Check out our Journal Roundups for the latest articles in Islamic studies. This is the forty-third iteration to be published and the Fall 2021 edition is now online. The Fall 2021 edition currently has issues from 77 journals in a wide variety of subjects and disciplines and will be revised as more journals announce their Fall issues.
The journal roundup project covers over 90 English language journals in a variety of disciplines related to Islamic Studies, providing the table of contents for each journal as a tool for researchers, academics, students, and those generally interested in the field of Islamic Studies. We include only articles; book reviews can be found on the journal sites. Please let us know if we have missed any journals or if you have questions at journals@themaydan.com. [Curated by Aysenur Sonmez Kara and Wali Siddiq].
- Afghanistan
- Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur’an and Hadith Studies
- Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies
- Al-Masāq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean
- al-Qantara
- Arab Law Quarterly (Two Issues)
- Arab Studies Journal
- Arab Studies Quarterly
- Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (Two Issues)
- Asian Affairs
- Australian Journal of Islamic Studies (Two Issues)
- British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
- Central Asian Affairs (Three Issues)
- Central Asian Survey
- Critical Muslim (Three Issues)
- Comparative Islamic Studies
- Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East
- Contemporary Arab Affairs
- Contemporary Islam
- Contemporary Levant
- Contemporary Review of the Middle East
- Der Islam
- Die Welt des Islams (Two Issues)
- Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and Islamic World (Two Issues)
- History of Religions
- Ilahiyat Studies: A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies
- Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
- International Journal of Middle East Studies
- International Journal of Persian Literature
- Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
- Islam and Civilizational Renewal
- Islamic Law and Society
- Islamophobia Studies Journal
- Israel Affairs
- Jerusalem Quarterly
- Journal of Abbasid Studies
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion
- Journal of the American Oriental Society
- Journal of Arabic Literature
- Journal of Asian and African Studies (Two Issues)
- Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (Two Issues)
- Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies
- Journal of Humanity and Society
- Journal of Islamic Ethics
- Journal of Islamic Manuscripts
- Journal of the Middle East and Africa
- Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies
- Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society
- Journal of Muslim Mental Health
- Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
- Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society
- Journal of Muslims in Europe
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies
- Journal of North African Studies (Two Issues)
- Journal of Qurʾanic Studies
- Journal of Religion in Africa
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of Sufi Studies
- Mamluk Studies Review
- Medieval Encounters
- Middle East Critique
- The Middle East Journal
- Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication
- Middle East Law and Governance: An Interdisciplinary Journal
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Muqarnas
- Nazariyat: Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences
- Oriens
- Oriente Moderno (Three Issues)
- Philosophy and Social Criticism (Three Issues)
- Politics and Religion
- Politics, Religion & Ideology
- Religion Compass (Islam Section)
- Sociology of Islam
- Studia Islamica
- Turkish Historical Review
- Turkish Studies
- Journal of Palestine Studies

Volume 4 Issue 2The Muqaddam Represented in the pre-Mongol Persian Documents from Ghur By: Said Reza Husseini
The Pashtun Borderlands: Development, Nation, and Agency 1947–55 By: Robert Nichols
Dissolving Gender Difference – Female Teachers, Male Allies and the Creation of Islamic Sufi Authority in Afghanistan By: Annika Schmeding
Nurturing Masculinity, Resisting Patriarchy: An Ethnographic Account of Four Women’s Folk Songs from Northeastern Afghanistan By: Wolayat Tabasum Niroo

Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies
Volume 19 Issue 2Qurʾanic Figurative Language to Develop High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and Religious Tolerance among Language Learners By: Dr. Mahrus Asʾad, Dr. Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, and Dr. Wagdi Rashad Ali Bin-Hady
Women and Ḥadīth Transmission: Prolific Role of Aisha in Validation and Impugnment of Prophetic Traditions By: Musferah Mehfooz
The Progress of the Quranic Scientific Exegesis in South-East Asia By: Lukman Afandi and Monika @ Munirah Abd Razzak
Mubālaghah according to al-ʿAlawi’s Perspective: Studies on Mubālaghah Elements in Hadiths Related to Heaven By: Mohamad Hussin and Mohd Hafiz Jamaludin
Kredibiliti dan Pengaruh Faridah binti Mat Saman Terhadap Institusi Tarannum di Negeri Kelantan Credibility and Influence of Faridah binti Mat Saman on Tarannum Institution in Kelantan By: Shafiza Safie, Mohd Yakub Zulkifli bin Mohd Yusof, and Khadher Ahmad
Ibn Juraij’s Deception between Theory and Practice: An Applied Study on Sahih lbn Hibban By: Majed Muhammad Abdoh
Parents’ Rights in The Light of the Qurʾan and the Bible: A Comparative Study By:: Yousef Mohammad Al-Miʾani, Thabet Abu Al-Haj, and Mustafā Abdullah
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Volume 59 Issue 2Reforming Islamic Marriage Bureaucracy in Indonesia: Approaches and Impacts By: Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie, Fathudin Fathudin, Windy Triana
Marital Property within the Marriage Law: A Debate on Legal Position and Actual Applications By: Ibnu Elmi AS. Pelu, Ahmad Dakhoir
Khilāfah in the View of Nahdhatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, and Nahdhatul Wathan (NW) Ulema in Lombok By: Musawar Musawar, Gatot Suhirman
Implementation of Indonesian Islamic Family Law to Guarantee Children’s Rights By: Khoiruddin Nasution, Syamruddin Nasution
On the Normalization of Diplomatic Relationship Between Israel and Muslim Countries: A Study of Classic Fiqh and Contemporary Fatwas By: JM Muslimin, Mahmoud Mohamed Hosny
Animal Ethics and the Philosophy of Its Existence; An Outline of the Theory of “Common Beliefs” By: Mohsen Shiravand, Sepideh Razi
Maqāṣidi Tafsir: Uncovering and Presenting Maqāṣid Ilāhī-Qur’anī into Contemporary Context By: Aksin Wijaya, Shofiyullah Muzammil
Differing Responses to Western Hermeneutics: A Comparative Critical Study of M. Quraish Shihab’s and Muḥammad ‘Imāra’s Thoughts By: Sahiron Syamsuddin

Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean
Volume 33 Issue 3From Amida to Famagusta via Cairo: The Syrian Scribe Yūsuf ibn Sbāṭ in His Eastern Mediterranean Context c. 1350–1360 By: Alice Croq
Reframing the Qarāmānids: Exploring Cultural Life through the Arts of the Book By: Cailah Jackson
The Modern Historiography of Byzantine and Islamic Philosophy: A Comparison By: Maria Mavroudi
The “ʿasākir al-Shām”: Medieval Arabic Historiography of the Siege, Capture and Battle of Antioch during the First Crusade 490–491/1097–1098 By: James Wilson

Volume 42 Issue 2El hospital y la cofradía morisca de La Resurrección. ¿Fracaso o éxito de la política evangelizadora castellana? By: Amalia García-Pedraza
Un precinto bilingüe de plomo de la conquista omeya de la península ibérica By: Ruth Pliego, Tawfiq Ibrahim
El retrato de la otredad en la Relación de la jornada de Cíbola: recursos léxicos para la arabización del indígena By: Patricia Giménez-Eguíbar, Sonia Kania
Poblamiento y asentamientos rurales andalusíes: análisis del paisaje y caracterización territorial de un valle del ʿamal Šaqūra (siglos VIII-XII) By: Santiago Quesada-García
El miʿrāǧ de Muḥammad según Baldassarre Loyola Mandes S.J. (1631-1667).Fuentes, controversia y cristianización de una tradición islámica By: Federico Stella
La onomástica femenina de la dinastía meriní de Fez (siglos XIII-XV). Identificación y estudio By: Bárbara Boloix-Gallardo
La representación de la vida cotidiana de las mujeres de las clases bajas en los libros de adab: aproximación a partir de un ejemplar de época nazarí (s. VIII/XIV) By: Desirée López-Bernal

Arab Law Quarterly
Volume 35 Issue 5The Special Role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the Muslim Holy Shrines in Jerusalem By: Victor Kattan
The Role of the Judiciary in Promoting the Right to a Clean Environment in Kuwait, Egypt and the United States By: Ahmad S. Al-Otaibi and John H. Minan
The (Mis)framing of Arab Commercial Adjudication: The Sharīʿah, Political Contestation, and Due Process By: Abdulmalik M. Altamimi and Cecile Abi Tayeh

Arab Law Quarterly
Volume 36 Issue 1-2Internment or Assigned Residence of Palestinian Protected Persons without Trial or Charge: Victims of War Crimes By: Basheer al-Zoughbi
Interest and Banks in Saudi Arabia: A Dilemma By: Saleh Abdulrahman Alamer
Singapore Convention on Mediation: Should Iran Follow the Position of Qatar? By: Ali Moghaddam Abrishami
Small Business Bankruptcy Reform in the Arab World: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back By: Jason J. Kilborn
An Analysis of the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards in Palestine: Realities, Drawbacks, and Prospects By: Mohammad Adeb Abu Shehab
Trafficked Refugees: The Jordanian Efforts to Address this Issue By: Muath Al-Zoubi
Delay Damages: The Application of Qatari National Law to Article 8(8) of the 2017 Red Book By: Nisreen Mahasneh
The Challenges of Registration of Asylum-Seekers in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan By: Sarah Mahmoud al-Arasi, Muneer Mohammad Shahada al-Afaishat, and Tareq Majed al-Tibi

Arab Studies Journal
Volume 29 Issue 2Al-Qahira-Baghdad: The Transnational and Transregional History of Iraq’s Early Cinema Industry By: Pelle Valentin Olsen
Introduction to Special Section: Where is the Maghrib? By: Brahim El Guabli
The Liminal Intellectual: A Contrapuntal Reading of Abdellatif Laâbi’s Un Autre Maroc By: Sonja Hegasy
The Maghrib in Spain: An Outer-Inner Space By: Carlos Cañete and Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla
“Collecting Bosoms”: Sex, Race, and Masculinity at the Pan-African Festival of Algiers, 1969 By: Paraska Tolan-Szkilnik
Introduction: The Fourth Gaza War and the Unity Intifada of 2021 By: Charles Anderson
Permission to Narrate 2.0 By: Marwa Fatafta
The Unity Intifada: Assessments and Predictions By: Dana El Kurd
The Green Line Never Existed By: Diana Buttu
Equality vs. Freedom: Continuity and Change in the Demands of ‘48 Palestinians By: Maha Nassar
A Global People By: Esmat Elhalaby

Arab Studies Quarterly
Volume 43 Issue 4The Truth Will Out: Mohsin Hamid Speaks His Name in The Reluctant Fundamentalist By: Mohamed Salah-Eddine Madiou
Intercultural Dialogue, Diaspora, and the Divided Self in Nasrallah’s Canadian Fiction (2004) By: Wisam Kh. Abdul-Jabbar
Patriarchy, Subordination, and Rise of the Individual in Hisham Matar’s In the Country of Men By: Nevine Abraham
Sino-Egyptian Relations Post-2013: The Dynamics and Challenges of an Emerging Strategic Partnership By: Gamal M. Selim and Rania S. Moaaz

Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Volume 68 Issue 4Les désarrois du ministre Ḫayr al-Dīn : la faillite des dynasties ottomane et beylicale d’après les mémoires de Ṭāhar Bāšā (1921-1934) By: Antoine Perrier
Iʿrāb… à théologie variable ? By: Francesco Binaghi
A Papyrus Fragment Related to Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih’s al-ʿIqd al-farīd* By: Mark Muehlhaeusler
Further to the Pre-Muḥammadan Allāh By: Aziz Al-Azmeh

Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Volume 68 Issue 5-6The Authorship of al-Risāla l-Ǧāmiʿa Re-Examined By: Janne Mattila
Rutba vs Ġāya: A Reconsideration of the Impact of the Rasāʾil Iḫwān al-Ṣafāʾ on Maslama b. Qāsim al-Qurṭubī By: Godefroid de Callataÿ
Scientific Method in Late-Antique Paganism: The (Rational) Empiricism of al-Filāḥa l-nabaṭiyya (The Nabatean Agriculture) By: Elaine van Dalen
The Four Signs of the Art: Edition and Translation of an Alchemical Epistle Attributed to Ḫālid b. Yazīd and its Latin Translation By: Marion Dapsens and Sébastien Moureau
Looted Libraries and Legitimation Policies: Ptolemy, the Library of al-Arawšī and the Translation Movement in Toledo By: José Bellver

Asian Affairs
Volume 52 Issue 4THE IMPACT OF VISION 2030 ON SAUDI YOUTH MINDSETS By: Mark C. Thompson

Australian Journal of Islamic Studies
Volume 6 Issue 3Appraising Sufism in the Thought of Ibn Taymiyyah and Hasan al-Banna: A Comparative Perspective By: Ahmed Nafiu Arikewuyo
English Qur’ān Translators’ Responses to Pausing Signs, Al-Waqf Wa Al-ibtidā By: Ismail Albayrak
The Religious Others in the Qur’ān and Conversion: Farid Esack on Pluralism and Reza Shah-Kazemi on Interfaith Dialogue By: Reiko Okawa
Pope Francis’ Dialogue Initiatives with Muslims: Opportunities and Challenges By: Salih Yucel, Muhammed Tahir
Eco-Religious Teachings and Environmental Sustainability: An Analysis of Workability of Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s ‘Eco-Spirituality’ in the Context of Bangladesh By: Md. Abu Sayem

Australian Journal of Islamic Studies
Volume 6 Issue 4Tafsir in the Non-Arab Muslim World – I By: Peter G. Riddell, Hakan Coruh
Tafsīr al-Jalālayn at the Crossroads: Interpreting the Qur’ān in Modern Indonesia By: Ervan Nurtawab
Scientific Qur’anic Exegesis in Indonesia: Contributions by Scholars, Institutions, and the Government By: Aqdi Rofiq Asnawi, Syukron Affani, Zaenatul Hakamah
Vernacular Tafsir in Madura: Negotiating Idea of Human Equality in the Social Hierarchical Tradition By: Ulya Fikriyati, Ah Fawaid, Subkhani Kusuma Dewi
The View of the Other in Modern Malay Exegesis of the Quran By: Nasrin Nasir
Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover: Chronologically Reading Ibn ‘Atiyyah’s Interpretation of the Zakāh Passages By: Mu’ammar Zayn Qadafy
Shaykh Ali Hemed al-Buhriy’s Mrima Swahili Translation of the Qur’ān and its Place in Islamic Scholarship in East Africa By: Abdin Chande

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Volume 48 Issue 5“Knight of Internationalization”: U.N. delegate Charles Malik of Lebanon and U.N. General Assembly Resolution 303 calling for the internationalization of Jerusalem By: Elad Ben-Dror
Readjustment or reversal? The ‘normalization’ of relations between France and Israel, 1957–63 By: Jan Zouplna
The Iraqi protest movement: social mobilization amidst violence and instability By: Irene Costantini
Three murders and a mandate: on property and French sovereignty in interwar Syria By: Alexis Rappas
The AKP, party system change, and political representation by women in Turkey By: F. Michael Wuthrich
Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum: political parties, opportunity and timing By: Sara D. Mustafa
Social inclusion and legal exclusion in a Jewish or democratic state: intermarriage in the Zionist movement and the early State of Israel By: Anne Perez
Listening in from afar: the BBC Arabic service and the Bahrain radio listeners’ committee, 1938–1943 By: Andrea L Stanton
Chinese ‘Soft Power Pipelines Diffusion’ (SPPD) to the Middle Eastern Arab Countries 2000-2018: A Discursive-Institutional Study By: Roie Yellinek, Yossi Mann & Udi Lebel
Revisiting multilateralism in the Middle East between securitization and desecuritization of the Kurds By: Jülide Karakoç
Authoritarianism in the information age: state branding, depoliticizing and ‘de-civilizing’ of online civil society in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates By: Robert Uniacke
British policy towards Iran 1809-1914: the question of cost By: Vanessa Martin
Search and sovereignty: the relatives of the Lebanese disappeared in Syria By: Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
The representation(s) of Saudi women pre-driving era in local newspapers and magazines: a critical discourse analysis By: Tariq Elyas, Kholoud Ali Al-Zhrani, Abrar Mujaddadi & Alaa Almohammadi
‘We are rich in mass graves’: representing a history of violence through Êzîdî poetry By: Mairéad Smith

Central Asian Affairs
Volume 8 Issue 2Civil Society and Patterns of Security in Central Asia By: Christoph Schuck and Andreas Vasilache
State Regulation of Organized Civil Society in Hybrid Regimes: A Systematic Assessment of Cross-National Variations in the Regulation of Civil Society Organizations in Seven Post-Soviet Countries By: Serik Beimenbetov
EU Efforts to Prevent Violent Extremism (PVE) by Engaging Civil Society in Kyrgyzstan By: Chiara Pierobon
Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy Change: Kyrgyzstan’s U-Turns on the U.S. Air Base at Manas Airport By: Shairbek Dzhuraev
Cooperation from Outside: Security Regionalism in Central Asia and Its Limits By: Sebastian Mayer

Central Asian Affairs
Volume 8 Issue 3Bargaining over Remittances in Tajik Extended Families By: Sabiha Yeasmin Rosy and Fatemeh Nejati
Kazakhstan in World War II: Authors and Publishers of Post-1991 History Textbooks By: Berikbol Dukeyev
Authoritarian Regime Stability in Uzbekistan under Patronal President Islam Karimov By: Bekzod Zakirov

Central Asian Affairs
Volume 8 Issue 4Introduction: Ethnic, Civic, or Both? The Ethnicities of Kazakhstan in Search of an Identity and Homeland By: Beate Eschment and Bruno De Cordier
Identity of Kazakhstan’s Uyghurs: Migration, Homeland, and Language By: Ablet Kamalov
The Chechens and Kurds of Kazakhstan between Historical and Second Homelands By: Beate Eschment

Central Asian Survey
Volume 40 Issue 4Introduction: 30 years of Central Asian studies – the best is yet to come By: Erica Marat
On writing Soviet History of Central Asia: frameworks, challenges, prospects By: Botakoz Kassymbekova & Aminat Chokobaeva
Central Asia: from dark matter to a dark curtain? By: Assel Tutumlu
Writing about peoples: an American’s reflections on 30 years of Central Asian studies By: Russell Zanca
Islam in Central Asia 30 years after independence: debates, controversies and the critique of a critique By: Adeeb Khalid
On the brink and at the world’s edge: Western approaches to Central Asia’s international politics, 1991–2021 By: Alexander Cooley
Studying states and regimes in Central Asia: contributions to comparative politics and future challenges By: Lawrence P. Markowitz & Scott Radnitz
Academic freedom in Tajikistan: how the suppression, acquiescence and incorporation of intellectuals strengthens the state and affects knowledge production By: Oleg Antonov, Edward Lemon & Parviz Mullojonov
Critical Muslim
Volume 40 Issue 1CM@10 By: Ziauddin Sardar
The Puzzling Memoir of Hanna Diyab By: Robert Irwin
Munshi Abdullah By: Hilman Fikri Azman
Yasmina Khadra By: Bina Shah
Did I Really See the Taj Mahal? By: Boyd Tonkin
Said and Done By: Faisal Devji
Suspicious Muslims By: Saimma Dyer
Critical Muslim
Volume 40 Issue 2Biographies of the Prophet By: Shanon Shah
Muhammad Asad, the Neglected Thinker By: Josef Linhoff
Aamer By: Taha Kehar
My Life As An Anti-Racist By: Hassan Mahamdallie
Broken Biscuits By: Amina Atiq
Anwar’s Humane Economics By: Mohammad Aslam Haneef
The List: Eight Stolen and Fabricated Biographies By: C. Scott Jordan
Critical Muslim
Volume 40 Issue 3Merryl By: Ziauddin Sardar
Looking For Transcendence By: Shabana Mir
DNA: A Personal Story By: Jeremy Henzell-Thomas
Mossland By: Robin Yassin-Kassab
Three Poems By: Ruth Padel
Singer, Songwriter, Sufi By: Medina Tenour Whiteman
Last Word: On University, Change and Travel By: Merryl Wyn Davies

Comparative Islamic Studies
Volume 14 Issue 1-2Miracles and Madness: A “Prophet” of Singapore Islam By: Teren Sevea
The Loss of Tawhidi Worldview in Islamic World: Another Ecological Consequence of Modernization By: Wardah Alkatiri

Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East
Volume 41 Issue 3Eyes at a Distance of Six Feet By: Hasan Mujtaba; Asma Abbas; Sanya Hussain
COVID Roundtable: Pandemic Biopolitics, Ruptures, and Risks By: Sunil Amrith; Omar Dewachi; Julie Livingston; Kavita Sivaramakrishnan; Banu Subramaniam
Paya Soup By: Harris Solomon
Sanitary Passports and the Birth of the Immunized Self By: Joelle M. Abi-Rached
From Internationalism to Nationalism: A New Vaccine Apartheid By: Dwaipayan Banerjee
Toward a Global Intellectual History of “Minority” By: Roy Bar Sadeh; Lotte Houwink ten Cate
What Is a “Minority” in an Imperial Formation?: Thoughts on the Russian Empire By: Paul W. Werth
Minorities Treaties and Mandatory Regimes: The Racialization of Sovereignty after 1919 By: Laura Robson
The “Fate of Minorities” in the Early Afro-Asian Struggle for Decolonization By: Cindy Ewing
Infrastructures of Minoritization By: On Barak
Self-Minoritization: Performing Difference in Colonial Algeria By: Amal Ghazal
On the Huihui Question: Islam and Ideology in Twentieth-Century China By: Aaron Glasserman
Thinking the Question of Religious Minorities in Colonial South Asia: Some Notes on Intra-Muslim and Hindu-Muslim Encounters By: SherAli Tareen
The Place of Political Membership: Abul Kalam Azad’s Critique of Borders and Nations By: Shaunna Rodrigues
All the Poor and Wretched: Islam and the Politics of Difference in Tan Malaka’s Marxist Writings, 1922–30 By: Kelvin Ng
The Fruit of the Arts and the Mob: Global Minorities during the Dreyfus Affair By: Orit Bashkin
Minor Threats and the Biopolitics of Youth By: Judith Surkis
Intimacy and Estrangement: Safaricom, Divisibility, and the Making of the Corporate Nation-State By: Emma Park
From Religious Eulogy to War Anthem: Kurdizadeh’s “Layla Bigufta” and Blackness in Late Twentieth-Century Iran By: Beeta Baghoolizadeh
From the Subcontinent with Love: India and Activist Diplomacy in Twentieth-Century Central Africa By: Trishula Patel
Middle East Popular Politics in Gramscian Perspective By: John Chalcraft
On Common Speech: Chaste Writing, Dalit Language, and Vernacular Monolingualism By: Sravanthi Kollu

Contemporary Arab Affairs
Volume 14 Issue 4The Arab World: Protests, Revolutions and Choices By: Boubaker Boukreisa
The Role of Political Parties in Supporting the Process of Democratic Consolidation: Jordan as a Case Study By: Sultan Naser Fares Alquraan; Haytham Adouse
The Images of China and Britain in the Syrian Media: A Comparison By: Hengrui Ding; Degang Sun
Potentialities in Applying Foucault’s Discourse Analysis to World Bank Research By: Sarah Moritz

