is Dead at 66

The New York Times

Sima Wali was pronounced dead at 66 years of age. She will be remembered for her activism of human and women right’s against the uprising of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
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China Detains, Brainwashes 'Wild' Imams Who Step Out of Line in Xinjiang

China Detains, Brainwashes 'Wild' Imams Who Step Out of Line in Xinjiang

Radio Free Asia

Chinese authorities have begun arresting ‘wild’ imams whose preachings deviate from the interests of the Chinese state.
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Selangor Sultan Limits Mosques’ Use of Loudspeakers for Talks

Selangor Sultan Limits Mosques’ Use of Loudspeakers for Talks

The Malaysian Insight

A new ruling in Selangor, Malaysia dictates that Mosques can only use their public loudspeakers for Azan and Quranic recitation, in an attempt to maintain communal harmony.
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Beauty vs. Bombs: Could Muslim Fashion Unify the World?

Beauty vs. Bombs: Could Muslim Fashion Unify the World?

The Daily Telescope

In the heat of debate over Islamic dress, Sarah Ansari aims to use her brand to combine classic Islamic art with current, modern styles.
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Another Far-Right Party Has Won Voters' Hearts in Europe with Anti-Islam Message

Another Far-Right Party Has Won Voters' Hearts in Europe with Anti-Islam Message


Austria’s right-wing Freedom Party took about 1/4th of Parliamentary seats in the rise of populist, anti-Islam surges across Western Europe.
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Jeremy Corbyn Urges Twitter and Facebook to Tackle Religious Hatred

Jeremy Corbyn Urges Twitter and Facebook to Tackle Religious Hatred

The Guardian

‘We must stand up for each other’ maintains Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn as he addresses social media platforms to combat Islamophobia and hateful messages targeted towards minorities.
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How the North Benefits From Restructuring

How the North Benefits From Restructuring

The Guardian

With an abundance of wealth in natural resources, the corrupt government officials and businessmen of Nigeria’s ‘Islamic’ north will continue to grow their wealth to the dismay of the poor majority.
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Knock Down the Taj Mahal?

Knock Down the Taj Mahal?

National Review

Political leaders in India are discussing taking down the Taj Mahal, as they see it as a relic of the Islamic invasion and domination of alien powers.
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Saudi Arabia to Vet Use of Prophet's Sayings to Counter Extremism

Saudi Arabia to Vet Use of Prophet's Sayings to Counter Extremism


Saudi Arabia will establish a body of senior Islamic scholars to authenticate the usage of hadith, a policy meant to combat interpretations used by extremist groups, interpretations often seen as antithetical to traditional views.
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Raja Muda of Perlis Urges Muslims to Practice Moderation

Raja Muda of Perlis Urges Muslims to Practice Moderation

The Malaysian Insight

The Raja of Perlis urges Muslims to tackle Islamophobia through moderation of religious dealings and in their lives.
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Judge Theodore D. Chang Rules Against Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban

Judge Theodore D. Chang Rules Against Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban

Independent UK

A US District Judge from Maryland has ruled President Trump’s revised travel ban as unconstitutional, with reference to his tweets.
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Quebec Passes Law Banning Facial Coverings in Public

Quebec Passes Law Banning Facial Coverings in Public

The Guardian

The Canadian Province of Quebec has passed legislation banning Islamic veils in public transit and government buildings. Questions remain over the implementation and enforcement of this ruling.
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Islamic Seminary Issues Fatwa Banning Muslims from Posting Pictures on Social Media

Islamic Seminary Issues Fatwa Banning Muslims from Posting Pictures on Social Media

The Express Tribune

The Darul Uloom Deoband from India’s Uttar Pradesh ruled that it impermissible for men and women alike from sharing images of themselves on social media sites.
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British Men Suffering Islamophobic Abuse Because They 'look Muslim', Reveals Research

British Men Suffering Islamophobic Abuse Because They 'look Muslim', Reveals Research

Independent UK

Non-Muslim men in the UK, particularly those with beards or darker skin, face verbal and social discrimination for appearing to be associated with Islam.
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'Muslim And' Campaign Organizers Are Countering Trump's Travel Ban With An Inspiring Message About Diversity

'Muslim And' Campaign Organizers Are Countering Trump's Travel Ban With An Inspiring Message About Diversity


Advocates from the Muslim Youth Leadership Council are starting a movement in protest of President Trump’s travel ban called ‘Muslim And’ to show the diversity and intersectionality of many Muslims in the country.
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Burqa Bans: Which Countries Outlaw Face Coverings?

Burqa Bans: Which Countries Outlaw Face Coverings?

The New York Times

An updated list on the current state of Islamic veils in Western democracies takes a look at the rulings in some countries about the legislation of wearing a veil.
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Muslim Woman Wearing a Face-Covering Veil Says 'Islam Protects Women Like no Other Religion'

Muslim Woman Wearing a Face-Covering Veil Says 'Islam Protects Women Like no Other Religion'

DailyMail UK

Claiming Muslim women are not oppressed, one woman from Sydney, Australia claims that Islam provides a great deal of protection for the status and honor of women.
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Trump Misrepresents British Crime Statistics by Blaming ‘Islamic terror,’ U.K. Critics Say

Trump Misrepresents British Crime Statistics by Blaming ‘Islamic terror,’ U.K. Critics Say

The Washington Post

In a string of recent tweets, President Trump misplaces blame on increased crime in the UK on ‘Radical Islamic terror’ instead of the listed reasons of increase, such as categorical changes.
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Maydan editors selected some of the most thought-provoking news items on issues around Islam, religion and public-life for you. Let us know what you have been reading. Drop us a line at mediaroundups@themaydan.com!