Spring 2021 Journal Roundup

Check out our Journal Roundups for the latest articles in Islamic studies. This is the forty-first iteration to be published and the Spring 2021 edition is now online. The Spring 2021 edition currently has issues from 78 journals in a wide variety of subjects and disciplines and will be revised as more journals announce their Spring issues.

The journal roundup project covers over 90 English language journals in a variety of disciplines related to Islamic Studies, providing the table of contents for each journal as a tool for researchers, academics, students, and those generally interested in the field of Islamic Studies. We include only articles; book reviews can be found on the journal sites. Please let us know if we have missed any journals or if you have questions at journals@themaydan.com. [Curated by Aysenur Sonmez Kara and Wali Siddiq].



Volume 4 Issue 1

The Medieval Urbanism of Ghazni (Afghanistan, 10th–12th Centuries). A Cross-Reading of Textual and Material Evidence By: Viola Allegranzi

The 2019 Afghan Presidential Election: An Assessment of Problematic Processes and Results By: Thomas Johnson

Introduction – Means, Modes and Motivations: Further Reflections on Writing Histories of Afghanistan By: Shah Mahmoud Hanifi

Afghanistan in Asia: Reflections on the Study of Afghan Transnationalism By: Nile Green

The Centrality of Indo-Persia in Global Asia and Historical Formation of Afghanistan By: David Ludden

A Conflict of Ideologies and an Ideology of Conflicts in Early Modern Pashto Writings By: Mikhail Pelevin

Commerce, Cuisine and Cultural Exchange in Afghanistan, West Asia and Beyond By: Magnus Marsden

Crypto-Colonial Independence Rituals in Afghanistan By: M. Jamil Hanifi and Shah Mahmoud Hanifi

Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics

Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics

Volume 41

History and the Novel: Introduction and Analytical Overview By: Céza Kassem

Writing Pre-Modern Arab History: Introductory Critical Approach By: Tarif Khalidi

Arab Traditions in the Writing of Coptic History By: Magdi Guirguis

Al-Andalus in Spanish-Ruled Morocco: Politics of Prestige and Circularity of History in Al-Mu‘tamid and Ketama By: Itzea Goikolea-Amiano

World War II in the Poetry of Muhammad Mahdi al-Jawahiri By: Ahmed F. Khaleel

Narrative Dreams and History By: Abdullah Ibrahim

Being-towards-Apocalypse: An Ontological-Historical Analysis of Maṭar’s Poetry By: Karim Elsaiad

Intertextuality between Sunset Oasis and Cairo Swan Song: A Reading of Two Egyptian Colonial Periods By: Mohamed Birairi

Musical Orientalism: Two Studies from the early 1800s between Contemporary Performance Practices and Early Manuscripts By: Azza Madian

Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies

Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies

Volume 19 Issue 1

In the Shadow of Muslim-Christian Relations: A Critical Analytical Study to the Narration of the Pact of ʿUmar By: Maher Y. Abu-Munshar

The Connection between “Religious Intolerance” and “Holy Ignorance”; Discussion on Religious Freedom Based on the Qurʾan and Hadith By: Ali Hasannia

A New Approach to Arabic Tense Form-Content Mismatch in Four Translations of the Qurʾan By: Amr M. El-Zawawy

Fiqh Hadith Dalam Kalangan Ulama Hadith Kontemporari. Kajian Terhadap Metode Kefahaman al-Ghumari dalam Isu-Isu Terpilih: Hadith Interpretation among Contemporary Hadith Scholars: A Study on al-Ghumari’s Interpretation Methods on Selected Issues By: Faisal Ahmad Shah

Manhaj al-Daraqutni dalam Menilai Periwayatan al-Tafarrud daripada Perawi Thiqa dalam Karya “Al-ʿIlal al-Warida fi al-Ahadith al-Nabawiyya:” The Method Espoused by al-Daraqutni in Evaluating the Narrations of Trusted Narrator of al-Tafarrud in the Book “Al-ʿIlal al-Warida fi al-Ahadith al-Nabawiyya” By: Mohd Aizul bin Yaakob and Roshimah Shamsudin

تحفيز العصب الرأسي العاشر بين الطرق الطبية الطبيعية والقرآن والسنة النبوية والممارسات الإسلامية: Vagus Nerve Stimulation between Natural Medical Procedures and the Quran, Prophetic Traditions and Islamic Practices By: Zina M. Al-Alami and Alladein Mohammad Ahmad Adawi

Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies

Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies

Volume 59 Issue 1

From Textuality to Universality: The Evolution of Ḥirābah Crimes in Islamic Jurisprudence By: Moh Khasan

Stuck in Sharia Space: The Experiences of Christian Students to Reside in Langsa, Aceh By: Yogi Febriandi, Yaser Amri

Islam and Humanity: Commodification of Aid for Rohingya in Aceh By: Lindra Darnela

The Spread of Muslim Feminist Ideas in Indonesia: Before and After the Digital Era By: Nina Nurmila

An Islamic Spiritual Alternative to Addiction Treatment and Recovery By: Benaouda Bensaid, Salah ben Tahar Machouche, Mustafa Tekke

Women’s Roles in Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn and Method of Teaching it at Pesantrens in Indonesia By: Umma Farida, Abdurrohman Kasdi

The Writing of Hadith in the Era of Prophet Muhammad: A Critique on Harun Nasution’s Thought By: Daud Rasyid Harun, Aisyah Daud Rasyid, Asmuliadi Lubis, Mohd Abd Wahab Fatoni Bin Mohd Balwi, Bilal Daud Rasyid

The Will and the Presence of Human Being in Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari’s Thought: Explaining the Relation between Human and God in Kalam Discourse By: Mohammad Yunus Masrukhin

al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean

al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean

Volume 33 Issue 2

Introduction: Group Formation and Maintenance in the ʿAbbāsid and Fāṭimid Caliphates, 750–1000 By: Philip Wood

“There is no harm in it”: Muslim Participation in Levantine Christian Religious Festivals (750–1000) By: Anna Chrysostomides

Alexandria and Antioch in the First ʿAbbāsid Century By: Phil Booth

The Treaty between Muḥammad and the Christians of Najrān in the Chronicle of Seert: Negotiating the Rights of the Conquered and the Re-writing of the Past By: Philip Wood

Jews and the Fāṭimid Caliphate By: Marina Rustow

The Institutions of the Shīʿī Imāmate: Towards a Social History of Early Imāmī Shiʿism By: Edmund Hayes

Theology, Law and Social Configuration: Views and Attitudes towards Theological Innovators (mubtadiʿūn) By: Nimrod Hurvitz



Volume 42 Issue 1

Los tratados de agricultura como fuente para el estudio de la propiedad aristocrática andalusí By: Pedro Jiménez-Castillo, Inmaculada Camarero

Nueva lectura del capítulo 157 del tratado agrícola de Ibn Luyūn By: Walid Akef, Iñigo Almela

Verbos de dicción en el Corán: el caso de qāla By: Yehudit Dror

Dire la norme dans la seconde moitié du IXe/XVe siècle : la Tuḥfa d’al-ʿUqbānī, miroir de transformations sociales au Maghreb central By: Jennifer Vanz

De «España árabe» a «España musulmana»: al-Andalus bajo el prisma antisemita (1847-1945) By: Juan Pablo Domínguez

Islamización y aculturación en la época de ʻUmar II (717-720) By: Yaacov Lev

Juan de Segobia y los manuscritos de la traducción latina del Corán de Robert de Ketton By: Fernando González-Muñoz

Campaña contra la bidʿa conyugal en el norte de Marruecos durante el siglo XVI By: Tomoaki Shinoda

Veneración profética en el Reino Nazarí de Granada a través de la creación y la transmisión de obras de hadiz musalsal (VII-IX/XIII-XV) By: Cristina de la Puente

American Journal of Islam and Society

American Journal of Islam and Society

Volume 38 Issue 1-2

Fifty-Seven Tracts: Shaybānī’s (d. 189/805) Aṣl/Mabsūṭ, Twelve Centuries On By: Ahmad Atif Ahmad

Averroës’ Takfīr of al-Ghazālı̄: Ta’wīl and Causal Kufr By: Saja Parvizian

From Streamlining to Mainstreaming “Islamization of Knowledge” By: Sari hanafi

The Dissemination and Implementation of Islam within the African American Community By: Rafiqur Rahman

Arab Law Quarterly

Arab Law Quarterly

Volume 35 Issue 3

Grand Coalition Government: The Case of Lebanon By: Simon Badran

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law to International Commercial Agency Agreements from a Jordanian Perspective By: Abdullah Aldmour

Application of CISG in Kuwait By: Bashayer al-Mukhaizeem

Paternity Rights of Authors under Iraqi and English Law: A Comparative Study in the Field of Copyright and Author Rights By: Ali Mohammed Khalaf al-Fatlawi

Egypt’s COVID-19 Response through a Gender Lens By: Nora Salem

Arab Studies Journal

Arab Studies Journal

Volume 29 Issue 1

Egyptian Textbooks in Times of Change, 1952–1980 By: Farida Makar and Ehaab D. Abdou

Reconceptualizing Algeria in Italy: Amara Lakhous and Leonardo Sciascia By: Claudia Esposito

Arab Critical Culture and Its (Palestinian) Discontents after the Second World War By: Adey Almohsen

Arab Studies Quarterly

Arab Studies Quarterly

Volume 43 Issue 2

The Collapse of Yemen’s Sovereignty by Permanent Violence: A Means of Both Production and Consumption of Value By: Jude Kadri

Warientalism, or the Carrier of Firewood By: Mohamed Salah Eddine Madiou

Re-reading Ibn-Khaldun in the 21st Century: Traveling Theory and the Question of Authority, Legitimacy, and State Violence in the Modern Arab World By: Ahmed Abozeid

Academic Exchange Programs between China and the Arab Region: A Means of Cultural Harmony or Indirect Chinese Influence? By: Mohamad Zreik

Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Volume 68 Issue 1

Revising the Assumption that Ḥadīṯ Studies Flourished in the 11th/17th-Century Ḥiǧāz: Ibrāhīm al-Kūrānī’s (d. 1101/1690) Contribution By: Naser Dumairieh

Une « rime cachée » dans Cor 23, 12-14 ? Histoire du texte et histoire de la langue By: Pierre Larcher

The Truth within a Circle: A Muḥabbaẓūna’s Play and Its Revival by Alfred Faraǧ By: Daniela Potenza

