In the U.S. and Western Europe, people say they Accept Muslims, but Opinions are Divided on Islam
PEWThe vast majority of people across 15 countries in Western Europe and in the United States say they would be willing to accept Muslims as neighbors. Slightly lower shares on both sides of the Atlantic say they would be willing to accept a Muslim as a family member.
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Two Muslim African Women have been Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
The Muslim VibeFor this year’s nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize, two young Muslim women from Africa have been nominated – Ilwad Elman, 29, from Somalia and Hajer Sharief, 26, from Libya. Both are a part of former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s Extremely Together initiative, which brings together 10 young activists from around the world.
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U.S. Blacklists Chinese Tech Firms Over Treatment Of Uighurs
NPRThe Commerce Department has issued a list of 28 state security bureaus and tech companies in China that it says are being used to suppress the country’s Uighur Muslims and other ethnic minorities – a move that blocks them from doing business with U.S. firms.
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China ‘Strongly Urges’ US to Remove Sanctions and Stop Accusing it of Human Rights Violations
CNBCChinese Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday it “strongly urges” the U.S. to stay clear from the country’s domestic issue, after the White House blacklisted a slew of Chinese companies due to alleged human rights violations against Muslim minorities in China’s far-western region of Xinjiang.
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Islamophobia: A Bipartisan Xenophobia in American Politics
Religion and PoliticsAlthough much of the meteoric rise of Islamophobia (and anti-Semitism) within American politics today squarely rests within the ideological political platform of the Republican Party, any intellectually honest conversation about Islamophobia must also concede that there also seems to be great disdain for Muslims within some prominent liberal political circles as well.
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Russian Trolls Orchestrated 2016 Clash at Houston Islamic center, New Senate Intel Report Recalls
Dallas NewsA Senate intelligence committee report issued Tuesday recounts efforts by Russian trolls to orchestrate a clash in Houston between local Muslims and anti-Muslim demonstrators in May 2016 — one of many instances of Russia trying to stoke unrest in the United States.
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Denmark's Ghettos: How one of Europe's Most Open Countries Took a Hard Line on Immigration
ABC AustraliaEllie hosts a popular YouTube series called The Pink Taxi. She films herself interviewing different personalities from all walks of life — and both sides of the political spectrum — while driving her taxi. Her goal is to use humour to examine Denmark’s current identity crisis.
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CAIR Releases Anti-Bullying Guide for Muslim Families
Wisconsin Muslim JournalIt is no secret. In this age of Islamophobia, Muslim children suffer from bullying, bias, and alienation that gets little to no serious attention by the mainstream public.
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What’s an Alternative to the UK’s Counterterrorism Policy?
The BridgeIn Western countries, the war on terrorism led to the development of new programs and legislation with the aim of eliminating “violent extremism” and “terrorism.” But it has done neither and has managed only to criminalize and stigmatize Muslim communities.
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Supporting Muslim Teens in Face of Islamophobia — in Their Own Schools
KQEDAs anti-Muslim sentiment has grown in the U.S., data show Muslim kids experience bullying and harassment at a higher rate than other students.
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Opinion: The Yom Kippur Lesson I Learned from a Muslim Man
LA TimesYom Kippur begins Oct. 8. It’s the holiest day of the Jewish year, when Jews engage in self-reckoning and look for ways to fix their flaws. This year someone helped me with this. His name is Mohammed.
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Mar-a-Lago Won’t Host Anti-Muslim Group’s Gala, Trump Organization Says
NY TimesThe group, ACT for America, is considered the largest anti-Muslim group in the United States. It had planned its annual banquet at the president’s club in Florida.
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How Canada’s Far Right is using anti-Muslim Propaganda to Target Trudeau
The GuardianTrudeau was pilloried when images emerged of at least three instances in which he had donned blackface. Yet as Canada heads toward a general election, the prime minister has also become the subject of racist and Islamophobic conspiracy theories.
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Parliament: Mosque Building Fund One Way Muslim Community Avoids Foreign Influence, says Maliki Osman
Straits TimesMosques in Singapore are built and upgraded using funds contributed by Muslims here, and this ensures the Muslim community cannot be easily influenced by foreigners, said Senior Minister of State for Defence and Foreign Affairs Maliki Osman on Monday.
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HuffPost Her Stories: This Italian Entrepreneur Is Elevating Muslim Fashion
Huffington PostFatima Shop’s one-of-kind merchandise has been designed to draw people in, regardless of their background.
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10 Things You Will Hear or Experience as a Hijabi in South Korea
Muslim GirlI currently live and work in South Korea, and there aren’t many hijab wearing women on YouTube, Instagram, and other social networking sites to share their experiences and/or give advice to other hijab-wearing sisters about what they can expect from daily interactions here.
