The Maydan Podcast is a production of The Maydan, with dedicated themes around Islamic Studies and related fields. Maydan is an online publication of the Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies at George Mason University, offering expert analysis on a wide variety of issues in the field of Islamic Studies for academic and public audiences alike. Its home is . It will produce 50 episodes over one year and seeks to engage audiences within and outside the field of Islamic Studies.
Project Team: Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu– Editor-in-Chief | Micah Hughes– Project Coordinator | Sophie Potts – Post Production and Audio Editor. Contact:
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On The Square will be released every first Tuesday of the month. It is co-produced by The Maydan and Sapelo Square.
Knowledge and its Producers will will be released every second Tuesday of the month.
History Speaks will be released every third Tuesday of the month.
Islam on the Edges will be released every forth Tuesday of the month. It is co-produced by the Maydan and the Center for Islam in the Contemporary World at Shenandoah University.
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