Old Arabic Minutiae I: ḥattā, laysa, and More from the Inscriptions of the Syro-Jordanian Ḥarrah By: Ahmad Al-Jallad

Asian Affairs

Asian Affairs

Volume 52 Issue 2











British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies

Volume 48 Issue 2

Complexity and cooperation in times of conflict: Turkish-Iranian relations and the Nuclear Issue By: Iain William MacGillivray

Sinan Antoon’s Fihris: an index of two minds seeking one nation By: Geula Elimelekh

Settling down the crisis: planning and implementation of the immigrant settlements in the Balkans during the Late Ottoman period By: Ahmet Erdem Tozoğlu & Seda Nehir Gümüşlü Akgün

The Shi’i clergy and perceived opportunity structures: political activism in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon By: Mohammad R. Kalantari

The Johannesburg exile and the death of Reza Shah, 1942-44 By: Shaul Bakhash

Clients or challengers?: tribal constituents in Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE By: Courtney Freer

Policing labour in empire: the modern origins of the Kafala sponsorship system in the Gulf Arab States By: Omar Hesham AlShehabi

Unpredictability in US foreign policy and the regional order in the Middle East: reacting vis-à-vis a volatile external security-provider By: Jordi Quero & Andrea Dessì

The consequences of the fragmented military in Iraqi Kurdistan By: Hawre Hasan Hama

Central Asian Affairs

Central Asian Affairs

Volume 8 Issue 1

Central Asian Regionalism or Central Asian Order? Some Reflections By: Filippo Costa Buranelli

How Perceptions of the English Language Have Changed in Kazakhstan: A Narrative Analysis By: Valerie Sartor

Discussing Sinophobia in Kyrgyzstan By: Aizat Shailoobek Kyzy

Uchyot and Foucault: Drug Users and Migrants in Post-Soviet Central Asia and Russia By: Rano Turaeva and Muyassar Turaeva

Central Asian Survey

Central Asian Survey

Volume 40 Issue 2

Monotonous motorscapes: Uzbekistan’s car industry and the consolidation of a post-socialist shortage economy By: Nikolaos Olma

Exploiting norms: gender, local elites and farm individualization in Tajikistan By: Brent Hierman & Navruz Nekbakhtshoev

After Karimov and Nazarbayev: change in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan? By: Pamela Blackmon

The evolution of religious regulation in Central Asia, 1991–2018 By: Dustin Gamza & Pauline Jones

Human rights of daughters-in-law (kelins) in Central Asia: harmful traditional practices and structural oppression By: Galym Zhussipbek & Zhanar Nagayeva

Neighbouring an insurgency: the case of radicalization in Georgia By: Elena Pokalova & Tinatin Karosanidze

Conceiving homogenous state-space for the nation: the nationalist discourse on autochthony and the politics of place-naming in Armenia By: Husik Ghulyan

Critical Muslim

Critical Muslim

Volume 38 Issue 1

We Have No Humour By: Hassan Mahamdallie

‘Let Him Wear It Himself’ By: Gilbert Ramsay

Muslim Comedy in America By: Eric Walberg

My Sardonic Tweet By: Hussein Kesvani

Hodga Tales Retold By: Mevlut Ceylan

Classic Drink By: Samia Rahman

Three African Girls By: Hodan Yusuf

Critical Muslim

Critical Muslim

Volume 38 Issue 2

Humouring the Humourless By: Hussein Abdulsater

War of the Words By: Boyd Tonkin

The Other Humours By: Leyla Jagiella

Laughing Matter By: Shazia Mirza

Short Story: Death of a Nobody By: Medina Tenour Whiteman

Shared Values By: Giles Goddard

The List: Bollywood Comedy Awards By: Rachel Dwyer

Critical Muslim

Critical Muslim

Volume 38 Issue 3

Sufi Satire By: Bruce Lawrence

Old Arab Jokes By: Robert Irwin

No Laughs to Give By: C. Scott Jordan

Qahera By: Deena Mohamed

Carinvalesque Uprisings By: Shanon Shah

Last Word: On Pigeons and Prayer By: Ziauddin Sardar

Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Volume 41 Issue 1

Introduction: The African-Soviet Modern By: Elizabeth Banks; Robyn d’Avignon; Asif Siddiqi

Leveraging Alternatives: Early FRELIMO, the Soviet Union, and the Infrastructure of African Political Exile By: Andrew Ivaska

Sewing Machines for Socialism?: Gifts of Development and Disagreement between the Soviet and Mozambican Women’s Committees, 1963–87 By: Elizabeth Banks

Shaping the World: Soviet-African Technologies from the Sahel to the Cosmos By: Asif Siddiqi

Out of Empire into Socialist Modernity: Soviet-African (Dis)Connections and Global Intellectual Geographies By: Steffi Marung

A National Vocation: Engineering Nature and State in Lebanon’s Merchant Republic By: Owain Lawson

Desert Geopolitics: Arizona, Arabia, and an Arid-Lands Response to the Territorial Trap By: Natalie Koch

The Affective Feminism of Ghazaleh Hedayat By: Foad Torshizi

Art, Activism, and the Presence of Memory in Palestine: Interview with Palestinian Artist Rana Bishara By: Lila Abu-Lughod

Contemporary Arab Affairs

Contemporary Arab Affairs

Volume 14 Issue 2

Rethinking the Carter Doctrine and its Geopolitical Implications By: Gregory Noth

Security of the Middle East in Light of the Iranian Nuclear Deal By: Hussein Talal Maklad

Changes in Turkish Regional Policy from an Arab Perspective in the aftermath of Arab Uprisings By: Shaimaa Magued

The Role of Armed Conflict in Developing a Subculture of Hate and its Consequences: Empirical Findings from Libya By: Mustafa Omar Attir

Gulf Cooperation Council: Structural and Political Challenges in Establishing a Unified Regional Gulf Identity (RGI) By: Wafaa A. Alaradi; Hasan A. Johar

Political Governance in Higher Education: The Case of Arab Public Universities By: Adnan ElAmine

Contemporary Islam

Contemporary Islam

Volume 15 Issue 1

Envisioning Hijra: the ethics of leaving and dwelling of European Muslims By: Nadia Fadil, Annelies Moors & Karel Arnaut

“Some kind of family”: Hijra between people and places By: Joud Alkorani

‘Making Hijra’: mobility, religion and the everyday in the lives of women converts to Islam in the Netherlands By: Vanessa Vroon-Najem & Annelies Moors

“They have no taste in Morocco.” Home furnishing, belonging, and notions of religious (im)perfection among white Dutch and Flemish converts in Morocco By: Nina ter Laan

The journey from france to france: the spiritual moves of muslim youth from marseille By: Cécile Evers

‘Reaching the land of jihad’ – Dutch Syria volunteers, hijra and counter-conduct By: Martijn de Koning

Contemporary Review of the Middle East

Contemporary Review of the Middle East

Volume 8 Issue 2

Syria’s Sect-coded Conflict: From Hezbollah’s Top-down Instrumentalization of Sectarian Identity to Its Candid Geopolitical Confrontation By: Hadi Wahab

The Past as a Benchmark in Defining Turkey’s Status Politics By: Hakan Mehmetcik, Ferit Belder

Re-adapting to Changing Middle Eastern Politics: The Modification in Turkey’s Actor Perception and Turkey-Free Syrian Army (FSA) Relations By: Mustafa Yetim, Tamer Kaşıkcı

The Pendulum of Majoritarianism: Turkey’s Governmental Self-Identity and Turkish–Egyptian Relations By: Mustafa Onur Tetik

On Democracy in Iran in the Islamic Republic Era: A Knowledge-based Social Outline By: Morteza Mirzanejad, Sirous Amerian, Negar Partow

Die Welt des Islams

Die Welt des Islams

Volume 61 Issue 2

One Manuscript, Many Books: The Manuscript and Editing History of Aḥkām ahl al-dhimma By: Antonia Bosanquet

Constitutionalism in Poetry, Poetry in Constitutionalism: Muḥammad Ḥāfiẓ Ibrāhīm’s Imagining of Contemporary Constitutional Movements By: Urs Gösken

Between Kazan and Kashghar: On the Vernacularization of Islamic Jurisprudence in Central Eurasia By: Paolo Sartori

Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (EJIMEL)

Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (EJIMEL)

Volume 9 Issue 1

An Analysis of the Right of a Muslim Spouse to Claim Pension Interest Subsequent to Divorce: A South African Case Study By: Muneer Abduroaf

Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and Islamic World

Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and Islamic World

Volume 19 Issue 2

Debates on the Diya (Blood Money): Contemporary Juristic Discourse and Women’s Rights By: Ron Shaham

Hope Springs Eternal: Reforming Inheritance Law in Islamic Societies By: Ahmed Souaiaia

Malay Women Leaders in Malaysia: The Unthinkable? By: Norshahril Saat

Gendered Narrative in Female War Literature: Helen Benedict’s Sand Queen By: Maryam Moosavi, Azra Ghandeharion, and Mahmoud Reza Ghorban Sabbagh

How Women’s Presence in Tehran’s Public Spaces Compares to Shariʿa Prescriptions, Old Tehran and Contemporary Tehran By: Fatemeh Salarvandian, Ahmand Pourahmad, Seyed Ali Hosseini, Muhammad Jafar Ashkevari, and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini

History of Religions

History of Religions

Volume 60 Issue 4

Disappearing and Disappeared Daughters in Medieval Chinese Buddhism: Sūtras on Sex Transformation and an Intervention into Their Transmission History By: Stephanie Balkwill

Buddhist Law beyond the Vinaya: Monastic Constitutions (katikāvatas) and Their Transformations in Colonial Sri Lanka By: Benjamin Schonthal

The Inconvenience of Chocolate: Disciplining the Society of Jesus in Seventeenth-Century Mexico By: Danielle Terrazas Williams

Ilahiyat Studies: A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies

Ilahiyat Studies: A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies

Volume 12 Issue 1

Apprehension and Existence, Appearance and Reality: The Reception of Nafs al-amr Debates after the 13th Century By: Murat Kaş

Expansion or Contraction of the Prophetic Experience? An Analysis of the Prophetic Dream Theory of ʿAbd al-Karīm Surūsh By: Asiye Tığlı

Discourse Strategies and Narrative Repetition in the Qurʾān: A Special Reference to al-Shuʿarāʾ By: Roghayeh Farsi

Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies

Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies

Volume 11 Issue 1

Passive Islamophobia and cultural national construction: a critical note on art curriculum By: Saifuddin Dhuhri, Hamka Hasan, Ahmad Sholeh Sakni, Iffatul Umniati Ismail

Countering Islamophobia in Portugal: experience of Indonesian Muslim expatriates By: Sa’adi Sa’adi

Middle East and African Student (MEAS) perceptions of Islam and Islamic moderation: a case study By: Mansoureh Ebrahimi, Kamaruzaman Yusoff, Rozmi Ismail

Worldview, religion, and urban growth: a geopolitical perspective on geography of power and conception of space during Islamization in Java, Indonesia By: Hafid Setiadi

The rejection of religious nationalism towards the secular state and the Islamic caliphate: Indonesian religious figures perspective By: Imam Sutomo, Budihardjo Budihardjo

Shifting paradigm: from Intellectual Quotient, Emotional Quotient, and Spiritual Quotient toward Ruhani Quotient in ruhiology perspectives By: Achmad Ushuluddin, Abd Madjid, Siswanto Masruri, Mohammad Affan

Critique of radical religious paradigm: an epistemological analysis from principles of Islamic thought By: Ade Dedi Rohayana, Muhammad Jauhari Sofi

Islam-based peace education: values, program, reflection and implication By: M Abdul Fattah Santoso, Yayah Khisbiyah

Intellectual History of the Islamicate World

Intellectual History of the Islamicate World

Volume 9 Issue 3

Three Fragments of a Judaeo-Arabic Translation of Ecclesiastes with Full Tiberian Vocalisation By: Nick Posegay and Estara J Arrant

Judeo-Persian Elegies on the Death of Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh (r. 1848–1896) By: Vera B. Moreen

Cosmography, Cosmology, and Kalām from Samarqand to Istanbul By: Robert Morrison

The Longer Theology of Aristotle in al-Andalus: New Evidence from Lisān al-Dīn Ibn al-Khaṭīb’s Rawḍat al-taʿrīf and Observations on Arabic and Judeo-Arabic Transmission By: Alexander Treiger

International Journal of Middle East Studies

International Journal of Middle East Studies

Volume 53 Issue 2

Crowning the “Sun of the Aryans”: Mohammad Reza Shah’s Coronation and Monarchical Spectacle in Pahlavi Iran By: Robert Steele

Usurpers of Technology: Train Robbery and Theft in Egypt, 1876–1904 By: Xiaoyue Li

Two Sources for Abu Dhuʾayb al-Hudhali’s Famous Elegy By: Ali Ahmad Hussein

Conversion, Identity, and Memory in Iranian-Jewish Historiography: The Jews of Mashhad By: Ariane Sadjed

The Construction of “Native” Jews in Late Mandate Palestine: An Ongoing Nahda as a Political Project By: Aviv Derri

The Uneven Age of Speed: Caravans, Technology, and Mobility in the Late Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Middle East By: Philippe Pétriat

Reflections on North African History: Abdallah Laroui and his History of the Maghrib By: Stuart Schaar

Ottoman Ego-Documents: State of the Art By: Selim Karahasanoğlu

Autobiographies and Weak Ties: Saʾin al-Din Turka’s Self-Narratives By: İlker Evrim Binbaş

The Emotional Universe of Insecure Scholars in the Early Modern Ottoman Hierarchy of Learning By: A. Tunç Şen

Nostalgia of a Frustrated Ottoman Subject: Reading Osman Agha of Timișoara’s Memoirs as Self-Narrative By: R. Aslıhan Aksoy Sheridan

The Dream Diary of an Ottoman Governor: Kulakzade Mahmud Pasha’s Düşnama By: Semra Çörekçi

Aziz Nesin about Himself and His Parents: Poor People in Istanbul during the Late Ottoman Period By: Suraiya Faroqhi

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations

Volume 32 Issue 2

The Qur’anic Mary in the Light of Rabbinic Texts By: Nesya Rubinstein-Shemer

Polyphony and Symphony: A Rereading of Q 4.157 By: Peter Laffoon

‘I Respect My Imam, But I Can’t Fight Even if He Tells Me to Fight. I am Peaceful for Myself and My Family’: Are We Overestimating Religion in Peace Dynamics? By: Emmanuel Chiwetalu Ossai

Arab-Islamic or Greek Dialectics? Revisiting the Origins and Development of Jadal By: Mohammad Syifa Amin Widigdo

Islam and Civilizational Renewal

Islam and Civilizational Renewal

Volume 12 Issue 1

The Concept of Wasatiyyah in Consumption: An Analysis from Islamic Financial Jurisprudence By: Hossain Biplob, Md Faruk Abdullah

The Politicisation of Islam in Malaysia and Its Opponents By: Alexander Wain

Said Nursi on Secularism, Religious Rights, Ethics, and Education By: Elmira Akhmetova

The Role of Zakat in Overcoming Inflation and Unemployment: Revisiting the Trade-Off Theory By: Mohammad Syafii Antonio, Mohammad Mahbubi Ali, Jebel Firdaus

Why the “One-Size-Fits-All” Subsidy Structure of Tabung Haji No Longer Works and How to Move Forward By: Hasnida, Zaidi

Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship: A Thereotical Debate By: Qurat ul Aein Fozia

The Contextualisation of Islam in a Secular State: A Study of Singapore By: Walid Jumblatt Abdullah, Muhammad Haniff Hassan

The Four Pillars of Halal Crisis Management By: Marco Tieman

The US-Taliban Agreement By: Abdul Qayum Mohmand

The Potential for Shariah Arbitration in Commercial and Private Law By: Aisha Mubarak

Individual Responsibility and Recovering Nature in a Post-Pandemic World By: Shahino Mah Abdullah

Islamic Perspective Journal

Islamic Perspective Journal

Volume 25

Between Ethno-nationalism and Pathological Critique: Critical Theory as Critique and Defense of the Western Tradition By: Dustin J. Byrd

Reimagining the Universal Language of Sufism By: Seyed Javad Miri

The Success of Failure: The Cairo Declaration of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Human Rights By: Mohammad Hossein Mozaffari

Ali Shariati, or the Intellectual in Pursuit of Justice By: Carimo Mohomed

What is Iranian Islamism? A Genealogy of Political Islam in Iran By: Milad Dokhanchi

Shariati: Religion Vs. Religion By: Tanveer Azamat

Islāmiyyāt: The International Journal of Islamic Studies

Volume 43 Special issue

Adakah Kecerdasan Buatan Boleh Berfungsi sebagai Penasihat Syariah? Analisis Peranannya dalam Sektor Pasaran Modal Islam By: Nur Mohd Iqzuan Samsudin, Asma Hakimah Ab. Halim, Rasyikah Md. Khalid

Analisis Proses Pengumpulan Keterangan Dokumen Elektronik dalam Kes Jenayah Syariah By: Mohamad Azhan Yahya, Hammad Mohamad Dahalan, Suhaizad Saifuddin

Aplikasi Kaedah Sadd Al-Dharaᶜi dalam Mengekang Persetubuhan Luar Nikah: Analisis terhadap Peruntukan Undang-Undang Jenayah Syariah di Malaysia dan Brunei By: Azizah Mat Rashid, Nor Adha Abd. Hamid, Ahmad Azam Mohd Shariff, Adibah Bahori, Masnooraini Mohiddin

Harta Sepencarian: Isu dan Konflik Perundangan dalam Tuntutan Selepas Kematian dari Perspektif Undang-Undang Tanah di Malaysia By: Rabi’ah Muhammad Serji, Mazliza Mohamad, Safinaz Mohd Hussein, Mahmud Zuhdi Mohd Nor

Kedudukan Keterangan Forensik dari Sudut Fiqh By: Syazwan Mohd. Yusof, Ramalinggam Rajamanickam, Asma Hakimah Ab. Halim

Kepentingan Aspek Keterangan dalam Penulisan Alasan Penghakiman Kes Jenayah Syariah di Malaysia: Satu Analisis By: Suhaizad Saifuddin, Ahmad ‘Azam Mohd Shariff, Muhamad Helmi Md Said, Mohamad Azhan Yahya

Kesan Hukuman Sebat terhadap Pesalah Jenayah Syariah di Aceh By: Hamdani, Muhamad Helmi Md Said, Zinatul Ashiqin Zainol

Maqasid Memelihara Akal (Hifz al-‘Aql) dan Hubungannya dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan By: Hasbollah Mat Saad, Ramalinggam Rajamanickam

Pematuhan Syariah dalam Penyediaan Dokumentasi Perundangan Melibatkan Pembiayaan Islam dan Instrumen Pengurusan Kekayaan Islam di Malaysia By: Hizri Hasshan, Ruzian Markom, Asma Hakimah Ab. Halim

Peranan Wakaf dalam Pembangunan Sosioekonomi: Analisis ke atas Projek Bazar Wakaf Rakyat Terpilih By: Farhana Mohamad Suhaimi, Asmak Ab Rahman

Pertembungan Antara Hak Beragama dan Hak Penentuan Kendiri Orang Asli: Adakah DHOA Sediakan Solusi By: Muhamad Sayuti Hassan

Program Pemulihan Luar Penjara bagi Pesalah Jenayah Syariah: Kajian di Jabatan Penjara Malaysia By: Hasnizam Hashim, Hendun Abd. Rahman Shah, Ahmad Syukran Baharuddin, Mualimin Mochammad Sahid, Syaryanti Hussin

Prosedur Tatatertib Peguam Syarie di Mahkamah Syariah: Analisis dari Perspektif Prinsip Syariah By: Hammad Mohamad Dahalan, Mohamad Affendy Hj Junaidi, Mohamad Rizal Abd Rahman, Nur Khalidah Dahlan, Mohamad Azhan Yahya

Waqaf Air dan Isu Perundangan di Malaysia By: Rasyikah Md. Khalid, Muhammad Amirul Ashraf A. Ghani, Muhamad Zawawi Bi Jalaludin, Suhaimi Ab Rahman, Nurul Aini Yaacub

Islāmiyyāt: The International Journal of Islamic Studies

Volume 43 Issue 1

Amalan Pentaksiran Alternatif dalam Program Pengajian Islam di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dalam mendepani Cabaran Pandemik COVID-19 By: Haziyah Hussin, Najah Nadiah Amran, Nur Farhana Abdul Rahman, ‘Adawiyah Ismail, Zamzuri Zakaria

