[Updated 08/25/2020] Check out our Journal Roundups for the latest articles in Islamic studies. Thirty-seven iterations have been published and the Spring 2020 edition is now online. The Spring 2020 edition currently has issues from forty-two journals in a wide variety of subjects and disciplines and will be revised as more journals announce their Spring issues.
The journal roundup project covers over ninety English language journals in a variety of disciplines related to Islamic Studies, providing the table of contents for each journal as a tool for researchers, academics, students, and those generally interested in the field of Islamic Studies. We include only articles; book reviews can be found on the journal sites. Please let us know if we have missed any journals or if you have questions at journals@themaydan.com. [Curated by Jeta Luboteni and Sulaiman Popal].
- Afghanistan
- ALIF: Journal of Comparative Poetics (Special Issue: Mapping New Directions in the Humanities)
- Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur’an and Hadith Studies
- American Journal of Islam and Society (Formerly American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences)
- Arab Studies Journal
- Arab Studies Quarterly
- Central Asian Survey
- Contemporary Islam
- Der Islam
- Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and Islamic World (Special Issue: Female Leadership, Political Representation, and Women’s Activism in the Gulf Region)
- History of Religions
- Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations
- Israel Affairs (Special Issue: Hijacking the Arab-Israeli Conflict)
- Journal of African Studies
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion
- Journal of the American Oriental Society
- Journal of Arabian Studies: Arabia, the Gulf, and the Red Sea
- Journal of Arabic Literature
- Journal of Asian and African Studies
- Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
- Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies
- Journal of Humanity and Society
- Journal of Islamic Manuscripts
- Journal of Islamic Studies
- The Journal of the Middle East and Africa
- Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (Special Issue: Reformulating Muslim Matrimony: Islamic Marriage and Divorce in Contemporary United Kingdom & Europe)
- Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society
- Journal of Muslims in Europe, Special Issue: Salafism in Europe. Empirical Approaches
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies
- Journal of Ottoman Studies
- Journal of Palestine Studies
- Journal of Qur’anic Studies
- Medieval Encounters
- The Middle East Journal
- Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication (Special Issue: Politics of Culture and Communication and the Islamic Republic of Iran)
- The Muslim World
- Nazariyat: Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences
- Orient
- Oirente Moderno
- Philosophy & Social Criticism
- Politics and Religion
- Religion Compass (Two Issues)
- Sociology of Islam (Special Issue: CIRS)
- Journal of Palestine Studies

Volume 3 Issue 1“Pen and tongue” untied: Lillias Hamilton’s uncensored view of ʿAbd al-Rahman Khan by Namatullah Kadrie
Maryam’s story: An ethnographic memoir by Nancy Lindisfarne-Tapper and Richard Tapper
A closer look at the Tillya-tepe folding crown and attached pendants by Sara Peterson
Representation of Wēś in early Kushan coinage: Royal or local cult? by Razieh Taasob

Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics
Volume 40Special Issue: Mapping New Directions in the Humanities
English Section
Mapping Diversity in Classical Studies by David Konstan
A Decolonial Turn in the Humanities by Claire Gallien
The Cultural Turn in the Study of Arabic Literature by Antonio Pacifico
Redirecting Postcolonial Theory: Arab-Islamic Reason, Deconstructionism, and the Possibility of Multiple Critique by Youssef Yacoubi
Re-Orienting Modernism: Mapping East-East Exchanges between Arabic and Persian Poetry by Levi Thompson:
From Cultural Translation to Untranslatability: Theorizing Translation outside Translation Studies by Brian James Baer
Towards Holistic Medical Humanities by Nadia Hashish
New Directions in Disability Narratives: Cyborgs and Redefining Disability in Young Adult Literature by Yasmine Sweed
Arabic Section
Modern Paths in Philosophical Studies by Abdesslam Benabdelali
Arab Feminism: Positions and Practices by Shereen Abouelnaga
From Autobiography to Life-Writing: Trajectories and Intersections across the Humanities and Social Sciences by Hala Kamal
Postcolonialism and Arabic Literature: Rerouting or Re-Rooting? by Samia Al Hodathy
Educational Linguistics and the Problem of Language: Science and Mathematics Education in the Arab World by Tamer Amin
“Contemporary” American Poetry: Reflections by Hassan Hilmy
Arabic Literature and Digital Technology: An Exploration by Hossam Nayel
Game Theory and Literary Analysis: Horizons and Limitations by Naglaa Saad Hassan

Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies
Volume 18 Issue 1Phonological Awareness and Letter Knowledge in Qurʾanic Reading: A-ba-ha-ta Method as a Case Study by Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Raja Jamilah Raja Yusof and Muhammad Lukman Ibrahim
Metaphor Translation Procedures and their Application in Translating Amthāl al-Hadith into Malay with Reference to Newmark’s Theory by Mohamad Hussin and Idris Mansor
Pragmatic Interpretation and Translational Equivalence of Ironic Discourse in the Holy Qurʾan Based on SAT and EAT Theories: Arberry’s English Translation as a Case Study by Shehda R.S Abuissac, Ahmed Arifin Bin Sapar and Ali Gobaili Saged
The Role of Reason in Dealing with the Prophetic Sunna in Relation to the Chain of Narrators, Text and Indication by Abdeljabbar Saeed

American Journal of Islam and Society (Formerly American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences)
Volume 37 Issue 1-2Islamic Constitutionalism Before Sovereignty: Two Defenses of the Tunisian Constitution of 1861 by Andrew March
Theological and Intellectual Roots in Deobandi Thoughts by Atif Suhail Siddiqui
Shaykh Google as Ḥāfiẓ al-ʿAṣr by Emad Hamdeh
Toward a New Framework of Islamic Economic Analysis by Akhmad Akbar Susamto

Arab Studies Journal
Volume 28 Issue 1Nonsense and Morality: Interwar Egypt and the Comedy of Najib al-Rihani by Carmen Gitre
Impure Time: Archaeology, Hafidh Druby (1914-1991), and the Persistence of Representational Painting in Mid-Twentieth-Century Iraq (1940-1980) by Sarah Johnson
Militia Soundscapes in Post-Qaddafi Libya by Leila O. Tayeb
Paradise Lost: Land and Labor in 1950s Galilee by Lily Eilan

Arab Studies Quarterly
Volume 42 Issue 1-2US Media Darlings: Arab and Muslim Women Activists, Exceptionalism and the “Rescue Narrative” by Ahlam Muhtaseb
Pax Americana and the Dissolution of Arab States: The Humanitarian Consequences (1990–2019) by Tareq Y. Ismael and Jacqueline S. Ismael
Killing “Hajis” in “Indian Country”: Neoliberal Crisis, the Iraq War and the Affective Wages of Anti-Muslim Racism by Yousef K. Baker
The War of Words: Language as an Instrument of Palestinian National Struggle by Loubna Qutami and Omar Zahzah
Turkey and its Immediate Arab Neighbors in the Twenty-First Century by Ibrahim G. Aoudé
Separation Walls: Realities, Metaphors and Beyond by Salam Mir
The Chinese Model: The US Nightmare by Rami Siklawi

Central Asian Survey
Volume 39 Issue 2‘They do not help, only demoralize’: peasant nachalniks and the last imperial Russian reform on the Kazakh Steppe, 1902–1917 by Gulmira Sultangalieva & John B. Seitz
Sharaf Rashidov and the international dimensions of Soviet Uzbekistan by Riccardo Mario Cucciolla
Gender and ethnicity in the Soviet Muslim peripheries: a feminist postcolonial geography of women’s work in the Tajik SSR (1950–1991) by Negar Elodie Behzadi & Lucia Direnberger
Educational infrastructure created in conditions of social exclusion: ‘Kyrgyz clubs’ for migrant children in Moscow by Ekaterina Demintseva
From mice-eaten passports to fingerprint scanning: fluctuating state presence and ‘entangled documents’ along the Kyrgyz–Uzbek border by Elina Troscenko
Legal reform or erasure of history? The politics of moral crimes in Afghanistan by Aziz Hakimi & Masooma Sa’adat

Contemporary Islam
Volume 14 Issue 1Blasphemy of Salman Rushdie and shifting legal discourse in India by Misbah Rashid
Da’wa and politics: lived experiences of the female Islamists in Indonesia by Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad
The Izala effect: unintended consequences of Salafi radicalism in Indonesia and Nigeria by Muhammad Sani Umar, Mark Woodward
Who pioneered Islamic banking in Malaysia? The background of the pioneers of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad by Hideki Kitamura

Der Islam
Volume 97 Issue 1Q 30: 2‒5 in Near Eastern Context by Adam J. Silverstein
Note sur la réception du Testament d’Abraham dans la tradition arabo-islamique by Alice Croq
Retrouver et comprendre les textes perdus des historiens arabes : l’exemple du Kitāb al-Futūḥ de ʿĪsā b. Muḥammad b. Sulaymān b. Abī al-Muhāǧir by Anis Mkacher
The Life and Times of the Ayyūbid Vizier al-Ṣāḥib b. Shukr by Gary Leiser
An Archive in a Book: Documents and Letters from the Early-Mamluk Period by Boris Liebrenz
Schuldfähigkeit trotz fehlender Willensfreiheit? Eine Analyse der Position Ibn Taymiyyas. Mit einer Übersetzung seiner al-Qaṣīda at-tāʾiyya by Farid Suleiman
Sunnifying ʿAlī: Historiography and Notions of Rebellion in Ibn Kathīr’s Kitāb al-Bidāya wa-l-nihāya by Aaron Hagler

Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and Islamic World
Volume 18 Issue 1Special Issue: Female Leadership, Political Representation, and Women’s Activism in the Gulf Region
Introduction by Laila Prager
The Politics of Women Empowerment: Female Leaders in the UAE by Rahma Abdulkadir and Henriette Müller
“I Want to be a Leader, But Men Are Better Than Women in Leadership Positions”
State Feminism and Legitimizing Myths in the United Arab Emirates by Rana al-Mutawa
Emirati Women Leaders in the Cultural Sector: From “State Feminism” to Empowerment? by Laila Prager
Saudi Women as Decision Makers: Analyzing the Media Portrayal of Female Political Participation in Saudi Arabia by Magdalena Karolak and Hala Guta
Conflictual Identities: The State and Feminist Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran by Hamideh Sedghi

History of Religions
Volume 59 Issue 4Fashioning Health as Beauty: Cosmetic Rulings in Early Islam by Kathryn Kueny
Roads, State, and Religion in Japanese Antiquity by Bryan D. Lowe

Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations
Volume 31 Issue 1Shiite Patterns of Post-Migration in Europe by Matthijs E.W. van den Bos
Creating a Diasporic Public Sphere in Britain: Twelver Shia Networks in London by Oliver Scharbrodt
Thinking Congregationally about British Muslims by Abdul-Azim Ahmed
Prejudice Towards Muslims: A Study among Young People in the North-West Region of Cameroon by Elvis Nshom, Soravis Tovivich & Shomaila Sadaf
Impacts of the ‘War on Terror’ on the (De-)Humanization of Christians in Pakistan: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Media Reporting by Zahid Shahab Ahmed & Musharaf Zahoor

Israel Affairs
Volume 26 Issue 3Special Issue: Hijacking the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Introduction by Asaf Romirowsky
The gatekeepers by Donna Robinson Divine
Word crimes: choosing rationality over a moral panic by Cary Nelson
The Demopath’s Lexicon: a guide to Western journalism between the river and the sea by Richard Landes
Zionism – The integral component of Jewish identity that Jews are historically pressured to shed by Alyza D. Lewin
Can military service bridge social schisms: the case of Israel by Elisheva Rosman
Protests and political violence among Arab Knesset members by Gadi Hitman & Nir Sinay
Testing the social psychology of protest: empirical evidence from the Israeli experience by Alonit Berenson & Nir Atmor
Is religiosity a risk or a protective factor? The connection between religiosity and deviance among religious youths by Vered Ne’eman-Haviv, Wilchek- Aviad Yael & Lahav Chaim
Public policy for supporting employed family caregivers of the elderly: the Israeli case by Erez Cohen & Yael Benvenisti
Media portrayal of enemy leaders and public opinion toward peace: the cases of Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin 1987-95 by Hila Lowenstein-Barkai
Shifting trajectory in India-Israel relations under Modi by Muhsin Puthan Purayil

Journal of African Studies
Volume 8 Issue 2Vodún, Spirited Forests, and the African Atlantic Forest Complex by Timothy R. Landry
Kongo Symbols, Catholic Celebrations: Adornment and Spiritual Power in Nineteenth-Century Religious Festivals in São Paulo, Brazil by Alicia L. Monroe
Manifest Heritages of Family and Nation: Embodying “All the Ancestors” in Guyanese Komfa by Jeremy Jacob Peretz
Rethinking Garveyism as Religion: The UNIA Universal Negro Ritual and UNIA Universal Negro Catechism by W Gabriel Selassie I
The Art of Sweeping Sickness and Catching Death: Babulú Aye, Materiality, and Mortality in Lukumí Religious Practice by Martin Tsang

Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Volume 88 Issue 2Introduction by Laura McTighe
Centering Black Catholic Relgio-Rachial Identity, Revealing White Catholicism by Mathew J Cressler
Folk Religion and the Medical Engineering of Rural Black Laborers by Jamil W Drake
Unmasking Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim Hostility and/as White Supremacy by Megan Goodwin
Red Squads and Black Radicals: Reading Agency in the Archive by Sylvester Johnson
Theory on the Ground: Ethnography, Religio-Racial Study, and the Spiritual Work of Building Otherwise by Laura McTighe, Women With A Vision (WWAV)
The House We Live In: Religio-Racial Theories and the Study of Religion by Judith Weisenfeld
Paper, Ink, Vodun, and the Inquisition: Tracing Power, Slavery, and Witchcraft in the Early Modern Portuguese Atlantic by Cécile Fromont
This is The Shack That Job Built: Theodicy and Polytheism in William Paul Young’s Evangelical Bestseller by Christopher Douglas
Jews in Early Biographies of Muḥammad: A Case Study in Shifting Muslim Understandings of Judaism by Alfons Teipen
Refiguring Baidehīśa Bilāsa: Reading the Queer and the Erotic in Upendra Banja’s Rāmāyana by Ujaan Ghosh and Amrita Chowdhury

