An invitation from Dr. Aminah Al-Deen, PI, Black American Muslim Internationalism Project at AbuSulayman Center for Global Islamic Studies at George Mason University
I pray this reaches you enjoying the many blessings of Allah. Please join me at an historic meeting of Black Muslims on February 15, 2023 at Howard University to discuss the status of Black Muslim Communities. This conversation will be hosted by the Black American Muslim Internationalism Project (BAMI) at George Mason University (GMU)’s AbuSulayman Center for Global Islamic Studies (ACGIS) and Howard University’s Department of Religious Life. The BAMI project, hosted at ACGIS, is funded by the Henry Luce Foundation. This project has several connecting aspects: online convenings, podcast interviews and roundtables, and articles in conjunction with an already functioning After Malcolm Archival Project. BAMI is a multi-year project involving research and interviews with members of various communities in Philadelphia, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. Visit themaydan.com to stay up to date with BAMI events and outputs.
We welcome your participation in all events and especially this one, taking place on Wednesday February 15, 2023; 6-8 pm at Howard University
The conversation in February will be about the status of Black Muslim communities where we will have a series of roundtable discussions about Black Muslim life. We will discuss: how we understand or resist participation in movements for justice and economic/political inclusion; and what we think about the struggles of Muslims in Muslim majority states among other things.
It’s symbolic that we are holding this Convening at Howard University, where many Black Muslim efforts got their start in the latter part of the 20th century as well as a recognition of the university’s lifelong support for religious freedom and social justice issues. This conversation is open to the communities, students, and the general public.
We anticipate a vibrant discussion/conversation at the Howard University Blackburn Center Gallery Lounge, 2397 6th Street NW, Washington D.C. 20059, from 6-8 pm on February 15, 2023.
Please visit themaydan.com/bamiconvening to record your RSVP.
Prof. Aminah Al-Deen, PI, Black American Muslim Internationalism (BAMI) Project
AbuSulayman Center for Global Islamic Studies
George Mason University