Belenggu Pemikiran Masyarakat Melayu Islam di Tanah Melayu: Peranan Majalah Qalam Sebelum Merdeka (1950-1957) By: Mohd Shahrul Azha Mohd Sharif, Arba’iyah Mohd Noor, Mohd Firdaus Abdullah

Faktor Penentu Kejayaan Sistem Penguatkuasaan dan Pendakwaan Syariah di Malaysia By: Nor Mazia Mohamed Khairuddin, Hazura Mohamed, Ruzzakiah Jenal, Muhammad Adib Samsudin

Genesis Falsafah Sejarah Islam dan Perkembangannya Pasca Ibn Khaldun By: Azmul Fahimi Kamaruzaman, Nabeela Akrasha Surtahman

Implication of International Scholars’ Influence on the Direction of Abdul Hadi’s Political Thought By: Latifah Abd Majid, Mohd Nasir Abdul Majid, Zuliza Mohd Kusrin, Wan Siti Norjannah W Sulong

Indikator bagi Prinsip Etika Sensitiviti Agama, Budaya dan Maruah dalam Bioteknologi Moden By: Nur Asmadayana Hasim, Latifah Amin, Zurina Mahadi, Nor Ashikin Mohamed Yusof, Mashitoh Yaacob

Interaksi Mualaf India dengan Keluarga Bukan Islam Ketika Sambutan Perayaan Agama Hindu By: Mohd Faqih Baharudin, Zuliza Mohd Kusrin

Isu Keselamatan Makanan dalam Sektor Penternakan Haiwan: Analisis Pembangunan Instrumen Berasaskan Hadis By: Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele, Shafiza Safie

Lawsonia inermis Linn. (Inai) dalam Perspektif Hadith: Aplikasi dalam Etnobotani Melayu dan Kehadiran Aktiviti Antioksida By: Muhammad Remy Othman, Khadher Ahmad, Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Khalijah Awang, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Rozana Othman

Maqasid Shariah HIFZ MAL in E-Wallet Application By: Mastura Razali, Nurul’Ain Mohd, Nurhanisah Hadigunawan, Rafeah Saidon

Mengenal Pasti Perwatakan Ekstremis Melalui Disiplin Fiqh Taayush By: Ahmad Munawar Ismail, Abdul Muhaimin Mahmood, Mohd Izhar Ariff Mohd Kashim

Pembayaran Zakat Pendapatan Melebihi Kadar Kewajipan Zakat: Kajian dalam Kalangan Kakitangan Kerajaan di Malaysia By: Siti Zulaikha Nasir, Hairunnizam Wahid, Mohd Ali Mohd Noor

Politeisme Menurut Deskripsi Al-Quran: Suatu Pembicaraan Historikal By: Khairulnazrin Nasir

The Concept of Al-Ta’ayush in Islamic Cosmopolitanism: From Medina to Istanbul and Malacca By: Asilatul Hanaa Abdullah, Fauziah Fathil

Persepsi Sayyid Qutb terhadap Paderi di Amerika Syarikat dalam Travelognya Amerika Allati Ra’ytu By: Nur Asyiqin Zohkarnain, Firuz-Akhtar Lubis Mohamad Bohari

Islamophobia Studies Journal

Islamophobia Studies Journal

Volume 6 Issue 1

Cyber Homo Sacer: A Critical Analysis of Cyber Islamophobia in the Wake of the Muslim Ban By: Zeinab Farokhi

The Virtual Killing of Muslims: Digital War Games, Islamophobia, and the Global War on Terror By: Tanner Mirrlees and Taha Ibaid

Gendered Islamophobia in the Case of the Returning ISIS Women: A Canadian Narrative By: Yasmin Jiwani

Claiming our Space: Muslim Women, Activism, and Social Media By: Faiza Hirji

The Poetry of Suheir Hammad: Transnational Interventions in the Age of Islamophobia and Digital Media By: Kenza Oumlil

Israel Affairs

Israel Affairs

Volume 27 Issue 3

Jerusalem inside a museum? The Tower of David Museum and the dilemmas behind it, 1967–89 By: Doron Bar & Kobi Cohen-Hattab

Aliya from ‘affluent countries’ and David Ben-Gurion’s descent from the political scene By: Meir Chazan

Mission impossible: the Christian mission and the State of Israel, 1948–65 By: Shai Wineapple & Ruth Kark

Biblical military ethics and the Israel defence forces: the case of special reconnaissance By: Spyridon N. Litsas & Georgios K. Papadimitriou

Orthodoxy, Post-Orthodoxy and religious feminism: the case of the ‘Shirat Rivka’ prayer group By: Michal Neubauer-Shani

‘God’s most beautiful name is peace’: Rabbi Menachem Froman’s vision of inter-religious peace between Israelis and Palestinians By: Nesya Shemer

Representation of children and families in TV toy advertisements: a comparative study of Israel, Britain, and Spain By: Esther Martínez-Pastor & Miguel Ángel Nicolás-Ojeda

‘Amphibians’: media figures on social networks and traditional media in Israel By: Tal Laor

Behavioral impact of debt-output nexus in joint liability group lending: evidence from the Israeli Moshavim By: Sagit Barel-Shaked & Rachel Lipshits

A question of legitimacy: West Bank rightwing activists explain violent clashes with the state By: Yair Yassan

Israeli welfare and social work: 70 years on By: Javier Simonovich, Moshe Sharabi & Tal Shahor

The Israel Antiquities Authority and Atra Kadisha By: Avi Sasson & Eliav Taub

Jerusalem Quarterly

Jerusalem Quarterly

Volume 85

Elias Nasrallah Haddad: Translating Visions of Palestine By : Sarah Irving

The Other Wells: Family History and the Self-Creation of Jabra Ibrahim Jabra By : William Tamplin

Gateway to the World: The Golden Age of Jerusalem Airport, 1948–67 By : Eldad Brin

The Red Priest of Haifa: Rafiq Farah (1921–2020) By : Randa Farah

Iron Caging the Palestinian Home: Child Home Arrest in Occupied East Jerusalem as Lawfare By : Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Amir Marshi

A “Silicon” Disaster Threatening Wadi al-Jawz By : Abd al-Raouf Arnaout

Journal of Abbasid Studies

Journal of Abbasid Studies

Volume 8 Issue 1

Before and after Kalīla wa-Dimna: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Animals, Adab, and Fictivity By: Matthew L. Keegan

In the Time of al-Fiṭaḥl When Stones Were Still Moist and All Things Spoke: Very Short Arabic Animal Fables and Just-So Stories By: Geert Jan van Gelder

When the Beasts Lost Their Voice: Fables, Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ and Dramatic Irony in The Case of the Animals versus Man of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ By: Ignacio Sánchez

ʿAnqāʾ Mughrib: The Poetics of a Mythical Creature By: Guy Ron-Gilboa

Between History and Fictionality: The Telescoping Advice in Ibn Ẓafar’s Sulwān al-muṭāʿ and Its Reception By: Francesca Bellino

Al-Maʿarrī’s Anxious Menagerie: The Epistle of the Horse and the Mule By: Kevin Blankinship

Journal of the American Academy of Religion

Journal of the American Academy of Religion

Volume 89 Issue 2

The Birth of “Religion and International Relations”: Questions of Scale By: Nicholas Adams

Beyond Methodological Axioms By: Jason Blum

Furthering the Dialogue Between Religious Studies and Theology: An Apophatic Approach as a Heuristic Tool for Methodological Agnosticism By: Katya Tolstaya, Frank Bestebreurtje

Magic and Politics: Conspirituality and COVID-19 By: Giovanna Parmigiani

Between the Prophetic and Priestly: The Role of Black Pastoral Authority in Health and Science Promotion By: Rachel C Schneider, Daniel Bolger

Exploring the Nonaffiliated in South America By: Néstor Da Costa, Gustavo Morello, Hugo H Rabbia, Catalina Romero

Talking about Death, Becoming Buddhist Families: A Case Study of Religious Parenting Education in Contemporary Taiwan By: Natasha Heller

Whitewashing Evangelical Scripture: The Case of Slavery and Antisemitism in the English Standard Version By: Samuel L Perry

Supremacy Smugglers? Islam in the Legacy of Theological Liberalism By: Ulrich Schmiedel

Science and Religion in (Global) Public Life: A Sociological Perspective By: Elaine Howard Ecklund

Journal of the American Oriental Society

Journal of the American Oriental Society

Volume 141 Issue 2

Praising God in “Wondrous and Picturesque Ways”: Citrakāvya in a Telugu Prabandha By: Harshita Mruthinti Kamath

Presenting a Series of Royal Portraits in Fifth-Century Malwa: A Proposed Reinterpretation of the Chhoti Sadri Inscription By: Richard Salomon

The Development of Diphthongs in Vedic Sanskrit By: Kevin M. Ryan

Speaking with the Learning of Odes: Cao Zhi’s Representation of the Shijing and Its Hermeneutic Traditions in the Contexts of Han-Wei China By: Yixin Gu

The Morphology of the G-Stem Imperative in Semitic By: Øyvind Bjøru

Internal Reduplication among the t-Derived Verbal Stems of Akkadian By: David Testen

The Curious Case of the Jewish Sasanian Queen Šīšīnduxt: Exilarchal Propaganda and Zoroastrians in Tenth- to Eleventh-Century Baghdad By: Simcha Gross

Repentance in the Quran, Hadith, and Ibn Qudāma’s Kitāb al-Tawwābīn By: Gabriel Said Reynolds and Amir Moghadam

Salafism against Hadith Literature: The Curious Beginnings of a New Category in 1920s Algeria By: Henri Lauzière

Journal of Arabian Studies: Arabia, the Gulf, and the Red Sea

Journal of Arabian Studies: Arabia, the Gulf, and the Red Sea

Volume 10 Issue 2

Ontological Security and the Gulf Crisis By: David B. Roberts

Society and State in Post-Blockade Qatar: Lessons for the Arab Gulf Region By: Justin Gengler

Nationalism and Identity in Qatar after 2017: The Narrative of the New National Museum By: Jocelyn Sage Mitchell & Mariam Ibrahim Al-Hammadi

European Policies Towards the Gulf: Patterns, Dynamics, Evolution, and the case of the Qatar Blockade By: Gerd Nonneman