Journal of the American Oriental Society
Volume 140 Issue 1-2Issue 2
Fakes, Delusions, or the Real Thing? Albert Grüwendal’s Maps of Shambhala by Sam van Schaik
An Interpretation of Two Names in the Ninth Line of the Tonyukuk Inscription by Pavel Rykin and Nikolai Telitsin
Anxiety Over the Filial Body: Discussions on Xiao in Early Confucian Texts by Jianjun He
The Cultural Politics of Old Things in Mid-Tang China by Xiaofei Tian
Remembering the Past Through Music: The Transmission of Chinese Qin Songs in Seventeenth- to Nineteenth-Century Japan by Zeyuan Wu
Syntax of Hitite imma by Andrei Sideltsev
The Image of the Dragon in RS 16.266 (= KTU1–3 1.83): Ugaritic √ṯrp and Its Syriac, Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, and Mandaic Cognates by Madadh Richey
Assyria and Babylon in the Oracles against the Nations Tradition: The Death of a King by Jo Ann Scurlock
The Greek Death of Imruʾ al-Qays by Teddy J. Fassberg
Legal Maxims (qawāʿid fiqhiyya) in Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī’s Jurisprudence and Fatwas by Ron Shaham
Issue 1
Pediatrics in Medieval Islamic Theoria by Elaine van Dalen
Giggers, Greeners, Peyserts, and Palliards: Rendering Slang in al-Bukhalāʾ of al-Jāḥiẓ by Kevin Blankinship

Journal of Arabian Studies: Arabia, the Gulf, and the Red Sea
Volume 9 Issue 2Infrastructures of Empire and Sovereignty: The Port of Basra in Interwar Iraq by Gabriel Young
Raising Feminist Consciousness through Literature: Two Women’s Texts from the Arabian Gulf by O. Ishaq Tijani
Reclaiming Saudi Salafism: The Saudi Religious Circles and the Threat of ISIS by Raihan Ismail
Perceptions of the Courtyard in Kuwait: Between Tradition and Modernity by Yousef A.M. Al Haroun
SPECIAL SECTION: China and the Arab Gulf: Developing a Multidisciplinary Approach
Introduction by Yuting Wang
Gulf-China: Opportunities and Threats for a Global Partnership by Ismail H. Genc

Journal of Arabic Literature
Volume 51 Issue 1-2Voice and Power: Ḥafṣah bint al-Ḥājj and the Poetics of Women in Al-Andalus by Majd Al-Mallah
Politics of Paratextuality: The Glossary between Translation and the Translational by Dima Ayoub
Egyptian Movement Poetry by Elliott Colla
“Zahra’s Uncle, or Where Are Men in Women’s War Stories?” by Michelle Hartman
Nāzik al-Malāʾikah and Edgar Allan Poe: Their Poetry and Related Poetics by Boutheina Khaldi
Situating Rifāʿah al-Ṭahṭāwī within an Islamicate Context by Atoor Lawandow

Journal of Asian and African Studies
Volume 55 Issue 4The ‘Islam of the Government’: The Islamic High Councils in Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia by Francesco Tamburini
Fairtrade and Workers’ Welfare: A Case Study of the Soccer Industry in Pakistan by Javeria Younas Abbasi, Musleh Ud Din
Belief System: A Barrier to the Use of Modern Contraceptives among the Idoma of Benue State, North Central Nigeria by Chiemezie Scholastica Atama, Uzoma Odera Okoye, Amelia Ngozi Odo, Aloysius Odii, Uche Teresa Okonkwo