Contemporary Islam
Volume 15 Issue 3Colonial impacts on awqãf and Muslim social welfare in Kenya By: Suleiman Athuman Chembea
Critical thinking and non-formal Islamic education: Perspectives from young Muslims in the Netherlands By: Hülya Kosar Altinyelken
Singaporean Malay-Muslim Women’s Lifestyle Habits and Attitudes towards Health By: Humairah Zainal, Dhiya Mahirah Masud, and Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir
Correction to: Singaporean Malay-Muslim Women’s Lifestyle Habits and Attitudes towards Health By: Humairah Zainal, Dhiya Mahirah Masud, and Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir
Muslim typologies in Australia: Findings of a national survey By: Halim Rane and Adis Duderija
Faith and fandom: young Indonesian Muslims negotiating K-pop and Islam By: Teguh Wijaya Mulya
Between faith and ethnicity: motifs of conversion and attitudes to ethnic Muslims in the discourses of Russian converts to Islam By: Denys Shestopalets

Contemporary Levant
Volume 6 Issue 2Developing Petra: UNESCO, the World Bank, and America in the desert By: Lynn Meskell & Christina Luke
From a monastery to a neighbourhood: Orphans and Armenian refugees in the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem (1916–1926), reflexions towards an Armenian museum in Jerusalem By: Raymond Kevorkian
Church and politics in Jerusalem: new evidence on the election of Patriarch Cyril II (1845) By: Maria Litina
Thirst revolution: practices of contestation and mobilisation in rural Egypt By: Saker El Nour, Heather Elaydi & Hussam Hussein

Contemporary Review of the Middle East
Volume 8 Issue 4Defending Freedom of Expression and Challenging the Press and Media Laws in Lebanon: The Case of the Lebanese Political TV Satire Shows By: Avner Asher, Dan Naor, Yossi Mann
Migration Policy in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States: A Critical Analysis By: S. V. Aarthi, Mrutuyanjaya Sahu
Does Demographic Characteristics Affect Remittance Behavior? An Analysis of Migrants in the UAE By: Imran Khan, Mohammed Anam Akhtar
The ISIS Impacts on the Political Connections, Board Interlock, and Quality of Financial Reporting By: Mahdi Salehi, Ali Zuhair Maalah, Hamideh Nazaridavaji
Essential Factors Influencing Malaysia’s Relations with the United Arab Emirates By: Mohd Fauzi Abu-Hussin, Asmady Idris, Mohd Rizal Mohd Yaakop, Mohd Afandi Salleh
Saudi Arabia–Pakistan Relations: An Age of Uncertainty or Decline? By: Mahjoob Zweiri, Thomas Bonnie James

Der Islam
Volume 98 Issue 2Kontrafaktische Intertextualität im Koran und die exegetische Tradition des syrischen Christentums By: Zishan Ghaffar
Whence Come Qurʾān Manuscripts? Determining the Regional Provenance of Early Qurʾānic Codices By: Ala Vahidnia
The Prophet Shaving: Persians and the Origin of the Malay Hikayat Nabi Bercukur By: Majid Daneshgar
Between History and Ancestral Lore: A Literary Approach to the Sīra’s Narratives of Political Assassinations By: Ehsan Roohi
Bibliophilia in Ottoman Aleppo: Muḥammad al-Taqawī and his Medical Library By: Benedikt Reier
The Textual Evolution of the Ottoman Şeyhülislams’ Fetvas: A Cross-Corpora Computational Analysis By: Boğaç Ergene, Atabey Kaygun

Die Welt des Islams
Volume 61 Issue 4Negotiating Freedom: Mostašār od-Doule’s Yek kalame and the Iranian Constitutional Experience By: Ghazaleh Faridzadeh and Raed Faridzadeh
Europe’s Seminal Proto-Fascist? Historically Approaching Ziya Gökalp, Mentor of Turkish Nationalism By: Hans-Lukas Kieser
A Trust from the Ancestors: Islamic Ethics and Local Tradition in a Syncretistic Ritual in East-Central Sulawesi By: Zoltán Szombathy

Die Welt des Islams
Volume 62 Issue 1Daughters of the Revolution: Negotiating Filial Piety in Post-2011 Egypt By: Nareman Amin
Fazliddin Muhammadiev’s Journey to the “Other World”: The History of a Cold War Ḥajjnāma By: Vladimir Bobrovnikov and Artemy M. Kalinovsky
A Celebrity from the Sky: ʿAbd al-Bāsiṭ ʿAbd al-Ṣamad’s Journey to National and International Fame in ʿAbd al-Nāṣir’s and al-Sādāt’s Egypt By: Omar Sayfo
Teaching Women to Write: Weaponizing Ḥadīth Against Colonialism By: Brian Wright

Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and Islamic World
Volume 19 Issue 3The Word “Woman” in Pre-Modern Arabic Lexicons: From the Kitāb al-ʿAyn to the Lisān al-ʿArab By: Tsampika Paraskeva
Islamic Law, Slavery, and Feelings: A Fourth/Tenth-Century Andalusi Notarial Model on the Manumission of an Unruly and Bad-Tempered Female Slave By: Cristina de la Puente
Virtue, Sanctity, and Charity of the Royal Women of Fez: The “Mothers of the Believers” of the Merinid Dynasty By: Bárbara Boloix-Gallardo
De l’intelligence et des femmes: les femmes sagaces dans les Akhbār al-adhkiyāʾ (Histoires de sagaces) d’Ibn al-Jawzī By: Antonella Ghersetti
The Chapters on Women in Two Adab Encyclopaedias from the Mamluk Period: Al-Nuwayrī’s Nihāyat al-arab and al-Ibshīhī’s Mustaṭraf By: Desirée López Bernal

Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and Islamic World
Volume 20 Issue 1-2Fātiḥa Marriage in Morocco: Between Legislation and Judicial Practice By: Miyase Yavuz-Altıntaş
Evidently Married: Changing Ambiguities in Creating Family Ties in Morocco By: Annerienke Fioole
Regulating, Recognizing, and Religionizing Nike in Kyrgyzstan By: Julie McBrien
Battling Marriage Laws: Early Marriage and Online Youth Piety in Indonesia By: Eva F. Nisa
Temporary Marriages, Mahramiyat, and the Rights of the Child in Shiʿi Adoption: The Legal and Juristic Dilemmas By: Ladan Rahbari
Contemporary Issues in Marriage Law and Practice in Qatar By: Rajnaara C. Akhtar
Foreign to Palestinian Society? ʿUrfī Marriage, Moral Dangers, and the Colonial Present By: Penny Johnson and Annelies Moors
Undoing Patrilineality: New Maternal Families and the Politics of Naming in Turkey By: R. A. Ünal

History of Religions
Volume 61 Issue 2The Long Arm of the Law: The Generative Power of Metatextuality in Mahāyāna Sūtras By: Adam T. Miller
The Problem of Becoming a Bodhisattva and the Emergence of Mahāyāna By: David Drewes
Speech Acts of the Buddha: Sovereign Ritual and the Poetics of Power in Mahāyāna Sūtras By: Natalie Gummer
Rhetorics of Solidarity in Mahāyāna Sūtra Literature: Or, “You’re So Vain, I Bet You Think This Sūtra Is about You” By: Christian K. Wedemeyer
Ilahiyat Studies: A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies
Volume 12 Issue 2The Division of the Seas in International and Islamic Law and the Concept of Ḥarīm al-Baḥr: A Comparative Fiqh Study By: Anke Iman Bouzenita
The Digi-Image Age and the Issue of Genericization of Truth in the Context of Comparative Religion By: Ali Öztürk
Popular Piety in Indonesia: “Aestheticization” and Reproduction of Islam By: Muhammad Wildan, Witriani
The Muʿtazilism of al-Zamakhsharī: A Bahshamī or al-Ḥusaynī? By: Ulvi Murat Kılavuz

Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Volume 11 Issue 2Islamic orthodoxy-based character education: creating moderate Muslim in a modern pesantren in Indonesia By: Imam Mujahid
Keeping the middle path: mainstreaming religious moderation through Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia By: Muhammad Nasir, Muhammad Khairul Rijal
Contribution of education, employment, and ethnicity level to the integration of Islam and Christian religions in Central Lampung regency By: Sudarman Sudarman
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on divorce rates among Indonesian Muslim societies By: Isnawati Rais
Hybrid perspectives: Muslim and secular discourses in French politics By: Aprillia Firmonasari, Wening Udasmoro, Roberta Salzano
Islam and Iran’s post-revolution war on drugs: a Durkheimian analysis By: Zahra Farhadi Alashti, Abdolreza Javan Jafari Bojnordi
Values of tepo seliro in Bakri Syahid’s Tafsir al-Huda and Bisri Mustofa’s Tafsir al-Ibriz By: Mubasirun Mubasirun
The understanding of Islamic Moderation (wasatiyyah al-Islam) and the hadiths on inter-religious relations in the Javanese pesantrens By: Muhammad Irfan helmy, Ahmad Darojat Jumadil Kubro, Muhamad Ali

International Journal of Middle East Studies
Volume 53 Issue 4The Mechanical Atatürk: Cybernetics and State Violence in the Second Turkish Republic By: Joakim Parslow
A Jar of Shaykhs’ Teeth: Medicine, Politics, and the Fragments of History in Kuwait By: Laura Frances Goffman
Of Nuclear Rials and Golden Shoes: Scaling Commodities and Currencies across Sanctions on Iran By: Emrah Yıldız
“The Boy Who Wasn’t Really Killed”: Israeli State Violence in the Age of the Smartphone Witness By: Rebecca L. Stein
More than Beast: Muhammad’s She-Mule Duldul and Her Role in Early Islamic History By: Taryn Marashi
Local Legitimacy and Tax Policy: Qaids as Part of a Composite State in Colonial Tunisia By: Antoine Perrier
Exporting the Iranian Revolution: Ecumenical Clerics in Lebanon By: Mohammad Ataie

International Journal of Persian Literature
Volume 6Gambling in Taverns : Reflections on the Notion of Play in Persian Culture By: Ali-Asghar Seyed-Gohrab
Conviction or Evocation: On the Limits and Potentials of the Contemporary Concept of Values of Games By: Moozhan Shakeri
“Destruction Operation”: Iranian-Made Digital Games of the Iran–Iraq War (1980–88) By: Saeedeh Shahnahpur
Politics of Language in Video Games: Identity and Representations of Iran By: Siavash Rafiee Rad
Iranian Strategic Culture and “Ways of War” : The Role of Local Concepts and Narratives of “Game” and “Play” By: Mohammadbagher Forough

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Volume 32 Issue 4Heterodox Christianity, Unitarianism and the Harmonization of Monotheism: The ‘Heresy’ of Khrīsṭufūrus Jibāra in Nineteenth-Century Syria By: Wael Abu-ʿUksa
Interreligious Literacy Learning as a Counter-Radicalization Method: A New Trend among Institutions of Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia By: Nur Ali, Benny Afwadzi, Irwan Abdullah & Muhammad Islahul Mukmin
Translating the Muslim for Christian Europe: Re-assessing the Interpretation of aslama in the First Latin Translation of the Qur’an By: Michael Pollitt

