September 18-24

German nationalist party presents anti-Islam platform

German nationalist party presents anti-Islam platform

AP News

Alternative for Germany (AfD), likely to gain seats in the national legislature for the first time, has proposed banning minarets and preventing teachers and students from wearing headscarves, among other policies.
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White House expands travel ban, restricting visitors from eight countries

White House expands travel ban, restricting visitors from eight countries

The Washington Post

The Trump administration reviewed and modified the list of nations subject to the Travel Ban, placing stricter measures on Iran and Syria, lifting the ban on Sudan, and adding Venezuela, North Korea, and Chad.
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The U.N. says Rohingya Muslims are facing ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. So why is India trying to kick them out too?

The U.N. says Rohingya Muslims are facing ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. So why is India trying to kick them out too?

LA Times

Government officials have called for the deportation of Rohingya refugees, stating that the population is in India illegally and raising security concerns.
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Defending Myanmar, Suu Kyi says most Rohingya villages calm

Defending Myanmar, Suu Kyi says most Rohingya villages calm

AP News

To defend against allegations of government atrocities, Aung San Suu Kyi has highlighted the Rohingya population that has remained in Myanmar and the proportion of Rohingya villages that have remained ‘intact.’
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Malaysia scraps beer festival following Islamists' objections

Malaysia scraps beer festival following Islamists' objections


The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) led a successful campaign to prevent the ‘Better Beer Festival 2017’ from receiving a permit to hold the event.
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Indian Government Says Rohingya Muslims Are Security Threat

Indian Government Says Rohingya Muslims Are Security Threat

NY Times

The Indian government claims evidence that Rohingya migrants are a threat and looks to deport the 16,500+ refugees seeking asylum.
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Spain reckons with legacy of Al Andalus in fight against extremism

Spain reckons with legacy of Al Andalus in fight against extremism


The history of Muslim rule on the Iberian Peninsula has provided an impetus for attacks in Spain.
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Rough Translation: Why Many Muslims In India Feel Yoga Has Been Weaponized

Rough Translation: Why Many Muslims In India Feel Yoga Has Been Weaponized


NPR interviewed a Muslim practitioner of yoga, who discussed Hindu nationalists’ use of yoga to promote Hinduism.
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Muslims more likely than Americans overall to say blacks lack equal rights in U.S.

Muslims more likely than Americans overall to say blacks lack equal rights in U.S.

Pew Research Center

Seventy-one percent of Muslim Americans say black Americans face a lot of discrimination, compared to fifty-nine percent of the general public.
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Saudi Shura Council to vote on curbing autonomy of morality police

Saudi Shura Council to vote on curbing autonomy of morality police


In the proposal being put before the Shura Council, the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice would be merged into the ministry of Islamic affairs.
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In Turkey’s New Curriculum, Ataturk, Darwin and Jihad Get Face-Lifts

In Turkey’s New Curriculum, Ataturk, Darwin and Jihad Get Face-Lifts

NY Times

Alongside broader reform in Turkish society to de-secularize, the public education system in Turkey will no longer teach theories of natural selection and Darwinism.
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Germany's far-right and Islamophobic groups rally together before vote

Germany's far-right and Islamophobic groups rally together before vote

Daily Sabah

Before the September 24 parliamentary elections, the right-wing movement PEGIDA endorsed candidates in Germany’s AfD, a conservative political party widely criticized for being Islamophobic.
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Aung San Suu Kyi sidesteps atrocity allegations in first address on Rohingya crisis

Aung San Suu Kyi sidesteps atrocity allegations in first address on Rohingya crisis

The Washington Post

The Burmese leader’s first public address regarding the crisis avoided directly answering allegations of human rights violations by government soldiers.
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Brussels exhibit tackles Islam in city scarred by terror

Brussels exhibit tackles Islam in city scarred by terror

AP News

The ‘Islam: It’s Also Our History’ exhibit addresses the long history of relations between Europe and Islam.
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Author Offers New Perspective on Role of Muslim Women in African Society

Author Offers New Perspective on Role of Muslim Women in African Society

Cornell Sun

Professor Ousseina Alidou of Rutgers University challenges the commonplace notion of Muslim Women in African societies, bringing to light their contributions in areas such as writing, politics, and justice.
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Who is Zannah Mustapha?

Who is Zannah Mustapha?

Ventures Africa

Recently awarded the 2017 UNHCR Nansen Refugee award, Nigerian community figure Zannah Mustapha was honored for his work in building schools and founding a safer, more prosperous community in his Islamic-based work.
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Uyghur Woman Handed 10-Year Prison Term Over Headscarf Claim

Uyghur Woman Handed 10-Year Prison Term Over Headscarf Claim

Radio Free Asia

Horigul Nasir, a young woman from China’s Uyghur provinces, was arrested and sentenced to 10 years and mandatory re-education camp over faulty allegations of promoting Islamic dress in Xinjiang.
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Saudi university to dismiss suspected Brotherhood-linked academics

Saudi university to dismiss suspected Brotherhood-linked academics


Al-Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh will dismiss a number of employees allegedly influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood.
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Roy Moore’s foundation shared a video in 2015 calling Obama a Muslim

Roy Moore’s foundation shared a video in 2015 calling Obama a Muslim


The Foundation for Moral Law, founded by Moore, promoted the conspiracy by sharing a video containing out-of-context statements given by President Obama.
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Why doesn’t the Muslim community look up to its black celebrities?

