May 28-June 4

Maydan editors selected some of the most thought-provoking news items on issues around Islam, religion and public-life for you. Let us know what you have been reading. Drop us a line at!

‘It’s Haunting Me’: Teen Harassed on Portland Train Speaks Out on 2 Men Dead, 1 Injured After Defending Her

‘It’s Haunting Me’: Teen Harassed on Portland Train Speaks Out on 2 Men Dead, 1 Injured After Defending Her


After the attack in Portland, one of the teens being harassed thanks the men that defended her. 
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NJ mosque wins $3.25 million in settlement of discrimination case

NJ mosque wins $3.25 million in settlement of discrimination case

Religion News Service

A muslim community in New Jersey that faced discrimination by local officials wins a discrimination case and gains the right to build a local mosque. 
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Border Advice for Muslims Alarms Australian Official — but It Came From His Department

Border Advice for Muslims Alarms Australian Official — but It Came From His Department

The New York Times

An anti-terrorism booklet alarms immigration minister Peter Dutton – even though his own departed provided the information. 
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Christian church destroyed by Isis rebuilt by Muslim residents

Christian church destroyed by Isis rebuilt by Muslim residents

Metro UK

Muslim residents in Mosul get together and help rebuild a church destroyed by ISIS. 
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 Egypt's Al-Azhar looks to 'cafe preachers' to spread its message

Egypt's Al-Azhar looks to 'cafe preachers' to spread its message


Preachers from Al-Azhar visit local cafes to educate others. 
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20th-century Libyan jihadism's role in Manchester attack

20th-century Libyan jihadism's role in Manchester attack


Salman Abedi, the perpetrator of the Manchester attack, is another in the long list of young Muslims attracted to jihadism today.
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'Bomb violence with mercy': anti-terror ad goes viral in Middle East

'Bomb violence with mercy': anti-terror ad goes viral in Middle East

The Guardian

An ad by a telecommunications company has attracted both praise and derision for its message to “bomb violence with mercy.” 
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Manchester surgeon: 'The families understand this attack does not represent Muslims'

Manchester surgeon: 'The families understand this attack does not represent Muslims'

The Guardian

A muslim surgeon who operated on victims of the Manchester attack relays how victims and families accept that the attacker’s views don’t reflect on all Muslims.
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How did the left radicalism of my Manchester youth give way to Islamism?

How did the left radicalism of my Manchester youth give way to Islamism?

The Guardian

A political activist explains how the social landscape around young British muslims shapes their journey into radicalism. 
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Palestinian judge bans divorce during Ramadan because ‘people make hasty decisions when they’re hungry’:

Palestinian judge bans divorce during Ramadan because ‘people make hasty decisions when they’re hungry’:

The Independent

Based on experience from previous years, a Palestinian religious court bans divorce during Ramadan. 
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During Ramadan, Home Cooks Shine

During Ramadan, Home Cooks Shine

The New York Times

Never are home-cooked meals more celebrated and appreciated than during Ramadan.
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China trying to stop Muslims observing holy month in restive Xinjiang region

China trying to stop Muslims observing holy month in restive Xinjiang region

The Independent

The ruling Communist Party in China has seemingly taken measures to prevent ethnic Uyghur Muslims from fasting during Ramadan. 
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The Problem with Liberal Opposition to Islamophobia

The Problem with Liberal Opposition to Islamophobia

Roar Magazine

While the left frequently decries and denounces islamophobia, the arguments liberals use are often more harmful than not. 
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Pentagon Will Be Hosting A Ramadan Iftar Dinner This Year - But White House and State are AWOL

Pentagon Will Be Hosting A Ramadan Iftar Dinner This Year - But White House and State are AWOL

The Intercept

While the White House is seemingly declining to host an iftar dinner this year – a tradition spanning over a decade – the Pentagon is hosting its own iftar in recognition of Ramadan. 
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The Film “When God Sleeps” Chooses Stereotypes About Iran Over Good Storytelling:

The Film “When God Sleeps” Chooses Stereotypes About Iran Over Good Storytelling:


 While the film “When God Sleeps” might have noble intentions, its reliance on stereotypes hampers its message.
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How the Muslim World Was Invented:

How the Muslim World Was Invented:

Foreign Affairs

Two scholars review the recent book by Cemil Aydin, The Idea of Muslim World” and argue that The notion of a “Muslim world” is not a result of Islamic “theological requirements or a uniquely high level of Muslim piety,” but a product of the West. 
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The Greatest, at Rest

The Greatest, at Rest


Following the death of Muhammad Ali, this is the story of how he was put to rest.
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Exclusive: The Real Reason Muhammad Ali Converted to Islam

Exclusive: The Real Reason Muhammad Ali Converted to Islam


Muhammad Ali’s conversion to Islam turned him into a powerful figure in the American Muslim community; TIME discovers another facet in his decision to convert.
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The meaning in my student, Taliesin Namkai-Meche's last words

The meaning in my student, Taliesin Namkai-Meche's last words

The Oregonian

Scholar of Islam, Reed College Professor Kambiz Ghaneabassiri comments on his student’s heroic stand.
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18th Century Qur’an Transcribed by a Woman

18th Century Qur’an Transcribed by a Woman

Islamic Arts Magazine

Bosnian women scribes have largely been ignored in the cultural and material history of the Qur’an. A new project investigating the Ottoman history of Bosnia foregrounds the important role of women in Ottoman cultural life. 
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