The Regional Implications of the Gulf Crisis By: Kristian Coates Ulrichsen

Journal of Arabic Literature

Journal of Arabic Literature

Volume 52 Issue 1-2

A Missing Link in a Thousand and One Nights Scholarship: A Narrative Grammar for the Frame Tale? By: Muhsin al-Musawi

Zaynab Fawwāz’s Feminist Locutions By: Marilyn Booth

Country of Words: Palestinian Literature in the Digital Age of the Refugee By: Refqa Abu-Remaileh

What Is Moroccan Literature? History of an Object in Motion By: Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla and Eric Calderwood

The Polemics of Iltizām: Al-Ādāb’s Early Arguments for Commitment By: Qussay Al-Attabi

Arabic Poetry in the Twenty-First Century: Translation and Multilingualism By: Huda J. Fakhreddine

The Poetics of Nahḍah Multilingualism: Recovering the Lost Russian Poetry of Mikhail Naimy By: Maria Swanson and Rebecca Ruth Gould

Re-membering Syria’s Traumatic Past: Gender, Poetics, and Loss in Manhal al-Sarrāj’s As a River Should By: Linda Istanbulli

Dār al-Ṭalīʿah and the Question of Arab Authenticity in the 1960s By: Ahmad Agbaria

Journal of Asian and African Studies

Journal of Asian and African Studies

Volume 56 Issue 3

Death Penalty in South Asia: A Comparative Study between India and Bangladesh By: Sadiya S Silvee, Ximei Wu

Domestic Audiences and Economic Opportunity Cost: African Democratisation as a Determinant in the Recognition of China over Taiwan, 2001–2018 By: Bhaso Ndzendze

Street and Property Identification and the Challenge of Urban Management in Mekelle City, Ethiopia By: Ambe J Njoh, Samrawit H Fisseha, Adisu Goa, Dawit Gebremichael

Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Local Community Perceptions Towards Lion Conservation: A Case of the Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania By: Leopody Gayo, Cuthbert Leonard Nahonyo, Catherine Aloyce Masao

Personal, Public and Political Impacts of a New District: Survey Data from Before and After the Creation of Ghana’s Nabdam District By: Kevin S Fridy, Mary R Anderson, Isaac K Yen

Colonial World of Postcolonial Historians: Reification, Theoreticism, and the Neoliberal Reinvention of Tribal Identity in India By: Bhabani Shankar Nayak

Criminalizing Informal Workers: The Case of Street Vendors in Abuja, Nigeria By: Onyanta Adama

Local Knowledge and Marine Livelihoods Among the South Indian Fishing Community By: Dalibandhu Pukkalla, KR Rama Mohan

Election Technology, Disputes, and Political Violence in Kenya By: Collins Odote, Karuti Kanyinga

Migration Dynamics in Africa: Expectations and Lived Experiences of Immigrants in South Africa By: Ogujiuba Kanayo, Patience Anjofui

Gender-biased Street Naming in Urban Sub-Saharan Africa: Influential Factors, Features and Future Recommendations By: Dorcas Zuvalinyenga, Liora Bigon

Determinants of Relevant Constraints Inhibiting Farmers’ Adoption of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in South Africa By: KT Thinda, AA Ogundeji, JA Belle, TO Ojo

‘Hustling Out of Unemployment’: Livelihood Responses of Unemployed Young Graduates in the City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe By: Tafadzwa Mhazo, Vusilizwe Thebe

Large-Scale Farming and Land Reform Beneficiaries in South Africa: Lessons From a Case Study in Limpopo Province By: Clemence Rusenga

Tracing the Distribution of Chinese and World Bank-Funded Projects and Public Demonstrations in Cameroon and Uganda By: Afa’anwi Ma’abo Che

Contextualizing Russia and South Asia Relations through Putin’s Look East Policy By: Najimdeen Bakare

Climate Change, Economic Growth and Growth Determinants: Insights From Vietnam’s Coastal South Central Region By: Hong Hiep Hoang, Cong Minh Huynh

Journal of Asian and African Studies

Journal of Asian and African Studies

Volume 56 Issue 4

Public Sector Reform and the Challenges of Open and Expansive Unionism in Zambia By: Clever Madimutsa, Leon G Pretorius

The Determinants of China-ROK Relations, 1993–2018: An Empirical Analysis Using Event Data By: Alec Chung

Political Parties and the Political System in Iraqi Kurdistan By: Hawre Hasan Hama, Farhad hassan abdullah

Between a Rock and the Kasbah: Tourism Gentrification, Cultural Repackaging, and Identity in Tangier By: Anwar Ouassini, Nabil Ouassini

An Empirical Chronicling of How Agricultural Innovation Platforms Were Established in Hwedza, Zimbabwe By: Innocent T Mahiya

Mugabe’s Urban Legacy: A Postcolonial Perspective on Urban Development in Harare, Zimbabwe By: Abraham R Matamanda

Echoes From the Rocks: Contextualising Land Reform and Resettled Farmer Experiences in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe By: Adrian Nel, Clifford Mabhena

Life Trajectories and Changing Patterns of Marginalization Among the Smiths of Hararge, Ethiopia By: Mohammed Hassen Hinika, Desta Roba Julla

China’s Foreign Aid Training: Targeting Becoming an Influential Culture Sharer By: Skylar Biyang Sun, Xinzhi Xu, Xiaohang Zhao

Undocumented Migrants As Homo Sacer: Cases From Botswana and South Africa By: France Maphosa, Christopher Ntau

Non-Racialism: The New Form of Racial Inequality in a Neo-Apartheid South Africa By: Greg Ruiters

The Benefits and Challenges of Globalisation for the Development of Higher Education Teaching and Research: A Case Study of an Emerging University in East Africa By: Rachel Sing-Ee Tan, Tony Harland, Ben Daniel

Hate Speech and Election Violence in Nigeria By: Christian Ezeibe

Rural Women, Global Value Networks and Precarity in Chirumhanzu District, Zimbabwe, 1991–2000 By: Sibanengi Ncube

Nepal: Tarai/Madhesh Movements and Political Elites By: Abi Chamlagai

US Military Deployment and Its Effects on South Korea’s Politics and Economy By: Uk Heo, Seongyi Yun

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient

Volume 64 Issue 3

Integrating Faith and Profit: The Religio-Commercial Network Spanning China and Japan, 1100-1270 By: Yiwen Li

Regimes of Diplomacy and Law: Bengal-China Encounters in the Early Fifteenth Century By: Mahmood Kooria

Mining off the Map: Fulongchang and Silver Mines in the Qing Empire’s Far Southwest By: Nanny Kim and Yang Yuda

Old Routes, New Dreams: Reminiscences of the Southern Silk Road and Bengal-China Connectivities By: Jayati Bhattacharya

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient

Volume 64 Issue 4

The Promiscuous Life of a Genre for the Dead: The Marthiya as an Instrument of Community Construction in Muslim Russia By: Danielle Ross

Şeyhulislâm Feyzullah Efendi, the Ḥanafī Mufti of Jerusalem and the Rise of the Provincial Fatāwā Collections in the Eighteenth Century By: Guy Burak

Curious Readers: The Bodleian’s Book of Curiosities as a Fatimid View of the World Through Ottoman Eyes By: Boris Liebrenz

On Folklore Archives and Heritage Claims: the Manas Epic in Kyrgyzstan By: Svetlana Jacquesson

Wandering Days: Two Sources in Poetry on the Abbasid Reforms of the Fiscal Schedule By: Massimiliano Borroni

Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies

Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies

Volume 20 Issue 1

Disrupting Settler-Colonialism or Enforcing the Liberal ‘Peace’? Transitional (In)justice in Palestine-Israel By: Brendan Ciarán Browne

My Enemy, My Neighbour: Characteristics and Challenges of Arabic Instruction in Israeli-Jewish Society By: Muhammad Amara

‘Hebrew Tarzans’ from Arthur Koestler’s Thieves in the Night to Netflix and Fauda By: Jeremy Salt

Palestinian Arabic versus Israeli Hebrew Place-Names: Comparative Cultural Reading of Landscape Nomenclature and Israeli Renaming Strategies By: Amer Dahamshe

Travel Literature, Pilgrims and Missionaries: A Mid-Nineteenth Century Duel Over the Holy Land By: Issa A. Saliba

Journal of Humanity and Society

Journal of Humanity and Society

Volume 45 Issue 2 (Special Issue: Borderlands)

The Racial Politics of Emotion: Teaching an Interdisciplinary Border Institute in the Midwest By: Sigma Colón, Thelma Jiménez-Anglada, Jesús Gregorio Smith

Visiting Migrants, Contesting Detention: An Overview of Community Visitation Programs and Advocacy for Immigrants inside U.S. Immigration Detention By: Luis A. Romero

Racializing American Authenticity: Mexican Americans’ Perceptions of the Foreign Other By: Angela J. Silva, Aurelia Lorena Murga

Familial Moralities: Moral (Re)source of Commitment in the Immigrant Rights Movement in El Paso, Texas By: Alejandro Márquez

Border Splurge to Deter Border Surge: An Auto-ethnographic Examination of Border Security Operations on the South Texas–Mexico Border By: Eric Gamino

Journal of Islamic Law

Journal of Islamic Law

Volume 2 Issue 1

Triple Divorce and the Political Context of Islamic Law in India By: Sohaira Z Siddiqui

Lost in Translation: Mahr-Agreements, US Courts, and the Predicament of Muslim Women By: Tobias Scheunchen

Her Majesty’s Attorney General – v – Akhter & Ors.: Islamic Marriage and Divorce in English Law By: Thomas Francis

Journal of Islamic Manuscripts

Journal of Islamic Manuscripts

Volume 12 Issue 2

Egyptian Arabic Proverbs in the Cairo Genizah By: Mohamed A.H. Ahmed

Reflections on Editing Kitāb al-Jihād of ʿAlī ibn Ṭāhir al-Sulamī (d. 500/1106) By: Niall Christie

A New Source for the Study of Avicenna’s Safavid Reception – MS Cambridge, University Library, Or. 658: A Philosophical Anthology from the School of Iṣfahān? By: Silvia Di Vincenzo

Patronage and Productions of Paintings and Albums in 18th-Century Awadh By: Isabelle Imbert

Madd as Orthoepy Rather Than Orthography By: Marijn van Putten

Journal of Islamic Studies

Journal of Islamic Studies

Volume 32 Issue 2

Islam from the Inside Out: ʿAyn al-Quḍāt Hamadānī’s Reconception of Islam as Vector By: Nicholas Boylston