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Volume 63 Issue 3-4Volume 4
Agrarian and Mercantile Ideologies in Western Han by Roel Sterckx
Applying Digital Methods to the Study of a Late Ottoman City: A Social and Spatial Analysis of Political Partisanship in Gaza by Yuval Ben-Bassat and Johann Buessow
Competing Sovereignties in Eighteenth-Century South Asia: Afghan Claims to Kingship by Neelam Khoja
Royal Purple Industry in Lod during the Late Roman Period as Reflected in the Lod Mosaic by Amir Gorzalczany, Baruch Rosen, and Naama Sukenik
Making Sense of Central Asia in Pre-Petrine Russia by Ulfatbek Abdurasulov
Letter to the Editor: Response to Rahul Govind by Upal Chakrabarti
Volume 3
Paper Currency, Banking, and Islamic Monetary Debates in Late Ottoman and Early Saudi Arabia by Michael O’Sullivan
Turkmen Literacy and Turkmen Identity before the Soviets: the Ravnaq al-Islām in Its Literary and Social Context by Allen J. Frank
El Niño and the Nomads: Global Climate, Local Environment, and the Crisis of Pastoralism in Late Ottoman Kurdistan by Zozan Pehlivan
The Origin of the Sogdian Civic Communities (nāf) by Michael Shenkar
Mantra: a Review Essay on Islam in Soviet Central Asia by Eren Tasar
Disintegration as an Integrative Process: Revisiting Palestinian Cohesiveness from the Late Ottoman Era through the End of the British Mandate by Harel Chorev

Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies
Volume 19 Issue 1Self-Recording of a National Disaster: Oral History and the Palestinian Nakba by Rosemary Sayigh
Illegally Blonde: The Racialisation of Blondness and Visual Representations of Palestinian Activist Ahed Tamimi in American and Canadian Media by Kuan-Yun Wang
Engaging in Popular Communal Imagination and the Holy Week Culture in Malta: Emancipatory Thinking and the Holy Land/Jerusalem Narrative by Michael Grech and Peter Mayo
Muslim Shrines in Palestine: The Case of Joseph’s Shrine Through the eyes of Pre-Twentieth Century Voyagers, Geographers and Pilgrims by Amer A. Al-Qobbaj and Loay M. Abu Alsaud
Urban-Rural Relations in Mandatory Palestine: Tiberias, Urban Notables and Control of the Palestinian Countryside, 1918–1948 by Mustafa Abbasi
Palestinian Diaspora Communities in Latin America and Palestinian Statehood by Yousef M. Aljamal and Philipp O. Amour

Journal of Humanity and Society
Volume 10 Issue 2A Look into Historical Grand Bazaars from the Literature on Shopping Centers by Faruk Bal and Murat Taşdemir
Teachers Who Make a Difference According to Teachers’ Perceptions by Abdullah Çetin and Serkan Ünsal
Analyzing the Developmental Problems Experienced by Syrian Adolescent Refugees in Terms of Certain Demographic Variables by Hıdır Apak and Muhammet Cevat Acar
Implications of the Syrian Civil War on the Alawites by Bayram Sinkaya
Capitalism as an Economic System Research: Power, Technological Change, and Innovation by Adem Levent

Journal of Islamic Manuscripts
Volume 11 Issue 1A New Look at Ṭūsī’s Awṣāf al-ashrāf: The Preamble of MS Leiden Or. 683/1 by Joep Lameer
The History and Provenance of the Unique Dustūr al-munaǧǧimīn Manuscript, BnF Arabe 5968: A Re-assessment by Boris Liebrenz
A Note on a Note: The Inscription in ‘the Leiden Manuscript’ of Turkic and Mongolic Glossaries by Yoshio Saitô
The Chamberlain’s Sessions: Audience Certificates in a Baghdad Manuscript of al-Ḫarāʾiṭī’s Iʿtilāl al-qulūb (Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, Ms. Orient. A 627) by Tilman Seidensticker
Abstracts, Résumés, خلاصات Journal of Islamic Manuscripts Volume 11, No. 1, Spring 2020
دلالات المصطلحات الواردة في مجالس السماع والقراءة في المخطوطات العربية by د. سعيد الجوماني

Journal of Islamic Studies
Volume 31 Issue 2Traces of Mysticism in Ibn al-Jawzī’s Thought; an Examination of His Baḥr al-Dumūʿ by Pascal Held
The Muslim Conquest of the City of al-Ubulla by Irsan Ramini, Heba Al-Zuraiqi
Did Premodern Muslims Distinguish the Religious and Secular? The Dīn–Dunyā Binary in Medieval Islamic Thought by Rushain Abbasi
Dispatches from Cairo to India: Editors, Publishing Houses, and a Republic of Letters by Ahmad Khan

The Journal of the Middle East and Africa
Volume 11 Issue 1-2Volume 2
Volume 1
The Russian Media as a Promoter of Manipulative Approaches: The Case of the Syrian Civil War by Dmitry Strovsky & Ron Schleifer
Emergency Communal Labor and Gender in Central Province During the Mau Mau War in Kenya, 1953–1960 by Opolot Okia
For the People, Against the Elites: Left versus Right-Wing Populism in Greece and Turkey by Ioannis N. Grigoriadis
Israel’s Immigration Policies and the Promotion of Genetic Testing: Empiricizing Definitional Criteria, Bolstering State Demographic Security, or Hastening the Messianic Era? by Nathan P. Devir
Saudi Women Driving Change? Rebranding, Resistance, and the Kingdom of Change by Deborah L. Wheeler

Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
Volume 40 Issue 1-2Volume 2
Politics of Minority Representation
Volume 1
Special Issue: Reformulating Muslim Matrimony: Islamic Marriage and Divorce in Contemporary United Kingdom & Europe
Reformulating Muslim Matrimony: Islamic Marriage and Divorce in the Contemporary United Kingdom and Europe by Justin Jones & Yafa Shanneik
Reformulation of Islamic Matrimonial Law: British Muslims, Contemporary Understandings and Normative Practices by Islam Uddin
Khul‘ in Action: How Do Local Muslim Communities in Germany Dissolve an Islamic Religious-Only Marriage? by Mahmoud Jaraba
Muslim Alternative Dispute Resolution: Tracing the Pathways of Islamic Legal Practice between South Asia and Contemporary Britain by Justin Jones
Moroccan Family Law: Discussions and Responses from the Netherlands by Iris Sportel
Reformulating Transnational Muslim Families: The Case of Sharīʿah-Compliant Child Marriages by Federica Sona
Teleology Behind the Prohibition of Recognition of Polygamous Marriages Under the EU Family Reunification Directive: A Critique of Rule Effectiveness by Nicole Stybnarova
Current Muslim Understandings of Classical Family Law in a Modern Secular Context: Germany as a Case Study by Mouez Khalfaoui
Interfaith Marriages in Islam from a Woman’s Perspective: Turkish Women’s Interfaith Marriage Practices in the United Kingdom by Haifaa Jawad & Ayse Elmali-Karakaya
The Continuing Muslim Marriage Conundrum: The Law of England and Wales on Religious Marriage and Non-Marriage in the United Kingdom by Vishal Vora
Islamic Marriage and Divorce in the United Kingdom: The Case for a New Paradigm by Amra Bone

Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society
Volume 4 Issue 1
Journal of Muslims in Europe
Volume 9 Issue 2Special Issue: Salafism in Europe. Empirical Approaches
Methodological and Ethical Challenges in Empirical Approaches to Salafism by Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf and Mira Menzfeld
Pierre Vogel’s and Bilal Philips’s Criticisms of Jihadism by Clemens Holzgruber
Challenges in Digital Ethnography: Research Ethics Relating to the Securitisation of Islam by Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann and Simone Pfeifer
From Rigid to Moderate Salafism: Paths of (Re-)Conversion to Islam among Activists of a Muslim Organisation in Switzerland by Amir Sheikhzadegan
“For them it is just a story, for me it is my life.” Ethnography and the Security Gaze
Academic Research with “Salafi” Muslims in the Netherlands by Martijn de Koning
Who is a ‘Salafi’? Salafism and the Politics of Labelling in the UK by Iman Dawood

Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Volume 79 Issue 1Naram-Sin’s War against Armanum and Ebla in a Newly-Discovered Inscription from Tulul al-Baqarat by Nashat Alkhafaji and Gianni Marchesi
Longitude 45° East: New Evidence for one of the Oldest Political Frontiers in the Ancient World by Sajjad Alibaigi, Shahram Aliyari, John MacGinnis, and Naser Aminikhah
The Byzantine Concept of “Syria” as Arab Empire and its Ancient Roots by Predrag Komatina
From Demons to a Slippery Slope: MLC 1948, a new list of Sumerian terms and their equivalents by Klaus Wagensonner
Drinking the Dregs of the Divine: Daniel 5 and the Motif of “King and Cup” in its Ancient Near Eastern Context by Jonathan S. Greer
The Tribal Affiliations of Shuraḥbīl ibn Ḥasana by Yaara Perlman

Journal of Ottoman Studies
Volume 55Poll Tax ( Jizya) Payers of the Mosul Kaza and Its Regional Relationships (The Last Quarter of 17th Century) by Oğuzhan Samikiran
‘Do not build a dome and monuments on me’: Uncovered Tomb Taste in Ottoman Architecture (1661-1763) by Mustafa çağhan Keski̇n
Employment in the Waqfs of Jerusalem: Socio-Economic and Demographic Characteristics of Waqf Staff During the 18th Century by Şeri̇fe Eroğlu Memi̇ş
The Politics of the Local Notables at the end of the 18th Century and the Germiyanzâdes by Murat Dağli
Forty Years in the Service of the Ottoman Industry: The Life Story of English Engineer Frederick William Taylor (1807-1875) by Serdal Soyluer
The Laramans: The Exile of the Crypto Christian Albanians to Mihalic (1846-1848) by Yakup Ahbab
“All We Hope is a Generous Revival”: The Evangelization of the Ottoman Christians in Western Anatolia in the Nineteenth Century by Meri̇h Erol
The Russian Occupation of Erzurum in the First World War: The Repercussions of the Occupation in Russia and in the World According to the Russian Press and Literature by Rami̇n Sadigov

