May 15-21

Who better to lecture Muslims than Islam expert Donald Trump?

Who better to lecture Muslims than Islam expert Donald Trump?

The Guardian

 David Shariatmadari writes about the contradictions present in Donald Trump’s request that Muslim leaders combat extremism despite his own extreme positions such as favoring Saudi Arabia over Iran. 
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The Myth of the Muslim World

The Myth of the Muslim World

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Asma Asfaruddin reviews Cemil Aydın’s new book The Idea of the Muslim World with close attention to some of the premodern predecessors to the modern conundrums that Aydin addresses. 
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Trump will speak to Muslim leaders in Saudi Arabia about radical Islam

Trump will speak to Muslim leaders in Saudi Arabia about radical Islam

The Hill

On Donald Trump’s first trip abroad, he will speak to Muslim leaders in Saudi Arabia about promoting moderate Islam and fighting terrorist groups. 
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 ‘I think Islam hates us’: A timeline of Trump’s comments about Islam and Muslims

‘I think Islam hates us’: A timeline of Trump’s comments about Islam and Muslims

The Washington Post

 During Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia, journalists have compiled a timeline of Trump’s comments on Islam. 
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Trump summons Muslim nations to confront ‘Islamic terror of all kinds’

Trump summons Muslim nations to confront ‘Islamic terror of all kinds’

The Washington Post

While in Saudi Arabia, Trump asked Muslim leaders to unite against terrorism, while avoiding the phrase “radical Islamic terror.” 
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'Drive Them Out': Trump Addresses Muslim Leaders on Terrorism

'Drive Them Out': Trump Addresses Muslim Leaders on Terrorism

The Atlantic

 Donald Trump’s tone has changed since his campaign trail speeches. Does this change in tone reflect a change in policy towards a more pragmatic approach? 
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The Self-Taught Philosopher: How a 900-year-old Arabic tale inspired the Enlightenment

The Self-Taught Philosopher: How a 900-year-old Arabic tale inspired the Enlightenment

CBC Radio

Lenn Goodman interviews Avner Ben-Zaken about Ibn Tufayl’s short story Hayy ibn Yaqzan, which was immensely important in philosophical circles for centuries. 
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Pew Research

Pew Research

The New Republic

Jeff Sharlet reviews Frances Fitzgerald’s The Evangelicals providing a brief history of the “evangelical vote” and the “Christian Right” to shed light on Donald Trump’s victory with white evangelical voters. 
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New Islamic institute prioritizes outreach, education

New Islamic institute prioritizes outreach, education

The Washington Post

 Imam Hassan Qazwini and the Islamic Institute of America plan to open a outreach center in Dearborn, Michigan. This center and its leadership hope to use this center to for education and interfaith engagement. 
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Ramadan 2017: Fasting hours around the world

Ramadan 2017: Fasting hours around the world

Al Jazeera

Fasting times around the world vary. Aljazeera has listed various cities across the globe and the length of time they will be fasting. 
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US VP warns of ISIL 'genocide' against Christians

US VP warns of ISIL 'genocide' against Christians

Al Jazeera

Vice President Mike Pence spoke about a “genocide” against Christians at the first World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians in Washington DC. Critics accuse Pence of downplaying discrimination against non-Christian minorities such as the Yazidis and the Rohingya. 
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Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an

Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an

The Immanent Frame

The Immanent Frame hosts a series focused on re-reading Denise Spellberg’s Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an in the political climate of 2017. 
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A State of suspicion: Counter-radicalization in Norway

A State of suspicion: Counter-radicalization in Norway

The Immanent Frame

 Sindre Bangstad discusses radicalization and counter-radicalization discourses in contemporary Norway as right-wing parties are on the rise globally. 
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