04-10 March Islam in Media Roundup

…Recognize the Muslim Community’s Diversity (Guest Column) Variety Sue Obeidi director of the Muslim Political Action Committee’s Hollywood bureau writes that the very recent inclusion of American Muslims doesn’t erase…

20-26 May Islam in Media Roundup

…dozen members of this Muslim community gathered in front of the building for what should have been a familiar Ramadan ritual — a community iftar, or the breaking of the…

22-28 April Islam in Media Roundup

Philly’s Muslim cabbies’ ingenuity and community build a mosque at the airport The Philadelphia Inquirer The mosque on Island Avenue is a humble monument to the efforts of cab drivers,…

30 July-5 August – Islam in Media Roundup

communities in the UK are being called on by the government to help combat violent extremism and radicalisation. Read More The distortion of Islam that drives terrorism The Washington Post…

25-31 March Islam in Media Roundup

…Reuters The suit filed by the French Council of the Islamic Faith alleges that the companies incited violence by allowing the streaming of footage of the Christchurch massacre on their…

February 13 – 19

…pass an amendment to existing criminal legislation stating that religious marriages must comply with existing marriage laws in England and Wales. Read More How Islamic Scholarship Birthed Modern Astronomy Astronomy…

September 26 – October 2

…Defense Against Extremism TIME Qasim Rashid, an attorney and national spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, argues why post 9/11 reform of Islam has only made extremism a larger…