Journal of Palestine Studies
Volume 49 Issue 2Articles
The Secret Testimony of the Peel Commission (Part II): Partition by Laila Parsons
Palestine at the UN: The PLO and UNRWA in the 1970s by Anne Irfan
Established Practice: Palestinian Exclusion at the Dead Sea by Aseil Abu-Baker; Marya Farah
Delegitimizing Solidarity: Israel Smears Palestine Advocacy as Anti-Semitic by Ben White
Stone, Labor, and the Building of Israel by Adam Hanieh
Journal of Qur’anic Studies

Journal of Qurʾanic Studies
Volume 22 Issue 2
Medieval Encounters
Volume 26 Issue 1“Tengo Feuza en la Piyadad de Allāh”: Piety and Polemic in an Aljamiado-Morisco “Companion in Paradise” Narrative by Donald Walter Wood
Who Is the Man on the Camel?: Historical Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible and Christian-Muslim Debate by John Zaleski

The Middle East Journal
Volume 74 Issue 1The Development and Fragmentation of Kuwait’s al-Jama’a al-Salafiyya: Purity over Pragmatism by Zoltan Pall
How and Why Has the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan Changed since 2011?
Tunisia’s Foiled Coup of 1987: The November 8th Group by Mohammad Abu Rumman and Neven Bondokji
The Road Not Taken: The Amirav-Husayni Peace Initiative of 1987 by
Iran by Sharan Grewal

Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication
Volume 13 Issue 1Special Issue: Politics of Culture and Communication and the Islamic Republic of Iran
Politics of Culture and Communication and the Islamic Republic of Iran by Mehdi Semati
Beyond a Politicization of Persian Cats: Representing Iranian Popular Musicians in the Western Media by Theresa Parvin Steward
Reinventing Ruhowzi: Experiments in Contemporary Iranian Musical Theater by Erum Naqvi
‘Personal Effects:’ Translation, Intimacy and Domestication in the Poetry of Solmaz Sharif by R. Shareah Taleghani
The Holy Defense Museum in Tehran, or How to Aestheticize War by Anna Vanzan
On the Path to Becoming: Mobility, Jouissance and Layered Temporalities in the Realist Cinema of Marzieh Meshkini by Niloo E. Sarabi
The Pioneers of Iranian New Painting: A Manifesto of a Forgotten History by Alice Bombardier

The Muslim World
Volume 110 Issue 2Fazlur Rahman’s Influence on Contemporary Islamic Thought by
Muslim Televangelists in the Making: Conversion Narratives and the Construction of Religious Authority
A Shiite Clerical View of Other Religions and the Lebanese Nation‐State: Muḥammad Jawād Maghniyah (1904‐1979)
Iqbal’s and Hassan’s Complaints: A Study of “To the Holy Prophet” and “SMS to Sir Muhammad Iqbal”
Protecting the Citadel of Islam in the Modern Era: A Case of Shiʿi Mujtahids and the Najaf Seminary in Early Twentieth‐Century Iraq
From Islamic Government to Local Politics: Muḥammad Mahdī Shams al‐Dīn and Muḥammad Ḥusayn Faḍlallāh’s Divergent Views of the Lebanese State by
Asserting Roots: Muḥammad Jābir Āl Ṣafā‘ and the Writing of Shiʿi history during the French Mandate by

Nazariyat: Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences
Volume 6 Issue 1Uçamayan Adam: Fahreddin Râzî’de Ben Şuuru by M. Zahit Tiryaki
Ebu Ali el-Hasan Merrâkuşî’nin Eserinde Zerkâliyye (Evrensel Disk) Yapım Kılavuzu by Atilla Bir, Adem Akın, Mustafa Kaçar, and Saliha Bütün
Bilinemeyeni Bilmek: Fahreddin Râzî’den Taşköprülüzâde’ye “Mutlak Meçhul” Paradoksu by Harun Kuşlu
Şemseddin Muhammed b. Eşref es-Semerkandî el-Hüseynî et-Türkî’ye (ö. 722/1322) Ait İki Yeni Eser: Şerhu Menşe’i’n-Nazar ve Şerhu’n-Nikât by Necmettin Pehlivan and Hadi Ensar Ceylan
Mantık-Metafizik İrtibatına Bir Örnek: İbn Sînâ ve Fahreddin Râzî’de Mahiyetin Bir Parçası Olarak Cins ve Fasıl by Sacide Ataş