From conquest to co-existence: Burhān al-Dīn al-Marghīnānī’s (d. 593/1197) re-interpretation of jihād By: Youcef L Soufi

Muḥammad Bahjat al-Bīṭār and the Decline of Modernist Salafism in Twentieth-Century Syria By: Itzchak Weismann, Rokaya Adawi

The Journal of the Middle East and Africa

The Journal of the Middle East and Africa

Volume 12 Issue 2

The Historical Roles of Jihād in Sunnī-Shīʿī Relations By: Devin J. Stewart

The British Low-Profile Policy and Its Failure in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1964–1967 By: Moshe Gat

The Fascination of the Turkish Left with Palestine: “The Dream of Palestine” By: Umut Uzer

Better Off Alone: Somaliland, Institutional Legacy, and Prosperity By: Oliver McPherson-Smith

The Implausible Persistence of Pastoralism: Samburu Transhumance from Their Nineteenth-Century Origins Through the Period of Colonial Rule By: George L. Simpson Jr. & Peter Waweru

Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society

Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society

Volume 69

A Hayati Poem by Ibn ʿArabī Translated By: Denis McAuley
Seeing with Two Eyes: Ibn ʿArabī on Ecstatic Utterances, (Shaṭaḥāt) in the Context of His Sufi Metaphysics By: Nariman Aavani
Visionary Perceptions through Cosmographical Diagrams: Mystical Knowledge from Ḥaydar Āmulī’s Naṣṣ al-nuṣūṣ fī sharḥ Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam By: Eliza Tasbihi
Niyāzī Miṣrī on Poverty (faqr) By: Omneya Ayad

Journal of Muslims in Europe

Journal of Muslims in Europe

Volume 10 Issue 2

Floating Sophia, Polarizing to Abeyance, Waqf-izing the State By: Murat Akan

Social Media Representations of the Pilgrimage to Mecca: Challenging Moroccan and Dutch Mainstream Media Frames By: Kholoud Al-Ajarma and Marjo Buitelaar

Freedom of Religion in the Workplace: The European Court of Human Rights Decisions on Applications Made by Muslim Appellants By: Nedim Begović

Beyond ‘the Stepford Wives Syndrome’: British Muslim Women Negotiating Secular Spaces By: Saleema Farah Burney

Pedagogies of Turkish Mosque Education in the Netherlands: An Ethno-case Study of Mosque Classes at Milli Görüş and Diyanet By: Semiha Sözeri, H.K. Altinyelken, and M.L.L. Volman

Journal of Near Eastern Studies

Journal of Near Eastern Studies

Volume 80 Issue 1

The Ṣanʿāʾ Palimpsest: Materializing the Codices By: Éléonore Cellard

Symbolism in 13th-century bc Hittite Metallurgy: The Kastamonu-Kınık (Turkey) Metal Hoard, Again By: Tayfun Yıldırım,Nimet Demirci Bal, andGonca Dardeniz

Exegeting Enoch: Re-inscribing a Mesopotamian Figure in the Yahwist Narrative By: Jeffrey L. Cooley

The Marking of Poetry: A Rare Vocalization System from an Early Qurʾān Manuscript in Chicago, Paris, and Doha By: Nick Posegay

Perforated Astragali in the Levant and Four Babylonian Omens By: Matthew Susnow,Wayne Horowitz, and Naama Yahalom-Mack

Patronage and Prestige in the Countryside: The case of the Church of Mār Domeṭ in medieval northern Mesopotamia By: Reyhan Durmaz

New evidence regarding Emerald Production in Roman Egypt at Wadi Sikait (Eastern Desert) By: Joan Oller Guzmán,David Fernández Abella,Vanesa Trevín Pita,Oriol Achon Casas, and Sergio García-Dils de la Vega

Like a Runaway Slave: The Discourse of an Eighth-Century Muslim Ascetic By: Alexandre M. Roberts

Egyptology and Political Theology: An Examination of the Ethics of Scholarship By: Jonathan Winnerman

Journal of North African Studies

Journal of North African Studies

Volume 25 Issue 4

COVID-19 and North Africa By: George Joffé

Realism and its limitations for Ibn Khaldūn By: Navid Hassanzadeh

The language of hip hop and rap in Tunisia: socio-cultural mirror, authenticity tool, and herald of change By: Zouhir Gabsi

Performing l-ḥrig: music, sound and undocumented migration across the contemporary Mediterranean (Morocco–Italy) By: Alessandra Ciucci

The first ‘American among the Riffi’: Paul Scott Mowrer’s October 1924 interview with Abd-el-Krim By: Shannon E. Fleming

Demobilising the February 20 Movement in Morocco: regime strategies during the Arab Spring By: Sammy Zeyad Badran

The construction of gendered identities in Moroccan radio phone-in programmes By: Najib Bouhout

Journal of Qurʾanic Studies

Journal of Qurʾanic Studies

Volume 23 Issue 2

A Survey of Personal-Use Qur’an Manuscripts Based on Fragments from the Cairo Genizah By: Magdalen M. Connolly and Nick Posegay

Revisiting the Qur’anic aḥbār in Historical Context By: Raphael Dascalu

The Bitter Lot of the Rebellious Wife: Hierarchy, Obedience, and Punishment in Q. 4:34 By: Saqib Hussain

The Representation of Animals in the Qur’an and the Mufaḍḍaliyyāt By: Nicolas Payen

Reading Q. 4:34 in Context By: M.A.S. Abdel Haleem

Qur’anic Internal Prophetic Theophany in Sūrat al-Najm and Sūrat al-Takwīr: An Intra- and Extra-Textual Exegesis By: Stephen Cúrto

Cadenced Rhyming Translations of Sūrat al-Nabaʾ (Q. 78) and Sūrat al-Takwīr (Q. 81) By: Shawkat M. Toorawa

Abraham Gazed upon the Stars and Said ‘innī saqīm’: The Influence of a ṣaḥīḥ ḥadīth on the Interpretation of Q. 37:88–89, and a Thematic and Structural Reading of Abraham’s Story in the Qur’an By: Nadeen Mustafa Alsulaimi

Journal of Religion in Africa

Journal of Religion in Africa

Volume 49 Issue 3-4

Family Resemblances in Action: An Introduction to Religiopolitical Activism in Southern Africa By: Rijk van Dijk, Thomas G. Kirsch, and Franziska Duarte dos Santos

Pentecostalism and the Arts of Insistence: Examples from Botswana By: Rijk van Dijk and Kim Molenaar

Conflict Mediation and Bungoma Activism in a South African Township By: Bosco B. Bae

Political Activism in Pentecostal Charismatic Evangelical Churches and the 2019 Elections in South Africa By: Maria Frahm-Arp

Tactical Activism: Religion, Emotion, and Political Engagement in Gender Transformative Interventions By: Rafael Cazarin

On Becoming and Being a ‘Living Testimony of Change’: Masculinity, Gender Activism, and Pentecostalism in South Africa By: Franziska Duarte dos Santos

Managing Unruliness: The (Anti-)Politics of Volunteer Management Practices in Faith-Based Organizations By: Thomas G. Kirsch

Postlude By: Elias Kifon Bongmba

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society

Volume 31 Issue 2

The 1373 Mas̲navī of Tāj al-Dīn Shaykh Ḥusayn Bey By: Cailah Jackson

The Argumentative Steps in the Halakhic Give-and-Take Conversations in the Mishnah and Tosefta: A Method to Measure the Degree of Aggressiveness in the Conversations By: Rivka Shemesh-Raiskin

Classifying and Defining Deities in the Late Vedic Age: A Study and an Annotated Translation of Yāska’s Nirukta Chapter 7 By: Paolo Visigalli, Yuto Kawamura

Historical Mistranslations: Identity, Slavery, and Genre in Eighteenth-Century India By: Neelam Khoja

The (Mis)Representation of Reality: ‘Knowledge’ and Image-Making in Glass Lantern Slides of China By: Amy Mathewson

The Evolution of “Sinicisation” By: Fangyi Cheng

Treason and Loyalty to the Royal Court: The Kan Narrative in Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth-Century Khmer Chronicle Manuscripts By: Theara Thun

Is This Pa Chay Vue? A Study in Three Frames By: Jean Michaud

Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Volume 44 Issue 3

Muslims and Christians in the Levant: A Shared Culture By: Kail C. Ellis

A Saudi Cleric’s Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction: Integrating Religious Morality and Realpolitik By: Norman Cigar

How Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the CPEC, are reshaping China’s Soft Power? By: Saeed Shafqat and Ayesha Siddique

Permanent War, Elusive Peace: The Evolution of America’s Compellence Policy Towards Iran By: Nader Entessar

Journal of Sufi Studies

Journal of Sufi Studies

Volume 9 Issue 2

Walāya between Lettrism and Astrology: The Occult Mysticism of Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī (d. c. 787/1385) By: Mohammad Amin Mansouri

Replacing Sharīʿa, Ṭarīqa and Ḥaqīqa with Fiqh, Akhlāq and Tawḥīd: Notes on Shaykh Muḥammad Bahārī (d. 1325/1907) and His Sufi Affiliation By: Seyed Amir Hossein Asghari

Eternity Made Temporal: Ashraf ʿAlī Thānavī, a Twentieth-Century Indian Thinker and the Revival of Classical Sufi Thought By: Muhammad U. Faruque

Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research

Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research

Volume 27 Issue 1

Scenes from the Lotus Sutra. An Old Uygur Temple Banner with Cartouche Inscriptions By: P. Zieme

“Scribal” Quatrains in Poetry Collections: A General Typology and the Question of Origin By: A. Pritula

Safawid Diplomatic Documents from the Period of Shah Safi I in the RSAAA Collections By: V. Shorokhov, T. Slesarev

The Mobility of Chinese Officials. II: Lu Zhen and Cheng yao lu By: I. Alimov

Lowercase Writing in Loanword Transliteration in Japanese By: S.-Ch. Ahn, K. Egorova

Russian Sources of the Qur’anic Ethnography II. Alexander A. Adamov and His “Arabic Iraq” By: A. Kudriavtceva, E. Rezvan, M. Rezvan

Contribution of Pyotr Lerch to the Study of the History of Central Asia (Based on Materials from the Archives and Libraries of the Russian Academy of Sciences) By: D. Radjabova