Islam and Civilizational Renewal
Volume 12 Issue 2An Enhanced Islamic Index of Well-Being (IWI 2.0-2021) for Muslim Countries By: Daud Batchelor
Implementing the E-Family Expert Model through a Legal Framework for Online Dispute Resolution By: Prof. Zaleha Kamaruddin, Dr. Umar A. Oseni, Zati Ilham Abdul Manaf
Factors Influencing Islamic Financial Inclusion in Indonesia: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach By: Mohammad Mahbubi Ali, Abrista Devi, Hamzah Bustomi, Muhammad Rizky Prima Sakti, Hafas Furqani
Ibn Sina’s Theory of the Soul: A Taxonomy of Islamic Education By: Nurul Ain Norman
A Unified Model of Shariah Indices for Human Development and Prosperity By: Atiq-ur-Rehman, Ishaq Bhatti
Veiling and Muslim Women in African History since the Ottoman Empire By: Habibat Oladosu-Uthman, Mutiat Titilope Oladejo
The Impact of Religion and Culture on the Supremacy of the Constitution in Afghanistan By: Mohd Tahir Nasiri

Islamic Law and Society
Volume 28 Issue 4From Ethico-Religious Exhortation to Legal Paraenesis: Functions of Qur’anic Waʿẓ By: Nora K. Schmid
The Ur-Muwaṭṭaʾ and Its Recensions By: Ahmed El Shamsy
Between Implementation and Legislation: The Shiʿi Imam Muḥammad al-Jawād’s Khums Demand Letter of 220 ah/835 ce By: Edmund Hayes
The Decline of Green-Glazed Jars after the Early Abbasid Period By: Elon Harvey
Islamophobia Studies Journal
Volume 6 Issue 2Islamophobia in Indian Media By: Zainab Sikander
Buddhist Nationalism, Authoritarian Populism, and The Muslim Other in Sri Lanka By: Rajni Gamage
Political Geographies of Islamophobia: Chinese Ethno-Religious Racism and Structural Violence in East Turkestan By: Nawroos Shibli
Islamophobia in Japan: A Country at a Crossroads By: Saul J. Takahashi
The Islamophobia Index: Exploring the Challenges in Establishing Reliability for a Content Analysis Instrument Evaluating Islamophobia in Media Texts By: Leticia Anderson, Shima Shahbazi and Mujib Abid
Perceptions of Discrimination of Muslim Women in Belgium: A Study of Discriminatory Incidents Across Public and Private Organizations Reported to the National Equality Body By: Cathérine Van de Graaf
Taboos as a Cultural Cleavage Between Muslim Immigrants and Secular Western Publics: Bridging the Gaps by Viewing Integration as a Two-Way Process By: Abdelaziz Bouchara

Israel Affairs
Volume 27 Issue 6Leaders, politics, and media policy: Benjamin Netanyahu in the Russian press By: Dmitry Strovsky & Ron Schleifer
Israeli demography: a composite portrait of a reproductive outlier By: Daphna Birenbaum-Carmeli
The ascent of the Israeli economists: a historical perspective By: Yair Barak
Public policy for increasing employment in the construction industry and its contribution to the regulation of housing prices – the case of Israel By: Erez Cohen
Independent international tourism in Israel By: Shlomit Hon-Snir, Sharon Teitler Regev & Anabel Lifszyc-Friedlander
Ethnicity or class? Mizrahi students from the periphery describe their path to higher education By: Adam Haisraeli
Lessons from peace negotiations: interview with Ehud Olmert By: Raphael Cohen-Almagor
The Muslim brotherhood’s perception of Israel By: Shaul Bartal
Sheikh Ahmad Raysuni on peace agreements with Israel By: Nesya Shemer
Sweden’s Assyrian community and its attitude towards Israel and Jews By: Ivan Goncharenko & Elad Ben-Dror

Jerusalem Quarterly
Volume 87The Language of Jewish Nationalism: Street Signs and Linguistic Landscape in the Old City of Jerusalem By : Amer Dahamshe, Yonatan Mendel
Christian Arab Pilgrimages to Palestine and Mount Sinai By : Nabil Matar
Rachel’s Tomb: Narrative Counterspaces in a Military Geography of Oppression By : Toine Van Teeffelen
Jerusalem’s Villages: Grey Development and Annexation Plans By : Ahmad Heneiti
Jacob Israel de Haan: A Queer and Lapsed Zionist in Mandate Palestine By : Nathan Witt
Tariq Bab al-Silsila: A Portrait of an Old City Suq By : Nazmi Jubeh

Journal of Abbasid Studies
Volume 8 Issue 2Al-Kindī’s Two-Volume Compendium of Aristotelian Philosophy: Al-Falsafa al-Ūlā and al-Falsafa al-Dākhila By: Devin J. Stewart
The Kitāb al-ʿIlm of al-Bukhārī: A Handbook on Knowledge By: Estrella Samba Campos

Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Volume 89 Issue 4Calling a New Séance: The Theosophical Origins of Harvard’s Center for the Study of World Religions By: Charles M Stang
A Theosophical Discipline: Revisiting the History of Religious Studies By: Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm
Prologomenon to the Future By: Jeffrey J Kripal
“Thoughts are Things”: Theosophy, Religion, and the History of the Real By: Joy Dixon
Theosophy, Race, and the Study of Esotericism By: Julian Strube
Paul the Mystic: Exploring Modern Theosophy’s Legacy in New Testament and Early Christian Studies By: Denise Kimber Buell
The Afro-Theosophysics of Robert T. Browne: Preliminary Thoughts on Theory and Method in the Study of Religion By: Stephen C Finley
Playing with Religion: Delight at the Border between Epistemological Worlds By: Mary Dunn
Reproaching the Divine: Poetic Theologies of Protest as a Resource for Expanding the Philosophy of Religion By: Mikel Burley
Embodied Metaphor: Playing with Gender in South Asian Sufism By: Katherine Pratt Ewing
After the Medium: Rereading Stories on a String and the War at Canudos By: Ashley Lebner
God’s Wrath in the Era of the Digidemic: Religious Interpretations of Covid-19 in Ethiopia By: Terje Østebø, Kjetil Tronvoll, Marit Tolo Østebø
Black Church Arson in the Museum By: Todne Thomas
Conceal, Enhance, Expose, Perfect: A Mid-Century Mormon Swimsuit Designer’s Feminine Bodily Discipline By: Gavin Feller
Qur’anic Literacy as Women’s Empowerment: Cultivating Interpretive Authority at the Women’s Mosque of America By: Tazeen M Ali

Journal of the American Oriental Society
Volume 141 Issue 4When the Phoenicians Were Swedish: Rudbeck’s Atlantica and Phoenician Studies By: Annie Burman and Philip J. Boyes
Unpublished Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions from Adıyaman Museum By: Tayfun Bilgin and Muzaffer Özçiris
Minor and Marginal(ized)? Rethinking Women as Minor Characters in the Epic of Gilgamesh By: Karen Sonik
Did the Arabic Lexicographers Invent Majāz? By: Avigail Noy
The Lost Oral Genesis of Classical Islamic Law: The Case of an Eleventh-Century Disputation (munāẓara) on Broken Oaths By: Youcef Soufi
Reassessing Rigvedic Strata By: Oliver Hellwig, Salvatore Scarlata and Paul Widmer
Reading Jalhaṇa Reading Bilhaṇa: Literary Criticism in a Sanskrit Anthology By: Whitney Cox
ACLS and the Promotion of Chinese Studies in the United States, 1928–1958 By: Pauline Yu
Lust, Caution, and Enlightenment: A Reexamination of Su Wukong’s Sexuality in Xiyou ji By: Ji Hao

Journal of Arabic Literature
Volume 52 Issue 3-4A Man of Our Times: Muḥammad ibn Dāwūd al-Iṣbahānī’s Pioneering Vision of Male Love By: Jennifer Tobkin
It’s All Just Poetry: Writing ʿUmar ibn Abī Rabīʿah’s Life By: Jonathan Lawrence
I Will Tell You My History: Rewriting to Revolt in the Process of al-Tārīkh al-badīl (Allohistory) By: Ada Barbaro
Children’s Leisure Reading in the Nahḍah By: Ami Ayalon
Repurposing Romantic Drama in Late-Nineteenth-Century Egypt: Najīb al-Ḥaddād’s Arabizations of Victor Hugo By: Edward Ziter

Journal of Asian and African Studies
Volume 56 Issue 7Doing Boundary Work: Suburban Residents’ Associations in Johannesburg By: Margot Rubin
Exploring Politics of Social Safety Net in Bangladesh through Political Settlement: The Case of Rajakhali Union in Cox’s Bazar District By: Minhazur Rahman Rezvi
The Transmission of Moral and Cultural Values across Borders: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Moral and Cultural Writings on Vehicles in Southwestern Nigeria By: Olusegun Adeniyi Faniran, Reuben Oluwafemi Ikotun, Abiodun Oloyede
Insights into Community Attitudes and Perceptions at Borakalalo National Park, South Africa By: Ian Gordon-Cumming, Kevin Mearns
Why Nuclear? Explaining North Korea’s Strategic Choice of Going Nuclear and Its Implications for East Asian Security By: Min-hyung Kim
India’s Quest for Energy Security: Understanding the Trends and Challenges By: Pamreihor Khashimwo
Steps-to-War Theory and Interstate Wars in the Middle East: Is State-Sponsored Terrorism Another Escalating Step? By: Akbar Khan
Determinants of Ecofeminism in Anglophone Cameroon: A PESTECH Analysis By: Ambe J Njoh, Elisabeth NM Ayuk-Etang
The Effect of Gender on the Commercialisation of Goat Production in the Semi-arid Area of Msinga, South Africa By: Susan Tsvuura, Maxwell Mudhara, Michael Chimonyo
Monitoring and Evaluation of Transformative Creative Placemaking on University Campuses By: Innocent Tinashe Mutero, Ivan Gunass Govender
Public Healthcare Access: Burdens and Adaptation in Ibarapa Nomadic Community of Southwestern Nigeria By: Aderemi Ajala, Blessing Nonye Onyima
Contradictions and Tensions Between Old and New: An Audience Perception of Indigenous Culture Representation in Soap Opera By: Oluwayemisi Mary Onyenankeya, Kevin Onyenankeya, Oluyinka Osunkunle
Command Agriculture and Food Security: An Interrogation of State Intervention in the Post-Fast Track Land Redistribution Era in Zimbabwe By: Langton Makuwerere Dube
Multilingual Realities of Language Contact at the University of Zambia By: Gabriel Simungala, Hambaba Jimaima
Indigenizing Participation for Sustainable Community-Based Development Programmes in Ghana By: Evans Sakyi Boadu, Isioma Ile, Madonna Yaa Oduro
Hausa ‘Native’ Speakers and the Racialisation of Knowledge Production By: Malami Buba
Outsourcing Reproductive Care: The Restrictive Regime of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology By: Silvia Atanassova Croydon
Public Spaces and Concentrations of Child Labourers in Ibadan Municipality, Nigeria By: Amos Oluwole Taiwo, Adewumi Israel Badiora, Temitope Muyiwa Adebara
‘Crimelordism’: Understanding a New Phenomenon in Armed Banditry in Nigeria By: Al Chukwuma Okoli, Mamuda Abubakar
The COVID-19 Outbreak in North Africa: A Legal Analysis By: Francesco Tamburini