Volume 48 Issue 1-2Introduction by Jari Kaukua
Mereology in Kalām: A New Reading of the Proof from Accidents for Creation by Ayman Shihadeh
Iʿtibārī Concepts in Suhrawardī: The Case of Substance by Jari Kaukua
Beyond Atoms and Accidents: Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī and the New Ontology of Postclassical Kalām by Bilal Ibrahim
“From the One, Only One Proceeds”: The Post-Classical Reception of a Key Principle of Avicenna’s Metaphysics by Wahid M. Amin
The Influence of the Avicennan Theory of Science on Philosophical Sufism: The Concept of the Divine Science in Qūnawī and Fanārī by Yusuf Daşdemir
Ṣadrā’s Use of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s al-Mabāḥith al-mashriqiyya in the Asfār by Cécile Bonmariage
An Avicennian Engagement with and Appropriation of Mullā Ṣadrā Šīrāzī (d. 1045/1636): The Case of Mahdī Narāqī (d. 1209/1795) by Sajjad H. Rizvi

Oriente Moderno
Volume 100 Issue 1Introduction by Claudio Lo Jacono
Co-optation and Engaged Distance: Sufism, Politics and Society in Contemporary Syria and Morocco by Marco Aurelio Golfetto
Customs and Imposition of Duties in the Emirate of Bukhara: by Ikromjon Azizov
Scholarships of Emirs of Bukhara by Oybek Klichev
The Question of the Legitimacy of the Hashemite Regime in Jordan: the Islamic Radical Organizations, the Western Territories and Israel by Ronen Yitzhak
The Suez Canal and Its Role in Formation of New International Political and Economic Relations in The XX Century by Zhuldyz Turekulova and Klara Baitureyeva
Luigi Ferdinando Marsili, Hezārfenn and the Coffee: Texts, Documents and Translations by Rosita D’Amora

Philosophy & Social Criticism
Volume 46 Issue 5Religious pluralism: Essential or challenge to liberal democracy? by Mona Siddiqui
Islamophobia as racialised biopolitics in the United Kingdom by Tahir Abbas
The culture of the national liberation movement and the change towards democracy: The case of North Africa by Mounir Kchaou
The heavy burden of democracy: Where is salvation? Democracy between perspective and prohibited by Hussain Shaban
Populist multiculturalism: Are there majority cultural rights? by Alan Patten
Social cohesion without electoral democracy: The case of China by Wang Pei, Daniel A. Bell
Democracy and ethical values from Islamic perspective by Mohsen Kadivar
How to construct a common and consensual multicultural civic discourse by Seán Golden
Some notes on ‘Populism’ by Jon Elster
Anti-Capital for the XXIst Century (on the metacrisis of capitalism and the prospects for radical politics) by Albena Azmanova
Human rights amidst despair in the Levant and the West by Micheline Ishay

Politics and Religion
Volume 13 Issue 2Why Religious People Support Ethnic Insurgency? Kurds, Religion and Support for the PKK by Ekrem Karakoç, Zeki Sarıgil
African, Religious, and Tolerant? How Religious Diversity Shapes Attitudes Toward Sexual Minorities in Africa by Sarah K. Dreier, James D. Long, Stephen J. Winkler
Dignity and the Foundation of Human Rights: Toward an Averroist Genealogy by Miguel Vatter
Military, Authoritarianism and Islam: A Comparative Analysis of Bangladesh and Pakistan by Md Ziaul Haque Sheikh, Zahid Shahab Ahmed

Religion Compass
Volume 14 Issue 6Limits of post‐secularism in Turkey: Comparing the attitudes of the Justice and Development Party towards the headscarf and Alevi issues by Emrah Konuralp

Sociology of Islam
Volume 8 Issue 2CIRS Special Issue of Sociology of Islam edited by Ayman Shabana
Science and Scientific Production in the Middle East: Past and Present by Ayman Shabana
The Increasing Prevalence of Girls in stem Education in the Arab World: What Can We Learn? by Rana Dajani, Sonali Dhawan and Sara M. Awad
A Cruel Innovation: Israeli Experiments on Gaza’s Great March of Return by Tariq Dana
Sciences, Technology, and Social Inequality in the Arab World: An Analysis from the Maghreb by Abdelkader Djeflat
Sanctions and the Scientific Community of Iran by Parviz Tarikhi
Islamic Ethics and the Legitimacy of Scientific Innovation: Reproductive Genetic Counseling within the Muslim Context by Ayman Shabana
Science and Scientific Production in the Middle East