A Newly Discovered Manuscript: Second Version of Syarh Rubai of Hamzah Fansuri Written by Syamsuddin Al Sumatrani By: Pramono, Sudarmoko

Professor Nikolai N. Seleznyov (1971—2021) and His Contributions to Syriac and Christian Arabic Studies By: A. Treiger

Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies

Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies

Volume 8 Issue 2

The Fragile Obligation: Gratitude, Discontent, and Dissent with Syrian Refugees in Canada By: Maleeha Iqbal, Laila Omar, Neda Maghbouleh

Ottoman Armenian Racialization in an American Space (1908–1914) By: Bedros Torosian

Death on the Aegean Borderland By: Mija Sanders

“Not the Paradise We Imagined”: The Discursive Politics of the “True Self” in Queer Middle Eastern Refugee Migrations By: Suad Jabr

Mathal – Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies

Mathal – Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies

Volume 7

An Overview of Life and Works of Jami & His Perception of Love By: Leyla Hajimehditajer

Islamic Rule and Iranian Women in the Films of Hatef Alimardani By: Mojtaba Ebrahimian

Medieval Encounters

Medieval Encounters

Volume 27 Issue 1

Scholia Latina, Arabica et in uulgari lingua ad Alphurcanum Mahumedis By: Xavier Casassas Canals and José Martínez Gázquez

The Monastery as Tavern and Temple in Medieval Islam: The Case for Confessional Flexibility in the Locus of Christian Monasteries By: Brad B. Bowman

Immanuel of Rome’s Bisbidis: An Italian Maqāma? By: Isabelle Levy

Medieval Encounters

Medieval Encounters

Volume 27 Issue 2

God’s Devils: Pragmatic Theodicy in Christian Responses to Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn’s Conquest of Jerusalem in 1187 By: Keagan Brewer

Ecumenical Mysticism: On Conversion in the Eastern Tradition of Ordene de Chevalerie By: Uri Zvi Shachar

Middle East Critique

Middle East Critique

Volume 30 Issue 2

The Mythological Machine in the Great Civil War (2001–2021): Oikos and Polis in Nation-Making By: Billie Jeanne Brownlee & Maziyar Ghiabi

The Other Khatibi: Envisaging Arab Intellectuals after the End of Grand Narratives By: Idriss Jebari

Reception of Rorty’s Thought in Iran: How His Anti-Foundationalism Has Contributed to Iran’s Tradition-Modernity Debate By: Seyed Mohammad Ali Taghavi

The Political Economy of Nationality-Based Labor Inclusion Strategies: A Case Study of the Jordan Compact By: Shaddin Almasri

Comparing the Role of the Military in Iran’s and Egypt’s Revolutions By: Alireza Salehnia

The Middle East Journal

The Middle East Journal

Volume 75 Issue 1

Securitization as a Tool of Regime Survival: The Deployment of Religious Rhetoric in Bashar al-Asad’s Speeches By: Rahaf Aldoughli

Fighting for a Monopoly on Governance: How the Asad State “Won” the Syrian War and to What Extent By: Philippe Droz-Vincent

China and the Reconstruction of Syria By: Guy Burton; Nicholas Lyall; Logan Pauley

Tunisia’s Peripheral Cities: Marginalization and Protest Politics in a Democratizing Country By: Larbi Sadiki

Building a Proto-State on Quicksand: The Rise and Fall of the Palestinian State-in-Exile in Lebanon By: Marina Eleftheriadou

How Much Does Oil Shape US Strategic Interests in the Middle East? By: Jim Krane

Middle East Law and Governance: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Middle East Law and Governance: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Volume 13 Issue 2

Introduction to the Special Issue: “Assessing the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood after the 2013 Coup: Tracing Trajectories of Continuity and Change” By: Lucia Ardovini and Erika Biagini

Re-thinking the Tanẓīm: Tensions between Individual Identities and Organizational Structures in the Muslim Brotherhood after 2013 By: Lucia Ardovini

From Competition to Cooperation: The Radicalization Effect of Salafists on Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in the Aftermath of the 2011 Uprising By: Mohammad Yaghi

Women and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood post-2013: Calls for Gender Reforms and Pluralism By: Erika Biagini

The Making of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Faith Brand By: Noha Mellor

Becoming an Ex: Dynamics of Disengagement from Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood after 2011 By: Mustafa Menshawy and Khalil Al-Anani

Concluding Essay By: Nathan J. Brown

Middle Eastern Literatures

Middle Eastern Literatures

Volume 23 Issue 3

Sexuality, nationalism and the other: the Arabic literary canon between Orientalism and the Nahḍa discourse at the fin de siècle By: Feras Alkabani

Ethnicity in modern rewritings of Bashshār ibn Burd: “free thinker,” “libertine” or “love poet”? By: Ahmad Almallah

Colonialism, nationalism and modernity in al-Manfalūṭī’s novelization of a Coppée’s play: a comparative reading of Fī sabīl al-tāj and Pour La Couronne By: Andrea Maria Negri

Utopian/Dystopian Lebanon: constructing place in Jabbūr al-Duwayhī’s Sharīd al-manāzil By: Nadine Sinno

Gender of Trauma in İstanbul İstanbul By: Çimen Günay-Erkol

Voices from Kazakhstan By: Wen-chin Ouyang

Transnational Turkic identity in Hilal Görününce by Sevinç Çokum By: Funda Guven

Middle Eastern Studies

Middle Eastern Studies

Volume 57 Issue 3

Unwritten treaty: the historical background to Jordanian–Israeli relations, 1921–1951 By: Ronen Yitzhak

Missed opportunity? Jordan’s [insufficient] economic dividends from the peace treaty with Israel By: Onn Winckler

Peace with Israel; Jordan’s profit and loss account By: Asher Susser

25 years of Jordan-Israel peace-making: from ‘warm peace’ to ‘cold peace’? By: Nur Köprülü

Public attitudes on peace with Israel in Jordanian politics By: Russell E. Lucas

Stereotypes and demonization in contemporary Palestinian literature in Jordan: Israel and the Israelis in the works of Samia ʿAtʿut By: Dorit Gottesfeld

Middle Eastern Studies

Middle Eastern Studies

Volume 57 Issue 4

Ottoman Rums and the Venizelos – Constantine conflict after the Armistice of Mudros: the election of Meletios Metaxakis as patriarch By: Ramazan Erhan Güllü

Czechoslovakia and the ‘Cyprus issue’ in the years 1960–1974: secret arms deals, espionage, and the Cold War in the Middle East By: Jan Koura

US-Syria relations in the shadow of Cold War and détente By: Jacob Abadi

Alid loyalty or Shiʿite tendency: a comparative approach to the Alevi Buyruk texts By: Reyhan Erdoğdu-Başaran

Kurdish cross-border trade between Syria and Turkey: the socio-political trajectories of Syrian Kurds By: Cemal Ozkahraman

From guests of the Imam to unwanted foreigners: the politics of South Asian pilgrimage to Iran in the twentieth century By: Alex Shams

Rural or urban? Planning Bedouin settlements By: Havatzelet Yahel

Decoding the crisis of the legitimate circle of coalition building in Israel: a critical analysis of the puzzling election trio of 2019–20 By: Ferit Belder

Humoresque and satire in ʿAli Salem’s writing as a means for social and political criticism By: Mira Tzoreff & Naomi Avivi Weisblatt

Breaking the news: a case study on nineteenth century journalism and Selim Faris By: Ceren Uçan

Portraying antiquity in cartoons: examples from the periodical Molla Nasreddin By: Jorge Elices Ocón

The Muslim World

The Muslim World

Volume 111 Issue 2

Expanding the Boundaries of “Muslim Writing” in the Poetry of Gabeba Baderoon By: Naseem L Aumeerally

Muslim American Speculative Fiction: Figuring feminist epistemologies, religious histories, and genre traditions  By: Noor Hashem

An Attempt to De-criminalize Muslims: The Detective Novels of Ausma Zehanat Khan By: Marcia Lynx-Qualey

The Return of Mustafa: Names, Stories, and Empire in Laila Lalami’s The Moor’s Account By: Chip Rossetti

“Story two—there’s always a story two”: Mohja Kahf Interrogates Tradition By: John C. Waldmeir

Necropolitical Trauma in Kamila Shamsie’s Fiction By: Amina Yaqin

An excerpt from An Imperfect Blessing By: Nadia Davids

Arm’s Length By: Safia Elhillo

For Grenfell By: Rakaya Fetuga

Some Other Cloud By: Aisha Abdel Gawad

On the two-legged thread of Florida’s 717 By: Sahar Muradi

Nazariyat: Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences

Nazariyat: Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences

Volume 7 Issue 1

The Hand Extending Beyond the Cosmos: Discussions on the Khalā’ [Void] Between the Baṣran and Baghdād Schools of Mu’tazila By: Ahmet Mekin Kandemir

Attempts by Avicenna and Ibn al-Nafīs to Expand the Field of the Transference of Demonstration in the Context of the Relationship Between Geometry and Medicine By: Bakhadir Musametov

Ibn Kammūna’s Understanding of the Body By: Fatma Zehra Pattabanoğlu

Silent Sources of the History of Epidemics in the Islamic World: Literature on Ṭāʿūn/Plague Treatises By: Mustakim Arıcı

Müneccimbaşı Ahmed Dede’s Thoughts on Ethics: Synthesizing Peripatetic Philosophy and Sufi Thought in Ishrāqī Wisdom By: İlker Kömbe

Modern Astronomy in Ottoman Madrasa Circles in the First Half of the 19th Century By: Orhan Güneş

Oriente Moderno

Oriente Moderno

Volume 100 Issue 2

Marriage quandaries in Central Asia By: Juliette Cleuziou and Julie McBrien

‘Our Traditions Will Kill Us!’: Negotiating Marriage Celebrations in the Face of Legal Regulation of Tradition in Tajikistan By: Elena Borisova

Alignment and Alienation: The Ambivalent Modernisations of Uyghur Marriage in the 21st Century By: Rune Steenberg and Musapir

Restructuring Marriage and Family in Industrial Kazakhstan: Axes of Inequality and Conjugality in a Former Soviet Steel Plant By: Tommaso Trevisani

Second Wife, Second Life: Polygyny among Migrants from Central Asia in Moscow By: Anna Cieślewska

“What Does Marriage Stand for?” Getting Married and Divorced in Contemporary Tajikistan By: Juliette Cleuziou