Journal of Asian and African Studies
Volume 56 Issue 8Transformation of National Identity, Geo-politics and Nation Building in Post-colonial African States: The Cases of Cameroon and Senegal By: Neba Ridley Ngwa, Birol Akgün
The Challenges Faced by Young Entrepreneurs in Informal Trading in Bindura, Zimbabwe By: Itai Kabonga, Kwashirai Zvokuomba, Brighton Nyagadza
Does Globalisation Promote Economic Output in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Bootstrap ARDL Model By: Huiping Dong, Yifei Cai, Xing Shi
Bridewealth, Women’s Subordination and Agency in Marriage: An ethnographic critique of gender activism in rural north-western Ghana By: Constance Awinpoka Akurugu, Maximillian Kolbe Domapielle, Mathias Mwinlabagna Jatoe
Indicators for the Measurement of Teachers’ Professional Identity across Asia and Africa: A Delphi Study By: Mohd Ali Samsudin, Melanie Carmen Moen, Pham Thi Thanh Hai, Belay Hagos Hailu, Arif Hidayat, Yoko Ishida, Tatsuya Kusakabe, Hiroaki Ozawa, Nor Asniza Ishak, Shaik Abdul Malik, Bin Mohamed Ismail, Toyin Eunice Owoyemi, William AL Anangisye, Nkanileka Loti Mgonda, Joyce Ayikoru Asiimwe, Charles Kyasanku
Gukurahundi Remembered: The Police, Opacity and the Gukurahundi Genocide in Bulilimamangwe District, 1982–1988 By: Thembani Dube
‘Is Mugabe Also Among the National Deities and Kings?’: Place Renaming and the Appropriation of African Chieftainship Ideals and Spirituality in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe By: Zvinashe Mamvura
Vulnerability to Natural Disaster and Welfare Effect: A Case Study of Flood Risk in Vietnam’s North Central Region By: Manh-Hung Nguyen, Dung P Le, Thang T Vo
Peritraumatic Reactions Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic Among the Tunisian General Population By: Mariem Turki, Wiem Bouattour, Sahar Ellouze, Fadoua Charfeddine, Neila Messedi, Lobna Aribi, Najla Halouani, Jihene Aloulou
Ships over Troubled Waters: Examining Naval Development in Asia By: Brian Benjamin Crisher
The Political and Historical Implications of Koreans in the Former Soviet Union: Their Social Historic Dynamics with Turkic People By: Se Hyun Ahn
Flexibility and Informalisation of Labour: Intangible Assets, Family and the Informal Economy in India By: Smytta Yadav
Pouring Salt into the Wound: The Crisis of International Election Observation and COVID-19 in Africa By: Khabele Matlosa
Vehicle Writings as Conveyors of Humour, Slang and Witticism: A Case Study of Vehicle Writings in Ìbàdàn Metropolis By: Olus̩e̩gun A Faniran, Bo̩lanle T O̩po̩o̩la, Oluwatoyin M O̩laiya, Reuben O Iko̩tun
Multilayered Consequences in a Turmoil Zone: A Study of Lived Experiences of Women in Jammu and Kashmir By: Tarushikha Sarvesh
Expanded Public Works Programme Participants: Transitioning to Tourism in South Africa By: Niki Glen, Kevin F Mearns
Understanding Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh By: Shafi Md Mostofa
Extension Agents’ Perception on Suitability of Climate Change Information Disseminated to Smallholder Farmers By: Zafezeka Mbali Zikhali, Paramu L Mafongoya, Maxwell Mudhara, Obert Jiri, Blessing Mudaniso
Gender Matters in Tsai Ing-wen’s First Term: The First Woman President, the Cabinet Appointments, and Same-Sex Marriage in Taiwan By: Young-Im Lee

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Volume 64 Issue 5-6Introduction: The Persianate Bazaar By: Fahad Ahmad Bishara and Nandini Chatterjee
Translating Obligations: Tamassuk and Fārigh-khaṭṭī in the Indo-Persian World By: Nandini Chatterjee
The Marathi Kaulnāmā: Property, Sovereignty and Documentation in a Persianate Form By: Prachi Deshpande
Conditional Sales and Other Types of Loans in Qajar Iran By: Nobuaki Kondo
Transacting Business through/for Others in Early Colonial Western India: The Text, Context, and Meaning of a Mukhtār-nāma of 1821 By: Ghulam A. Nadri
Huṇḍī and Nirakh Huṇḍāwan: Indic Mercantile Instruments in the Persianate Bazaar By: Mohammad Shahnawaz
Persian in the Villages, or, the Language of Jamiat Rai’s Account Books By: Samira Sheikh
Extraterritoriality, Nationality, and Empire in the Persianate World, 1890-1940 By: H. Lyman Stebbins
Disputed Transactions: Documents, Language, and Authority in Eighteenth-Century Marwar By: Elizabeth M. Thelen
Transacting Politics in the Maratha Empire: An Agreement between Friends, 1795 By: Dominic Vendell
Flexible Forms of Contracts: Transactions through Fictitious Settlements (ṣulḥ/muṣālaḥa) in Iran By: Christoph U. Werner

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Volume 64 Issue 7From the Archives of Asian History By: Paolo Sartori
Ottoman Archival Documents on the Shrines of Karbala, Najaf, and the Hejaz (1660s-1720s): Endowment Wars, the Spoils System, and Iranian Pilgrims By: Selim Güngörürler
On the History of the Institution of the Soyūrghāl By: I.P. Petrushevskii
Remarks on Petrushevskii’s Article K istorii instituta soiurgala By: Jürgen Paul

Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies
Volume 20 Issue 2Indigenous Students’ Geographies on the Academic Fortress Campus: Palestinian Students’ Spatial Experiences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem By: Yara Sa’di-Ibraheem
The Name ‘Palestine’ in Classical Greek Texts By: Carmelo A. Alonso Serrano
College Journals, Educational Modernism and Palestinian Nationalism in Mandatory Palestine: Majallat al-Kulliyyah al-‘Arabiyyah By: Kamal Moed
Saladin, The Latin Crusaders, and Palestine: David Eldridge’s Holy Warriors and the ‘Clash of Civilisations’ Propaganda By: Nisreen Tawfiq Yousef

Journal of Humanity and Society
Volume 45 Issue 4“Before She Was Born, I Ate Cheerios and Beer for Dinner”: A Qualitative Examination of Green Parenting in Lowcountry South Carolina By: Deborah McCarthy Auriffeille
Globalization and Neoliberalism: Structural Determinants of Global Mental Health? By: Matthew T. Roberts
“A Not-so-silent Form of Activism”: Intentional Community as Collective Action Reservoir By: Zach Rubin
Manual Scavenging in Mumbai: The Systems of Oppression By: Sheeva Y. Dubey, John W. Murphy
Dust Covered Privilege: White Women’s Experiences of the Dust Bowl By: Christina D. Weber
Resistance at the Borders of Power: Reflections on the Zapatista and Palestinian Experiences By: Richard Stahler-Sholk
“The Person I Dislike Is Myself”: How Narratives of Individualism Shape Justice-involved Youth’s Identity Construction By: Daniel B. Eisen, Taryn VanderPyl
The More Ethnic the Face, the More Important the Race: A Closer Look at Colorism and Employment Opportunities among Middle Eastern Women By: Ahzin Bahraini

Journal of Islamic Ethics
Volume 5 Issue 1-2Key Concepts in Islamic Ethics By: Abdulrahman Helli
مفهوم التقوى والمنظومة الأخلاقية القرآنية: البنية والسياق: The Concept of Taqwā and the Qurʾānic Ethical System: Structure and Context By: عبد الرحمن حللي (Abdulrahman Helli)
”الإنسان“ و”المرء“ في القرآن، أو بين الماهية الميتافيزيقية والشخص الأخلاقي: “Insān” and “Marʾ” in the Qurʾān: Between Metaphysical Essence and Moral Personhood By: شفيق اكَريكَر (Chafik Graiguer)
الغنى مفهوما أخلاقيا عند الصوفية إلى حدود نهاية القرن السابع الهجري: Wealth as an Ethical Concept in Sufism until the End of the Seventh/Thirteenth Century By: حفيظ هروس (Hafid Harrous)
مفهوم الحرية في الفقه الحنفي: الحرية في أفق المصالح والحقوق: The Concept of Freedom in the Ḥanafī School: Freedom in Relation to Interests and Rights By: عبد الله عتر (Abdulla Iter)
The Semantics of Gratitude (Shukr) in the Qurʾān: دلالات مفهوم الشكر في القرآن By: Joseph E. B. Lumbard (جوز يف إ. ب. لمبارد)
Trust, Trusting and Trustworthiness in Ethical Discourse: الأمانة والثقة وحسن الظن في الخطاب الأخلاقي By: Nora S. Eggen (نورة س. أگّين)
The Etymological Path to Moral Meaning: Adam and the Names: المنهاج التأثيلي وتأصيل المعنى الأخلاقي: آدم والأسماء By: Ghassan el Masri (غسان المصري)
Decolonial Translation: Destabilizing Coloniality in Secular Translations of Islamic Law: ترجمة لإنهاء الكلونيالية: زعزعزة الكلونيالية في الترجمات العلمانية للفقه الإسلامي By: Lena Salaymeh (لينا سلايمة)
Overcoming Religious Illiteracy: Towards a More Inclusive Approach to Islamic Bioethics : محو الأمّيةّ الدينية: نحو منهج أكثر شمولا لدراسة الأخلاقيات الحيو ية الإسلامية By: Javad T. Hashmi (جواد ت. هاشمي)

Journal of Islamic Manuscripts
Volume 12 Issue 3-4Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Jazūlī and the Place of Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt in Jazūlite Sufism By: Vincent J. Cornell
The Birth of a Successful Prayer Book: The Manuscript Tradition of the Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt in North Africa By: Hiba Abid
Paths of Prayers in Ottoman North Africa: The Met’s Dalāʾil al-khayrāt 2017.301 in Context By: Deniz Beyazit
A Technical Study of a 17th-Century Manuscript of Muḥammad Bin Sulaymān al-Jazūlī’s Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt By: Yana van Dyke
The Regional Recitations of al-Jazūlī’s Dalāʾil al-Ḫayrāt as Reflected in Its Manuscript Tradition By: Marijn van Putten
Medina and Mecca Revisited: The Manuscripts of the Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt by al-Ǧazūlī and Their Ornamental Addition By: Jan Just Witkam
In Writing and in Sound: The Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt in the Late Ottoman Empire By: Sabiha Göloğlu
The Dalāʾil al-khayrāt in Central Asia and Eastern Turkestan: Some Research Leads By: Alexandre Papas
The Royal Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt Manuscript from Terengganu, Malaysia By: Heba Nayel Barakat and Nurul Iman Rusli
Illustrated and Illuminated Manuscripts of the Dalāʾil al-khayrāt from Southeast Asia By: Farouk Yahya

Journal of the Middle East and Africa
Volume 12 Issue 4Nigeria and the Muslim Middle East: Historical, Political, Economic, and Cultural Ties By: Michael B. Bishku
Two Classes of “Marriage”: Race and Sexual Slavery in Al-Shabaab-Controlled Somalia By: Lindsay J. Benstead & Daniel Van Lehman
Rashīd Riḍā, Jews, and Zionism By: Eliezer Tauber
Innovation in Religious Tradition: From the Blessed Birth to the Mevlid-i Nebi, 1989-2019 By: Hakkı Gürkaş
One Size Fits All: The Origins of Mixed Governance in Namibia By: Vladimir Chlouba

Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies
Volume 17 Issue 3Syrian Men’s Disability and Their Masculine Trajectories in the Context of Displacement in Jordan and Turkey By: Aitemad Muhanna-Matar
Ladies Aid as Labor History: Working-Class Formation in the Mahjar By: Stacy D. Fahrenthold
Facing the Past: Aesthetic Possibility and the Image of “Super-Survivor” By: Nora Tataryan Aslan
Beauty Standards in Egypt: Popular Consumer Culture and the Representation of Women By: Mona L. Russell
Muslim Fashionistas in Contemporary Turkey: Devoted Mothers, Benevolent Philanthropists, and Leisure Enthusiasts By: Merve Kütük-Kuriş
A Delicate Balancing Act: Women’s Rights and US Military Intervention in the Arab World By: Amaney Jamal; Irfan Nooruddin

Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society
Volume 70A Hayati Poem by Ibn ʿArabī Translated By: Denis McAuley
Prophetic Archetypes in Sufi Hermeneutics: The Allegories of Abraham, Joseph and Moses By: Mukhtar H. Ali
The Healer of Wounds: Interpreting human existence in the light of alchemy and ascension By: Stephen Hirtenstein
Ibn ʿArabī and Averroes: Some remarks and reflections By: Omar Benaissa
Ibn al-ʿArabī and Shinran Shonin on Invocation and Realization By: Elif Emirahmetoglu

Journal of Muslim Mental Health
Volume 15 Issue 2Arab American Adolescents’ Responses to Perceived Discrimination: A Phenomenological Study By: Danielle Balaghi, Evelyn Oka and Dorinda Carter Andrews
The Relationship Between Stigma and Helping-Seeking Behaviors Among Refugee, Asylum Seeker, Immigrant (RASI) Populations Specifically of Muslim Origin By: Rachel A. DiComo and Matthew Mychailyszyn
From Interpersonal Violence to Institutionalized Discrimination: Documenting and Assessing the Impact of Islamophobia on Muslim American By: Naheed Ahmed, Sandra C Quinn, Rupali J Limaye and Suleiman Khan
Maternal Attachment and Cognitive Distortion of Muslim Adolescents in Juvenile Rehabilitation Residential Schools: Self-Regulation as Mediating Mechanism By: Nor Sheereen Zulkefly, Athirah Yasmin Mohd Shakir, Rozumah Baharudin, Zarinah Arshat and Zanariah Ismail
Psychological Constructs and Dysfunctional Eating in Pakistani University Students By: Maryam Hussain

Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
Volume 41 Issue 3Jewish Salonica in 1912 and 1943: The Ottoman and Greek/German Practices Consıdered By: Yücel Güçlü
Australian Converts to Islam: Findings from a National Survey of Muslim Australians By: Paul Mitchell & Halim Rane
Teaching “Islam and Politics” in the Wake of the Christchurch Terrorist Attack By: Hanlie Booysen
“Open, Honest, Passionate and with Some Humor”: Understanding Trust Building between British Muslims and the Wider Community By: Asam Latif, Nargis Gulzar, Aliya Vaughan, Farah Khan & Musharraf Hussain
Democracy and Human Rights of Rohingya in Myanmar By: Md. Kamal Uddin
Muslim Printing in Late Imperial China: Woodblocks, Networks, and Creation of Chinese Islamic Knowledge By: Shaodan Zhang
M.C. Chagla and the “Nationalist” Imaginations of a “Political Minority” in India, 1947–67 By: Rakesh Ankit
Communal Violence, Mental Health and Their Correlates: A Cross-Sectional Study in Two Riot Affected Districts of Uttar Pradesh in India By: Neelo Farooqui & Absar Ahmad
“He Sees Me as His Possession and Thinks He Can Do What He Wants.” Dependent Stay and Partner Violence among Moroccan Marriage Migrant Women in the Netherlands By: Edien Bartels
Muslim Women and Disparities in Cancer Diagnosis: A Retrospective Study By: Asmaa Namoos, Nour Eldin Abosamak, Maryam Abdelkarim, Rana Ramadan, Briona Phillips, Dina Ramadan, Mostafa Abdou & Tamas S. Gal

Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society
Volume 5 Issue 2Reflections on Re-reading “Charity in Islamic Societies” By: Amy Singer
Remittances and International Development: The Forces Shaping Community Development By: Sabith Khan, Daisha M. Merritt
On Volunteering and the Ethical Trajectory: The Impact of Social Expectations and Religious Commitments on the Volunteering Practices of Muslim Belgian Women By: Merve Reyhan-Kayikci
Zakat Giving to Non-Muslims: Muftis’ Attitudes in Arab and Non-Arab Countries By: Marwan Abu-Ghazaleh Mahajneh, Itay Greenspan, Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia
Israeli-Palestinian Muslims in the Service of People in the Occupied Territories By: Haneen Magadlah, Ram Cnaan
Diasporic Volunteering in Cross-national Perspective: Is Faith-based More Effective than Secular Philanthropy? A Case of the Netherlands and Morocco By: Malika Ouacha

Journal of Muslims in Europe
Volume 10 Issue 3Security and Religion: The Discursive Self-legitimation of the Chechen Authorities By: Marat Iliyasov
Co-radicalisation of Islamist and Nativist Extremists in Europe: A Social-psychological and Sociological Perspective By: Ayhan Kaya and Jais Adam-Troian
‘How is one supposed to sleep when the Ka‘ba is over there?’ Empirical Data on Swedish Muslims Performing the Hajj By: Göran Larsson and Simon Sorgenfrei
Hidden Aspects of Social and Historical Development of Islamic Community in Sisak, Croatia By: Lana Peternel, Filip Škiljan, and Ankica Marinović
The Practice of Two Danish Female Islamic Authorities Facilitating Divorce By: Jesper Petersen
Who’s Afraid of Religious Extremism? The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict, Securitisation of Islam and an Ideological Clash in Ukraine’s Muslim Community By: Denys Shestopalets

Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Volume 80 Issue 2Babylonian Hermeneutics and Heraclitus By: Maurizio Viano
Akhenaten and Nefertiti’s Morning Toilette in Karnak By: Arlette David andRobert Vergnieux
Send Them to Me by This Little One: Child Letter-carriers in Coptic Texts from Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt By: Benjamin Hinson
A New Look at Old Numbers, and What It Reveals about Numeration By: Karenleigh A. Overmann
Ashdod in the Assyrian Period: Territorial Extent and Political History By: Shawn Zelig Aster
Reflexivity: The Cases of the Niphal and Hithpael By: W. Randall Garr
“Syrians call you Astarte … Lycian peoples call you Leto”: Ethnic Relations and Circulating Legends in the Villages of Egypt By: Philip A. Harland
Urban Squares in Late Bronze Age Ugarit: a Street View on Ancient Near Eastern Governance By: Alessandra Gilibert

Journal of North African Studies
Volume 26 Issue 6ALL FALL DOWN … By: George Joffé
Introduction: reading the revolutionary process in North Africa with Gramsci By: Gennaro Gervasio & Patrizia Manduchi
Between old and new epistemological paradigms: Gramscian readings of revolutionary processes in Egypt and Tunisia By: Patrizia Manduchi
‘Authoritarian resilience’ as passive revolution: a Gramscian interpretation of counter-revolution in Egypt By: Brecht De Smet
Prelude to the revolution. Independent civic activists in Mubarak’s Egypt and the quest for hegemony By: Gennaro Gervasio & Andrea Teti
Analysing revolutionary Islamism: Ansar al-Sharia Tunisia according to Gramsci By: Fabio Merone
Revolution and transition in Tunisia as crises of hegemony By: Baccar Gherib
Securitising the new Egypt: Partisan vs. revolutionary demands By: Janicke Stramer-Smith & Ian M. Hartshorn
Comparing inclusion in constitution-making in Egypt, Tunisia, and Iraq By: Jessica Genauer
The intellectual as zaṭāṭ: the public sphere, the state, and the field of contentious politics in Morocco By: Said Graiouid

Journal of North African Studies
Volume 27 Issue 1‘Like tears in rain’ By: George Joffé
‘Silvery singing voices’: Moroccan Manchester and the Puzzle of Richard Wright By: Martin Rose
The Moroccan city: a quest for cultural memory in Francophone and Arabophone contemporary literature By: Nisrine Slitine El Mghari
Moroccan female saints in written and oral traditions: Lallā Mennāna, patron saint of Larache By: Rachid El Hour
‘Les dialectes montagnards’ [The mountain dialects]: towards redefining the Berber status and language attitudes in post-Arab Spring Tunisia By: Zouhir Gabsi
The December 1960 demonstrations in Algiers: spontaneity and organisation of mass action By: Nadia Sariahmed Belhadj
Kourat el Kadem: soccer culture and fandom in postcolonial Francophone Algerian texts By: Christa Jones
ISIS in Libya and beyond, 2014–2016 By: Andrea Beccaro
‘Gendering illiterature: the representation of the Egyptian women left behind in Ayman Zohry’s “The Mediterranean Sea”’ By: Jyhene Kebsi

Journal of Qurʾanic Studies
Volume 23 Issue 3Ibn ʿAjība’s ‘Oceanic Exegesis of the Qur’an’: Methodology and Features By: Omneya Ayad
A Zaydī Qur’an Commentary from Yemen: An Introduction to Tajrīd al-Kashshāf maʿa ziyādat nukat liṭāf By: Scott C. Lucas
The Islamic Mary: Between Prophecy and Orthodoxy By: Younus Y. Mirza
Do We Go Back to Where We Came From? Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophical Exegesis on the Paradise of Adam and the Promised Paradise of the Afterlife By: Amir Rastin Toroghi , Seyyed Mortaza Hosseini Shahrudi and Shima Pooyanejad
The Role of khafāʾ al-maʿnā (‘Obscurity of Meaning’) in Qur’anic Rhetoric By: Mohammed Ibrahim Elshafey

Journal of Religion in Africa
Volume 50 Issue 3-4An Enduring Covenant: The Past and the Present in Contemporary African Christian Practice By: Kanayo L. Nwadialor
Vodún/Vodu, Resistance, and North/South Relations in Undemocratic Togo By: Eric James Montgomery
Homosexuality, Created Bodies, and Queer Fantasies in a Nigerian Deliverance Church By: Naomi Richman
‘We Are Soldiers in God’s Army’: Spiritual Warfare and Adoption of Military trope in Pentecostal Charismatic Churches in Southern Africa By: Simbarashe Gukurume and Josiah Taru
Pentecostal Theology, Identity Politics, and Racialized Xenophobia: Claiming A New Social Order By: Elina Hankela
Covid-19 and the Celebration of the Fetu Afahye Festival in Ghana By: Vincent Assanful and Peter Boakye
Is Giriama Traditionalism a Religion? Negotiating Indigenous African Religiosity in ‘Interfaith’ Cooperation in Coastal Kenya By: Erik Meinema

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Volume 31 Issue 4Fancy Footwork: Furniture Patterns Going to and from Gandhāra By: DORIS METH SRINIVASAN
The organisation of stage stations in Central Asian colonial provinces of the Tibetan Empire according to Pelliot tibétain 1096r By: JOANNA BIALEK
The Jewish communities of Safed and Jerusalem during the fourteenth century By: MICHAEL EHRLICH
Interreligious Relations with No Self: A Mystical Path to Omnilogue? By: RAFAL K. STEPIEN
The Qizilbāsh and their Shah: The Preservation of Royal Prerogative during the Early Reign of Shah Ṭahmāsp By: GREGORY ALDOUS
Memory of destroyed Khorsabad, Victor Place, and the story of a shipwreck By: BÜLENT GENÇ
An Ottoman Historian in Troubled Times. Five Letters from Paul Wittek to Sydney N. Fisher, 1938–1949: The Testimony of a Friendship By: COLIN HEYWOOD
Membership born in the Interstitial Spaces of the British Empire: The Indian Question in South Africa from 1860 to 1960 By: MARINA MARTIN
Expedition turned Invasion: The 1888 Sikkim Expedition through British, Indian and Chinese eyes By: YI MENG CHENG
Colonialism and Compromise: The Shanghai Municipal Police and the Arrest of Communists, 1927–37 By: PETER KWOK-FAI LAW
Tipu Sultan’s female entourage under East India Company rule By: JENNIFER HOWES