Why doesn’t the Muslim community look up to its black celebrities?

The Washington Post

The author discusses the disparate celebrations regarding wins by black Muslims and by South Asian Muslims at awards shows.
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Trojan horse: the real story behind the fake ‘Islamic plot’ to take over schools

Trojan horse: the real story behind the fake ‘Islamic plot’ to take over schools

The Guardian

The Guardian podcasts the history of a conspiracy alleging a plot to Islamize schools in Birmingham.
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Caravan of Love takes its peace message to Indian families touched by hate

Caravan of Love takes its peace message to Indian families touched by hate

The Guardian

Harsh Mander, the leader of Karwan-e-Mohabbat, or “Caravan of Love”, founded the organization to fight spreading religious intolerance and caste violence in India.
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China Bans Use Of Anti-Islam Words On Social Media

China Bans Use Of Anti-Islam Words On Social Media


State media has reported a government directed ban on ‘Islamophobic’ terms on social media.
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Business ties complicate Muslim states’ response to Rohingya

Business ties complicate Muslim states’ response to Rohingya

AP News

Business interests in Southeast Asia have likely prevented a stronger reaction against the violence in Myanmar.
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The World's Largest Hotel Chain Is Under Pressure To Cancel An Anti-Muslim Group’s Event

The World's Largest Hotel Chain Is Under Pressure To Cancel An Anti-Muslim Group’s Event

BuzzFeed News

The legal advocacy organization Muslim Advocates has asked that Marriott International cancel Act for America’s annual conference, planned to be held in October in Arlington, VA.
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Muharram 2017: Today marks the start of the Islamic New Year

Muharram 2017: Today marks the start of the Islamic New Year


September 21st marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year, a time when Muslims commemorate the hardships faced by Prophet Muhammad and his family.
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Fighting Islamophobia through health care in Cherry Hill

Fighting Islamophobia through health care in Cherry Hill

The Philadelphia Inquirer

A mosque in Cherry Hill, NJ has opened a free clinic and invites everyone in the community with no health coverage to be treated with the intention of demonstrating first-hand the Islamic tenets of community service.
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A Showdown Over Sharia

A Showdown Over Sharia

The Washington Post

A Washington Post reporter attends a meeting between two Muslim Americans and two right wing militia members in Texas, held to answer each other’s questions and find common ground in a polarized society.
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Prayers, sermons mark month of Muharram

Prayers, sermons mark month of Muharram

Times of India

With the beginning of the Islamic New Year, both Shi’a and Sunni Muslims will have sermons, prayers, and observances in remembrance of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad and martyr who defied the tyranny and oppression of his time.
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Muharram: Key Facts to Know About This 'Month of Sacrifice'

Muharram: Key Facts to Know About This 'Month of Sacrifice'

The month of Muharram marks the beginning of an 11-day period in which Shia Muslims across the world embrace solemness and mourning in memory of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the Prophet’s grandson.
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Muharram an opportunity to learn from history of Islam: Mirwaiz

Muharram an opportunity to learn from history of Islam: Mirwaiz

Kashmir Reader

Renowned religious scholar Mirwaiz Umar Farooq comments on the importance of self-introspection and appreciation in the study of the sacrifices made for justice by Imam Hussain, and how these lessons can help resolve suffering across the globe.
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Trump's unwelcoming message to Muslim Americans like me

Trump's unwelcoming message to Muslim Americans like me

Dr. Farukhdin Ahmed highlights the increased tensions he feels as a Muslim American and the sentiments of Muslim Americans in response to the increased sense of alienation and discrimination put forth by President Donald Trump and his administration.
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First responders rip Muslim author's planned appearance at 9/11 museum

First responders rip Muslim author's planned appearance at 9/11 museum

NY Daily News

First responders to the 9/11 site in New York remark at the perceived disrespect they feel by having a Muslim author visit the World Trade Center site.
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A Rabbi, an Imam and a Message of Inclusion at a Muslim Parade

A Rabbi, an Imam and a Message of Inclusion at a Muslim Parade

NY Times

Standing side by side at New York’s annual Muslim Day parade, Rabbi Marc Schneier and Imam Shamsi Ali send a message of unity and solidarity against both Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism.
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Worlds of Islam, Michael Jackson collide in Egyptian film

Worlds of Islam, Michael Jackson collide in Egyptian film

AP News

‘Sheikh Jackson’, the first Egyptian film concentrating on Salafism, follows a Salafi Egyptian’s love of the music of Michael Jackson.
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