Oriente Moderno

Oriente Moderno

Volume 100 Issue 3

La colpa del bevitore: iṯm e riǧs nelle interpretazioni classiche e moderne dei passi relativi al ḫamr nel Corano e nella Sunna By: Leonardo Capezzone

The Occult Properties of the Qurʾān (Ḫawāṣṣ al-Qurʾān): Notes for the History of an Idea and Literary Genre between Religion and Magic in Islam By: Giovanni Maria Martini

Islamic Practices, Traditions and Beliefs in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean in the Early 16th Century: Georgius Gemnicensis’ Ephemeris By: Gianfranco Bria and Maurizio Busca

Un rapporto di Ferigo Foscari, Bailo veneto a Costantinopoli nel 1795: “l’Arsenale dei Dardanelli” By: Didem İşler

Speaking Trade, Aiming Beyond: Israel’s Economic Relations with France and Britain before 1956 By: Jan Zouplna

First Evidence of Stage III Verbal Negation in Tunisian Coastal Dialects By: Luca D’Anna

Bollettino di Islamistica By: Roberto Tottoli

SESAMO Dossier By: Daniela Melfa and Rosita Di Peri

Philosophy & Social Criticism

Philosophy & Social Criticism

Volume 47 Issue 4

Individual and community By: Michael Walzer

Where is the Breughel Village? Community and the radical tradition By: Sudipta Kaviraj

Human rights, belonging and the challenge of difference By: Adam B. Seligman

Mapping the individual and the community in Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. By: Ramin Jahanbegloo

Populism, localism and democratic citizenship By: Stephen Macedo

Democracy, science and the state: Reflections on the disaster(s) of our times By: Seyla Benhabib

‘Cin ciun cian’ (ching chong): Yellowness and neo-orientalism in Italy at the time of COVID-19 By: Toshio Miyake

Under duress: Community and individual as solace and escape in the Middle East By: Lisa Anderson

Democracy without democrats, identity-formation and religions: The challenge of cross-pollinating self-perception in the post-Arabic spring contexts By: Najib George Awad

Preserving spontaneous order: A normative reflection of community building in post-reform China By: Chunrong Liu

Philosophy & Social Criticism

Philosophy & Social Criticism

Volume 47 Issue 5

Where Is Richard Kearney Coming From? Hospitality, Anatheism, and Ana-deconstruction By: John D. Caputo

A Game of Jacks: Review Essay of John D. Caputo’s Recent Works By: Richard Kearney

Philosophical hermeneutics and contemporary Muslim scholars’ approaches to interpreting scripture By: Ali Akbar

Refugees: The politically oppressed By: Felix Bender

Freedom as critique: Foucault beyond anarchism By: Karsten Schubert

Politics and Religion

Politics and Religion

Volume 14 Issue 2

Co-optation and Repression of Religion in Authoritarian Regimes By: Elina Schleutker

Political Speech in Religious Sermons By: Constantine Boussalis, Travis G. Coan, Mirya R. Holman

“Illegal Religious Activities” and Counter-Terrorism in China By: Chi Zhang

“Whig Thomism” and the Making of the Catholic Neoconservative Movement By: Jesse Russell

God Talk in a Digital Age: How Members of Congress Use Religious Language on Twitter By: Brittany H. Bramlett, Ryan P. Burge

Political Economy of Exclusion: State-Based Incitement of Intolerance as a Distraction from a Downturn in the Economy By: Lana Shehadeh, Qing Lai

When the Gods Fall: Varieties of Post-Secularization in a Small, Secularized State By: Clayton Fordahl, Berglind Ragnarsdóttir

Politics, Religion & Ideology

Politics, Religion & Ideology

Volume 22 Issue 2

Traditionalism and the Far Right in Argentina By: Mark Sedgwick

A Revolting Itch: Pseudolaw as a Social Adjuvant By: Donald J. Netolitzky

Conceptualizing Social Movements as Practical Theology: Case of Pastor Evan Mawarire’s #ThisFlag Movement By: Theophilus Tinashe Nenjerama

Framing Violence: Rhetoric and Goal Structures of Shia and Salafi Terrorist Organizations By: Maya Van Nuys & Brittnee Carter

Woodrow Wilson and the Spirit of Liberal Internationalism By: Jeremy Menchik

Religion Compass (Islam Section)

Religion Compass (Islam Section)

Volume 15 Issue 6

Rearticulating drunkenness and sobriety: Epistemology and literary embodiment in the Shatḥiyāt of Abū Bakr al-Shiblī and Ibn ‘Aṭā’ Allāh’s Ḥikam By: Rose Deighton

Sociology of Islam

Sociology of Islam

Volume 9 Issue 1

Medical Diplomacy and Iranian Foreign Policy By: Ali Bagheri Dolatabadi and Mehran Kamrava

The Challenge of Religious Governance in the Modern Nation-State: Negotiating Islamic Law in Post-Revolutionary Iran By: Omer Awass

Studia Islamica

Studia Islamica

Volume 116 Issue 1

Islam and the Invention of Religion: A Study of Medieval Muslim Discourses on Dīn By: Rushain Abbasi

Reconstructing Early Ibāḍī Theology in North Africa: The influence of ʿAbdallāh b. Yazīd al-Fazārī By: Abdulrahman al-Salimi

La transmission d’al-Ǧāmiʿ de Maʿmar Ibn Rāšid (m. 153/770) en al-Andalus et l’apport du manuscrit d’Ankara daté de 364/974 By: Mustapha Jaouhari

The Sultan’s Syllabus Revisited: Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Madrasa Libraries and the Question of Canonization By: A. Tunç Şen

Turkish Historical Review

Turkish Historical Review

Volume 11 Issue 2-3

New Evidence on the Saruhanid Dynasty By: Elizabeth A. Zachariadou and Charalambos Dendrinos

From Fiscal Diversity to Fiscal Convergence: Franciscan Monasteries in the Sanjak of Bosna during the First Century of Ottoman Rule By: Michael Ursinus

Notes sur Ḥasan Aġa, gouverneur d’Alger (1533–1544) By: Nicolas Vatin

Double Clause Conjunction in Fifteenth and Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Documents: The Case of -Ub ve By: Claudia Römer

The Material World of Early Modern Ottoman Women: Ornaments, Robes and Domestic Furnishings in Istanbul and Bursa By: Suraiya Faroqhi

The Rise of the Köprülü Household: The Transformation of Patronage in the Ottoman Empire in the Seventeenth Century By: Cumhur Bekar

History as Antidote to Wounded National Pride: Politics of History in Kemal Tahir’s Devlet Ana By: Servet Erdem

Turkey’s Candidature to the UN Security Council Seat in 1948: Why the West’s ‘Favorite’ Candidate Lost By: Ali Balcı and Talha İsmail Duman

Ottoman(ist)s and the Sea, Islands, and Space: An Overview of the State of the Field on the Occasion of a Recent Review Article By: Antonis Hadjikyriacou

Turkish Historical Review

Turkish Historical Review

Volume 12 Issue 1

Written Proof Between Capitulations and Ottoman Kadi Courts in the Early Modern Period By: Maurits H. van den Boogert

How to Manage the Unmanageable: Inconsistent Ottoman Strategies to Prevent Prostitution By: Orlin Sabev

Ethnic Cleansing and Diplomacy: A View of the Greek-Turkish Exchange of Populations of 1923–24 from the US National Archives By: Ayhan Aktar

The Role of the Press in the From Turk to Turk Campaign in Cyprus Under British Rule By: Emin Akkor

Turkish Studies

Turkish Studies

Volume 22 Issue 3

Ignorance or trade-off? Testing three explanations for the re-election of corrupt politicians using data from an embedded survey in Turkey By: M. Kadir Doğan & Haldun Evrenk

Does Islamic inclusion of Syrians represent a real challenge to Europe’s security approach?: Dilemmas of the AKP’s Syrian refugee discourse By: Özgür Balkılıç & Fatma Armağan Teke Lloyd

A chapter in the modernization of Turkey: damming the rivers, claiming the natural landscape, and building of the Seyhan Dam in Cilicia By: Ahmet Erdem Tozoglu

Framing environmental debates over nuclear energy in Turkey’s polarized media system By: Metin Ersoy & Emre İşeri

Mixed marriage and transnational marriage migration in the grip of political economy: Russian-Turkish Case By: Ayla Deniz & E. Murat Özgür

Resistance to change: the ideological immoderation of the Nationalist Action Party in Turkey By: Fatih Çağatay Cengiz

Shot in the foot: unintended political consequences of electoral engineering in the Turkish parliamentary elections in 2018 By: Uğurcan Evci & Marek M. Kaminski



Volume 6 Issue 2

Local Tales of Sufism in Quebec: Secular Politics of Moderation and the Production of Charismatic Muslims By: Geneviève Mercier-Dalphond

Turbans, Veils, and Villainy on Television: Stargate SG1 and Merlin By: Katherine Bullock

Caliphate as Transnational Metaphor: A Decolonial Analysis of Caliphate Struggles By: Sheheen Kattiparambil

Exchanges with Tariq Modood: Reorienting the Multicultural By: Uzma Jamil

Inclusive Nationhood: Reflections on Tariq Modood’s Essays on Secularism and Multiculturalism By: Ivan Kalmar

Imagining Multicultural Nationalism? Reflections on the Contributions of Tariq Modood By: Peter Mandaville

Multiculturalism and the Muslim Question By: Uzma Jamil

The Antinomies of a Secular Moderate Multiculturalism By: S. Sayyid

Working to Multiculturalise My Country By: Tariq Modood

Journal of Palestine Studies

Journal of Palestine Studies

Volume 50 Issue 3

The Journal of Palestine Studies in the Twenty-First Century: An Editor’s Reflections By : Rashid Khalidi

Palestinian Refugees of the Oslo Generation: Thinking beyond the Nation? By : Sophie Richter-Devroe

Introduction: History from Below; Lessons from Palestine By : Sherene Seikaly

Pensioners, Orphans, and Widows versus Banks: Palestinian Financial History By : Sreemati Mitter

Forging Justice from Below: Palestinians, Indigeneity, and Abolition By : Alex Winder

Other Laboratories: The Great Revolt, Civil Resistance, and the Social History of Palestine By : Charles W. Anderson

Navigating the Time of Arab Jerusalem: A Perspective from Within By : Haneen Naamneh

The ICC and Palestine: Breakthrough and End of the Road? By : Pearce Clancy, Richard Falk