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A Simple Intervention Enduringly Reduces anti-Muslim Sentiment
Phys.orgEmile Bruneau, who runs the Peace and Conflict Neuroscience Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, wanted to understand why collective blame—holding an entire population responsible for the acts of a single person belonging to that group—happens and how challenging it might be to change
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Islamic Empires by Justin Marozzi — Cosmopolitanism and Coexistence
Financial TimesIslamic Empires takes the reader on a tour of Islamic civilisation told through 15 of its greatest cities, spanning 15 centuries, from 7th-century Mecca to 21st-century Doha.
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Heartbeats Align During an Islamic Ritual, New Study Finds
Big ThinkResearchers found that the hearts of Sufi devotees harmonized as one during a mystical practice. And this isn’t the first study to show heart synchronization between people.
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Integrated Islamic schooling in High Demand amid growing Piety of Middle Class Muslims
The Jakarta PostIn addition to teaching regular subjects such as natural and social sciences, teachers have also campaigned for Islamic character building.
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Peaceful Muslim Community in Mexico: Over 5,500 Villagers Embrace Islam
Yeni ŞafakIn Chiapas, 5,500 native Mexicans have converted to Islam since 1989.
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Senate Gives Uzbek Governor Three Months' Probation After Anti-Islamic Remarks
Radio Free EuropeAn Uzbek regional governor has been given three months’ probation by the Senate after rudely lambasting Muslim women’s head scarves and the long, bushy beards many men wear, saying they promote Islamic extremism.
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Training to Identify Signs of Family Violence for Islamic Teachers
Straits TimesIslamic religious teachers, or asatizah, can now be trained to identify symptoms of family violence and take steps to help stop domestic abuse in order to counter misguided mindsets in the community.
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Hello, Brother: Why Kiwis are Converting to Islam
StuffThere aren’t official figures on the number of people in New Zealand converting, but anecdotally, mosques around the country are reporting an increase in those attending prayers and interested in finding out more about the religion.
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RealClear Media Has a Secret Facebook Page to Push Far-Right Memes
The Daily BeastThe company behind the non-partisan news site RealClearPolitics has been secretly running a Facebook page filled with far-right memes and Islamophobic smears, The Daily Beast has learned.
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UN Racism Expert Slams Dutch Burqa Ban
Al JazeeraUN Special Rapporteur on racism says the ban reflects a wider ‘consolidation of Islamophobia’ in the Netherlands.
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Far Right Poses as Protectors of Women to Target Muslims, Official Extremism Report Finds
IndependentFar-right activists are exploiting concerns about the safety of women and children to target Muslims and ethnic minorities, an official report has found. The Commission for Countering Extremism said some groups “deliberately distort the truth to persuade their audience to adopt discriminatory and hateful attitudes.”
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Burkina Faso Mosque Attack Kills 15 Worshipers
BBCGunmen entered the Grand Mosque in the village of Salmossi on Friday evening as those inside were praying. The attack prompted many locals to flee the village which is close to the Malian border. Hundreds of people have been killed in the country over the past few years, mostly by jihadist groups.
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Study Identifies Religious Bias Against Refugees
Phys.orgThe study shows that religion is the most powerful source of discrimination. When you hold constant national origin, religion matters more than gender, age, fluency in English or professional skill.
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Mothers of Srebrenica call for Handke's Nobel Prize to be Revoked
Al JazeeraThe call by the Mothers of Srebrenica association on Friday added to the widespread outrage in Bosnia and Kosovo over the decision to award the Austrian author, who is widely seen as an apologist for the late Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic and a denier of the genocide in July 1995, when Serb forces systematically massacred more than 8,000 Bosniaks.
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Iranian Women Finally Allowed to Officially Watch Soccer Match after 40 Years
CNNIn recent months, FIFA has come under increasing pressure to force Iran to overturn its ban on women entering sports stadiums, in particular following the death of Sahar Khodayari, a female fan who set herself on fire after she was denied access to a football stadium in Tehran.
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What the Far Right Gets Wrong About the Crusades
TimeThe crusades – the long series of wars fought between 1096 and 1492 under the direction of medieval popes against a wide range of enemies of many different faiths, including Sunni and Shia Muslims – have long been fascinating to the extreme right wing, both in the United States and elsewhere.
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Skokie Principal to be Honored with National Distinguished Principal Award
ABC 7 ChicagoPrincipal Habeeb Quadri at the Muslim Community Center Academy has just been selected as a National Distinguished Principal by the National Association of Elementary School Principals. He was one of only four private school leaders selected in the entire nation.
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Exploring the Influence of Muslim Culture on the West
Al JazeeraBritish Museum showcases historical East-West cultural exchange against backdrop of contemporary Islamophobia.
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Maydan editors selected some of the most thought-provoking news items on issues around Islam, religion and public-life for you. Let us know what you have been reading. Drop us a line at mediaroundups@themaydan.com!