Journal of Sufi Studies
Volume 10 Issue 1-2Introduction: Sufi Texts in Translation By: Amer Latif, Alexandre Papas, and Mohammed Rustom
From the Remainder of Adam’s Clay: Chapter Eight of Ibn al-ʿArabī’s al-Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya By: Ali Karjoo-Ravary
Les États spirituels de Muḥammad le Champion (Ḥālāt-i Pahlawān Muḥammad) de Mīr ʿAlī Shīr Nawāʾī By: Marc Toutant
Mullā Ṣadrā’s Arrivers in the Heart (al-Wāridāt al-Qalbiyya) By: William C. Chittick
A Mughal Treatise on Essence and Existence: Muḥibb Allāh Ilāhābādī’s Equivalence between Giving and Receiving (al-Taswiya bayna al-Ifāda wa-l-Qabūl) By: Shankar Nair
Le Traité de la rosace (Risāle-i gül-ābād) d’Ibrāhīm el-Eşrefī el-Qādirī, cheikh soufi ottoman du XIIe/XVIIIe siècle By: Alexandre Papas
A Treatise on Practical and Theoretical Sufism in the Sokoto Caliphate: Shaykh Dan Tafa’s Exposition of Devotions (Bayān al-Taʿabbudāt) By: Ogunnaike Oludamini
Traduction commentée des sentences parallèles (duilian) de Ma Qixi (1857-1914), fondateur du Xidaotang By: Marie-Paule Hille
Fragments de gnose musulmane soviétique: Quelques ghazals du dīwān de Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Dawlat Īlākī (1881-1947) By: Stéphane A. Dudoignon
Ẕahīn Shāh Tājī’s (d. 1978) Signs of Beauty (Āyāt-i Jamāl) By: Amer Latif

Mamluk Studies Review
Volume 24Th. Emil Homerin, 1955–2020 By: Amila Buturovic and Aaron W. Hughes
Michael Hamilton Burgoyne, 1944–2021 By: Shimon Gibson
Jean-Claude Garcin, 1934–2021 By: Denise Aigle and Sylvie Denoix
Mongol Origins in Mamluk Texts: An Origo Gentis in Ibn al-Dawādārī’s Durar al-Tījān and Kanz al-Durar By: Josephine van den Bent
Mamluks, Mongols, and Crusaders: Visual Strategies for Representing the Enemy By: Karen Rose Mathews
Al-Zīj al-Jadīd as an Instrument for Timekeeping in Fifteenth-Century Cairo: The Materiality of Bodleian MS Arch. Seld. A 30 By: Fien De Block
Archaeological Excavations of Bāb al-Ghurayb Cemetery: Plague Epidemics and the Ruin of Fourteenth-Century Cairo By: Stéphane Pradines
Copper or Silver? The Monetary Situation in Late Mamluk Damascus By: Wollina, Torsten
Waste, Excess, and Obsession in the Mamluk Harem By: Tara Stephan
Marriage and Kinship among the Amirs of the Banū al-Ḥusayn: The Rise of the Buḥturid Qadis in Rural Mamluk Syria (Eighth/Fourteenth Century) By: Wissam H. Halawi
Reassessing the Significance of Archival Material in Mamluk Diplomatic Studies: A Survey of Florentine-Mamluk Relations through the Lens of Chancery Sources (Fifteenth–Sixteenth Centuries) By: Alessandro Rizzo
The Trials and Tribulations of the Rasulid Sultan al-Malik al-Mujāhid ʿAlī (d. 764/1363) By: Daniel Martin Varisco

Medieval Encounters
Volume 27 Issue 4-5Money Matters: Individuals, Communities and Everyday Economic Interactions between Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe By: Elisheva Baumgarten
Between Foreigners, Strangers and Jews: The Changing Perception of Parisian Jews on the Eve of the 1306 Expulsion By: Nureet Dermer
The Archae System Revisited: The Records of Indebtedness to Medieval Jews By: Dean A. Irwin
Dismantling a Monopoly: Jews, Christians, and the Production of Shofarot in Fifteenth-Century Germany By: Andreas Lehnertz
Pawned Horses: Risk and Liability in Fourteenth Century German Small-Credit Market By: Aviya Doron
Interactions between Jews and Christians in Later Medieval Provence By: Daniel Lord Smail
Bees in the Medieval Maghreb: Wax, Honey and Cross-Cultural Trade in the Western Mediterranean By: Alexandra Sapoznik

Middle East Critique
Volume 30 Issue 4The Principled Fine Line in Egypt’s Sociology: Farewell Mona Abaza1 By: Atef Said
Afghanistan’s Political Settlement Puzzle: The Impact of the Breakdown of Afghan Political Parties to an Elite Polity System (2001–2021) By: Safiullah Taye
Claiming an Individual: Party, Family and the Politics of Memorialization in the Lebanese Civil War By: Dylan Baun
Remembering Nubia’s Past: Space, Generations and Memorial Practices By: Mayada Madbouly
IMF’s Social Protection between Rhetoric and Action: The Case of Egypt By: Osama Diab & Salma Ihab Hindy
10 Years On: New Contextual Factors in the Study of Islamism By: Lucia Ardovini & Erika Biagini

The Middle East Journal
Volume 75 Issue 3The Roots of the Sadrist Movement: Muhammad al-Sadr, Religious Authority, and Sociopolitical Practice By: Hasan, Harith
Salafism, Sectarianism, and National Identity in Iraqi Kurdistan By: Jalal, Pishtiwan; Ahram, Ariel I.
The Failed Ba’thification of Iraqi Kurdistan: The Ideological and Organizational Strategies of the Ba’th Party in Northern Iraq, 1968–2003 By: Li, Ruiheng
Escape to Germany in Syrian Television Drama: From Cross-Cultural Gender Constructions to Transnational Tropes of Masculinity and Homeland By: Joubin, Rebecca; Nissler, Sophia
The Social Media War in the Middle East By: Byman, Daniel

Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication
Volume 14 Issue 3How Ibn Saud Became a Romanticized Legend in the U.S., British and French Press (1920–1953) By: Sylvie A. Briand
Game without Game: Children’s Activism and the Politics of the Everyday By: Moulay Driss El Maarouf, Taieb Belghazi, and Farouk El Maarouf
Hizbullah’s ʿAshura Posters (2007–2020): The Visualization of Religion, Politics and Nationalism By : Sarah Hamdar
Serial Readers United: Independent Bookstore Cultures in Kuwait By: Ildiko Kaposi and Shahd Al-Shammari
A Women’s Empowerment Campaign in Egypt: Is It Really Empowering? A Campaign Creators’ Perspective By: Aya Shata and Michelle I. Seelig
From Weddings as Resistance to Resistance to Weddings: Un-weddings in the Palestinian Films ‘Villa Touma’ and ‘In Between’ By: Ariel M. Sheetrit

Middle East Law and Governance: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Volume 13 Issue 3Introduction: On the Relevance of Arab Parliaments By: Paul Maurice Esber and Jan Claudius Völkel
Parliaments in the MENA Region: Between Timid Reform and Regression. A Comparative Survey By: Rainer Grote
A Struggle for Institutionalization: the Tunisian Assemblée des Répresentants du Peuple and the Dominance of Consensus-Oriented Politics By: Chahd Bahri and Jan Claudius Völkel
Citizen Wayn? The Struggle of Parliament in Contemporary Jordan By: Paul Maurice Esber
Lebanon’s Parliament System as a Form of Institutionalized Hybridity By: James Paterson and Ben MacQueen
Walking a Thin Line of Representation: Analyzing the Behavior of Egyptian MPs By: Mazen Hassan, Ahmed Abdrabou, and Hala Abdelgawad
European Support for Arab Parliaments: A Successful Way to Democracy? By: Jan Claudius Völkel
Conclusions, Arab Parliaments Post-2011: A Sisyphean Task? By: Jan Claudius Völkel and Paul Maurice Esber
Jordan’s Election Law: Reinforcing Barriers to Democracy By: E.J. Karmel and David Linfield

Middle Eastern Studies
Volume 57 Issue 6Coercion in Armageddon: the experiences of Ottoman soldiers in the Great War By: Murat Yolun
Who are we? and Who are they? The construction of Turkish national identity in textbooks within the context of the Turkish War of Independence By: Murat Bayram Yılar & İrfan Davut Çam
Great Britain and ‘a small and poor peasant state’: Turkey, Britain and the 1930 Anglo-Turkish Treaty of Commerce and Navigation By: Ebru Boyar & Kate Fleet
A crisis of legitimacy or a source of political consolidation? The deportation of Bulgarian Turks in 1950-1951 and the Democratic Party By: Gözde Emen Gökatalay
Changing gender relations in 1950s Ankara: an inside view By: Hale Yılmaz & Roger A. Deal
Romania and the Palestine Liberation Organization, 1972–1974 By: Cezar Stanciu
Producing scientific knowledge by and for the Third World: postcolonial Algeria, South Americans and militant expertise in the Global Cold War By: E. Palieraki
Did as-Saʿidiyya really revolt? An ethnographic investigation By: Ahmed M. Abozaid

Volume 38 Issue 1From Stone to Dust: The Life of the Kufic-Inscribed Frieze of Wuqro Cherqos in Tigray, Ethiopia By: Mikael Muehlbauer
A Victory Tower Built by a Slave: The Chand Minar at Daulatabad in Deccan India By: Mohit Manohar
Images for Instruction: A Multilingual Illustrated Dictionary in Fifteenth-Century Sultanate India By: Vivek Gupta
Kabul, a Forgotten Mughal Capital: Gardens, City, and Court at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century By: Laura E. Parodi
A History of the Ottoman Fez before Mahmud II (ca. 1600–1800) By: Youssef Ben Ismail
Colonial Zaytuna: The Making of a Minaret in French-Occupied Tunisia By: Sihem Lamine
Archaeology and Cultural Policy in Ottoman Tunisia: Part II: Muhammad Khaznadar (1871–99) By: Ridha Moumni
Camera, Canvas, and Qibla: Late Ottoman Mobilities and the Fatih Mosque Painting By: Sabiha Göloğlu
Prospective and Retrospective: Le Corbusier’s Twofold Voyage d’Orient By: Jacobé Huet

Nazariyat: Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences
Volume 7 Issue 2Taqī al-Dīn al-Rasid and His Treatise on Algebra Mathematical Evaluation, Translation, and Editio Princeps By: Elif Baga
The Model of Universals in Kalam Atomism: On al-Juwaynī’s Theory of al-Aḥwal By: Mehmet Aktaş
On Otherness: An Analysis in the Context of Ibn Sīnā’s Theory of Relation By: Zehra Gökgöz
The Power and Limits of Reason: Al-Rāzī on the Possibility of General and Particular Metaphysical Knowledge By: Eşref Altaş
Criticism of the Neo-Classical Salafı Understanding Forming the Discourse of Religious Exclusivism An Evaluation on the Specifics of the Critiques Aimed at Fakhr al-Dın al-Razı Regarding the Epistemological Value of Language By: Mehdi Cengiz
The Being and Essence of the Human Soul in al-Taftāzānī’s Thought By: Ziya Erdinç

Volume 49 Issue 3-4The Challenge of Evil in Islamic Thought: A Brief Survey By: Sajjad Rizvi and Mathieu Terrier
« Le mal ne s’enracine pas dans l’instauration ». La question du mal dans le shiʿisme ismaélien By: Daniel De Smet
Le mal moral chez Avicenne : perspectives éthiques et politiques By: Meryem Sebti
The Question of Providence and the Problem of Evil in Suhrawardī By: Jari Kaukua
La philosophie shiʿite face au problème du mal : essais de théodicée chez Mīr Dāmād (m. 1040/1631) et deux de ses élèves By: Mathieu Terrier
Considering Divine Providence in Mullā Ṣadrā Šīrāzī (d. 1045/1636): The Problem of Evil, Theodicy, and the Divine Eros By: Sajjad Rizvi
Le mal subi, le mal rendu. Une lecture anthropologique des pratiques de lamentations et de malédictions dans le shiʿisme populaire iranien By: Sepideh Parsapajouh

Oriente Moderno
Volume 101 Issue 1In ricordo di Massimo Campanini By: Roberto Tottoli
Nota su Cor. xlix:13 ǧaʿalnākum šuʿūban wa-qabāʾila By: Giovanni Canova
An Egyptian Medical Officer and Qurʾān Commentator in Ottoman Syria: Muḥammad b. Aḥmad al-Iskandarānī and His Tafāsīr in the 19th Century By: Majid Daneshgar
Observations on the Jām-e Čehel Kelid in Iran: Notes on the Text and Context By: Leila Karami
From Nasser to al-Sīsī: Politicization, Personality Cult and Army Adulation in Egyptian Children’s Periodicals By: Elad Giladi
Stampa e nazionalismo in Egitto a cavallo tra Ottocento e Novecento By: Lorenzo P. Salvati
A Statement Released by Israeli šarīʿah Courts on the Appointment of the First Female in the Position of šarīʿah Judge in Israel By: Nijmi Edres

Oriente Moderno
Volume 101 Issue 2The Multiple Renaissances: Revival, Temporality, and Modernity across the Eastern Mediterranean, 1700-1900 By: Elisabetta Benigni
Political Reforms as Religious Revival: Conceptual Foundations of Tanzimat By: Alp Eren Topal
Phanariot Tongues: The Mavrocordatos Family and the Power of the Turkish Language in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Empire By: Nir Shafir
Morpho-Semantic Evidence of Emerging Subjectivity in the Language of the Nahḍah — A Proposal By: Stephan Guth
“They Call Them Antiḳa”. Ottoman Travellers in Italy and the Idea of Antiquities in the Early Tanzimat Period By: Luca Berardi
“Metempsychosis” and “Marvelous Affinities”: Re-Imagining the Past in the Ilyāḏah by Sulaymān al-Bustānī (1904) and in the Divano di ʿOmar ben al-Fared by Pietro Valerga (1874) By: Elisabetta Benigni

Oriente Moderno
Volume 101 Issue 3A Nineteenth-Century Blueprint for Recasting the Muslim Mindset in British India By: Belkacem Belmekki
An Emblematic Case in the Kingdom of Iraq: the Jewish Commander in Charge of the Baghdad Arsenal, Yamen Yousef, from Integration in Nation-Building to Exclusion By: Ephraim Nissan
Domesticating the Turks, Staging Otherness. The Tradition of Embodying the Turks, the Parata dei Turchi of Potenza and Its Narration in 20th-Century Folkloric Descriptions By: Filomena Viviana Tagliaferri
Bollettino di Islamistica By: Roberto Tottoli
SESAMO Dossier By: Daniela Melfa and Rosita Di Peri

Philosophy and Social Criticism
Volume 47 Issue 8Without mandate: James Bernauer from the ethics of thought to historical memory By: Joseph Tanke
The monastic origins of discipline: From the rule to the norm? By: Agustín Colombo
Sodomites, witches, and Indians: Another look at Foucault’s history of sexuality, volume one By: Ladelle McWhorter
Hervé Guibert as Foucault might have imagined him By: Joseph Tanke
“Who shall be lord of the earth?” Nietzsche, Schmitt, and thinking “beyond the line” By: Gary Shapiro
Oedipal fragments: Reconsidering the significance of Oedipus for James Bernauer and Michel Foucault By: Corey McCall
World-building and the predicaments of our time By: Dianna Taylor
Foucault and fugitive study By: Alexander Means
Dream and the aesthetics of existence: Revisiting “Foucault’s ethical imagination” By: Edward McGushin
Jesuits and Jews, and the way we dare to think: A Jesuit’s reflections on James Bernauer’s Jesuit Kaddish By: Francis X. Clooney
Jesuit Kaddish and I By: Thomas W Laqueur

Philosophy and Social Criticism
Volume 47 Issue 9Juridification as politics: An institutional view By: Mariano Croce
Historical materialism as mediation between the physical and the meaningful By: Jeff Noonan
The Lebensform as organism: Clarifying the limits of immanent critique By: Emerson Bodde
How a critical Humean naturalism is possible: Contesting the Neo-Aristotelian reading By: Martin Hartmann
Epistemic injustice in workplace hierarchies: Power, knowledge and status By: Chi Kwok

Philosophy and Social Criticism
Volume 47 Issue 10The Sine Qua Non of Carl Schmitt’s political thinking: The issue of interstate relations By: Can Mert Kökerer
Towards a more plural political theory of pluralism By: Corrado Fumagalli
Malinchism as a social pathology By: Gustavo Pereira
Nietzsche’s shadow: On the origin and development of the term nihilism By: Juan Luis Toribio Vazquez
Political realism, legitimacy, and a place for external critique By: Ilaria Cozzaglio
Religious language in the postsecular public sphere: A falsificationist model By: Umut Parmaksız

Politics and Religion
Volume 14 Issue 4Rights, Democracy, and Islamist Women’s Activism in Tunisia and Egypt By: Anwar Mhajne, Rasmus Brandt
The Opposition Advantage: Islamist Opposition Parties and Security Cooperation By: Syed Rashid Munir
Faith and Friendship: Religious Bonding and Interfaith Relations in Muslim Countries By: Nathanael Gratias Sumaktoyo
Perceptions of Local versus National Factors in Religious and Tribal Conflict: Evidence from a Survey in Jos, Nigeria By: Laura Thaut Vinson, Peter Rudloff
The Political Strategy of Appealing to Religious Nationalism: Examining Motivations to Join Religious Organizations by Japanese LDP Politicians By: Hope Dewell Gentry
Religion and the Israeli Welfare State: The Case of Burial Services By: Roni Holler
What Drives Religious Politicking? An Analysis of 24 Democratic Elections By: Emma Rosenberg, Amy Erica Smith
Religious Ideology, Race, and Health Care Policy Attitudes By: R. Khari Brown, Angela Kaiser
The Association of Electoral Volatility and Religious Riots in India By: Prashant Hosur Suhas, Vasabjit Banerjee

Politics, Religion & Ideology
Volume 22 Issue 3-4Heroic Pasts and Anticipated Futures: A Comparative Analysis of the Conceptions of History of the Nordic Resistance Movement and Generation Identity By: Fredrik Wilhelmsen
Once A Diaspora, Always A Diaspora? The Ethnic, Cultural and Political Mobilization of Kurdistani Jews in Israel By: Bahar Baser & Duygu Atlas
Temporal Politics and the Collectivization of Young People’s Leisure Time in Early Maoist Beijing By: Yifan Shi
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and Marxism-Leninism By: Joe Pateman
Religion as Politics, Religion as Culture: Ideologization and De-Ideologization of the Literature Field after the 1979 Revolution in Iran By: Elham Hosnieh
Georgian Path to Secularism: A Case of ‘Cultural Defense’ By: Ayşegül Aydıngün, Serhat Keskin & Hazar Ege Gürsoy
Religious Discrimination against Groups Perceived as Cults in Europe and the West By: Eti Peretz & Jonathan Fox
The State against the Rohingya: Root Causes of the Expulsion of Rohingya from Myanmar By: Iqthyer Uddin Md Zahed
Framing religious outbidding: al-qaida, islamic state, and intra-religious competition By: Nukhet A. Sandal

Religion Compass (Islam Section)
Volume 15 Issue 2Cognitive and quantitative approaches to Islamic studies: Integrating psychological, socioeconomic, and digital-cultural statistics By: Aria Nakissa

Sociology of Islam
Volume 9 Issue 2Turkey and Indonesia: A Relationship of Muslim-Majority Middle Powers By: Michael B. Bishku
A Pilot Assessment of How Muslim Scientists Perceive Inclusion in the Scientific Workplace By: Jauhara Ferguson and Elaine Howard Ecklund
The Halalisation of Islam By: François Gauthier
Kemalism and Populism By: Tamer Balci

Studia Islamica
Volume 116 Issue 2La ziyāra chez les premiers ascètes et dévots d’après la Ḥilyat al-awliyāʾ d’Abū Nuʿaym al-Iṣfahānī : entre itinéraire pèlerin et initiation au dhikr al-mawt By: Kabira Masotta
“Par la médiation de son tombeau”. La visite pieuse (ziyāra) au Maghreb aux XIVe-XVe siècles entre croyance éprouvée et norme mouvante By: Nelly Amri
La défense philosophique de la prière votive (duʿāʾ) et de la visite pieuse (ziyāra), d’Ibn Sīnā à la renaissance safavide (XIe/XVIIe siècle) By: Mathieu Terrier
Pouvoir du lieu, médiation du texte : Remarques anthropologiques sur la visite pieuse à Karbalā By: Sepideh Parsapajouh
La visite pieuse aux tombeaux des saints: Étude ethnographique en milieu soufi chinois (Gansu, 1901-2019) By: Marie-Paule Hille

Turkish Historical Review
Volume 12 Issue 2-3The ’68 Movements around the World and in Turkey: One Movement or Many? By: Ömer Turan
“Turkey Will Be a Second France, Unless Our Demands Are Satisfied”: The Turkish Student Movement in the Long 1960s By: Nikos Christofis
Left Movements and the Army in Turkey (1961–71): The Case of the Yön-Devrim Movement By: Mustafa Şener
Anti-Imperialism and Kemalism in Turkey’s Long Sixties: Mahir Çayan’s Theory of Revolution in Context By: Erol Ülker
The New Left in Turkey’s Long Sixties: The Kurdish ’68ers and the Workers’ Party of Turkey By: Azat Zana Gündoğan
Labour in Turkey during the 1960s: The Long Hot Decade of the Working Class By: Aziz Çelik
Leaving Home, Claiming the Street: Exploring Women’s Challenges in Turkey’s ’68 Movement By: Selda Tuncer and İnan Özdemir Taştan
Women of ’68 and Their Experiences of Bargaining With Patriarchy By: Zeynep Beşpinar
Poetry, Rock ’n’ Roll, and Cinema in Turkey’s 1960s By: Kenan Behzat Sharpe
Afterword: The Turkish 1960s in Comparative Perspective By: Hamit Bozarslan

Turkish Studies
Volume 22 Issue 5Conservatives, nationalists, and incumbent support in Turkey By: Yasushi Hazama
Ethno-national divisions in Turkey and Israel: a comparison of system support By: Gal Ariely
Countering counterterrorism: defending human rights and challenging curfews in Turkey By: Melinda Negrón-Gonzales
Do border walls work?: security, insecurity and everyday economy in the Turkish-Syrian borderland By: Zerrin Arslan, Şule Can & Thomas M. Wilson
Politics of real estate internationalization: contested liberalization in Turkey By: H. Deniz Genç & Günce Sabah Eryılmaz
Beyond secular? AKP’s religious policies and societal polarization in North Cyprus By: Dilek Latif

Journal of Palestine Studies
Volume 51 Issue 1Cultivating Credit: Financialized Urbanization Is Alienation! By : Tareq Radi
Palestine Solidarity Conferences in the Global Sixties By : Sorcha Thomson, Pelle Valentin Olsen, Sune Haugbolle
Finding a New Idiom: Language, Moral Decay, and the Ongoing Nakba By : Elias Khoury
“Captain Filastine” and the Trappings of Success By : Nada Elia
An Invitation to Belong: Challenging the Systemic Exclusion of Palestinians as Present Absentees By : Sarah Anne Minkin
Toward the Consolidation of a Gazan Military Front? By : Camille Mansour
Israeli Law and the Rule of Colonial Difference By : Rabea Eghbariah