Muslim Americans Don't Have The Privilege of Forgetting Bush’s Crimes
We Are Your VoiceBy sanitizing George W. Bush into a harmless old man with different political views, we dishonor the people who lived through or died by the injustices that he caused.
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After a Week, Distress over a Black Life returns to North Texas
Religion NewsJefferson meant something to her family. She meant something to us. She meant something to God. And as her home, now the scene of a deadly police shooting, stands next to the House of God, it would be a crime for a people who honor God to turn a blind eye to this grave injustice against one of his precious creations.
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2020 Candidates Want to Fund a Program Used to Surveil Muslims on Social Media
ViceDemocratic hopefuls claim the Countering Violent Extremism program can help stop white supremacist terror. But since 2014, it has been used to spy on innocent Muslims.
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What is the ‘Muslim Atlantic’? An Interview with Daniel DeHanas
Religion and DiplomacyMuslims on both sides of the Atlantic are linked by a shared faith tradition and face many challenges in common. To be understand these interconnections, a transatlantic team of scholars, led by academics from King’s College London and George Mason University, are surveying ‘The Muslim Atlantic.’ The project is supported by the British Council as part of its Bridging Voices programme.
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State Scrutiny Has Not Turned US Muslims Away from Giving
Financial TimesDespite the suspicion with which authorities might regard Muslims’ charitable donation, their philanthropy continues to rise.
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For Yemenis Fleeing War, the U.S. “Muslim Ban” Means a High Price and Dangerous Wait
Religion and PoliticsFor more than a decade, Yemenis seeking to reunite their families have been subject to added burdens, such as providing years of financial data proving family support, DNA tests to prove paternity and maternity, and having to sue the U.S. government to move a file forward from a stalled position.
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Ayodhya dispute: The Complex Legal History of India's Holy Site
BBCThe Ayodhya dispute, which stretches back more than a century, is one of India’s thorniest court cases and goes to the heart of its identity politics.
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What Happens when we Ignore the Language of Hate
New TorontoCanada’s reputation as a welcoming country for immigrants from around the world is being tested by advancing extremist views and growing income inequality.
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Thousands of Nigerian Hunters Prepare to Chase Boko Haram
MilitaryThousands of Nigerian hunters, armed with charmed amulets and intimate knowledge of harsh terrain, are preparing an offensive against the Boko Haram extremists who have ravaged the northeast for a decade, calling it “high time” they help soldiers end the deadly insurgency.
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Inside the WhatsApp Group of Young Muslims Praying for Bernie’s Health
Religion NewsThe day after Sanders’ heart procedure, Raza set up the Quran Khatm For Bernie, a WhatsApp group where 40 young Muslims tracked the group’s team effort to complete the recitation of the entire Quran and pray for Sanders’ health and guidance.
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Meet the Imam Building a ‘Muslim Village’ in the Heart of Vegas
Religion NewsImam Fateen Seifullah wants to transform Sin City into the City of Light. The imam, who leads Masjid As-Sabur, the oldest mosque in the Las Vegas area, is quick to clarify: “Not casino lights — I’m talking about noor,” he said, using the Arabic word for light that Muslims often use to refer to God’s divine presence.
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Islamic NGOs Mobilise to Aid Mozambique's Population
France24Islamic NGOs are active in Mozambique, with some of them running secular schools as well as building health centres, houses and mosques.
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'Islamic State' Children: How Do They Get Home?
BBCThe case of three children believed to be from the UK, trapped in Syria after their parents joined the “Islamic State group” and subsequently died, has raised questions about how they can be repatriated.
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British Orphans Missing in Northern Syria after Mass Escape of Islamic State Families
Telegraph UKTen-year-old Amira, her sister Hiba, eight, and brother Hamza, around the same age as Hiba, were discovered in the Kurdish-run Ain Issa camp by a BBC reporting team last week. But they vanished on Sunday after hundreds of women linked the caliphate fled the camp in what Kurdish-led forces described as a mass escape facilitated by Turkish forces.
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No god but God: a Breathtaking Exhibition Bringing Islamic Art out of the Shadows
The ConversationThrough the display and sensitive curation of Islamic art, galleries have the opportunity to change the dominant rhetoric and counter prevailing, damaging myths.
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Nigerian Police Rescue 67 from 'Inhuman' Conditions at Islamic 'School'
ReutersPolice in northern Nigeria rescued nearly 70 men and boys from a second purported Islamic school where they were shackled and subjected to “inhuman and degrading treatments.”
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Abdus Salam: The Muslim Sciene Genius Forgotten by History
BBCThe Pakistani physicist’s work led to the discovery of the Higgs boson, but he was disowned in his home country for his faith. Now a Netflix film is putting him back in the spotlight.
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Police Encourage Muslim Women to Report Hate Crime
BBCSome Muslim women suffer hate crime on an almost daily basis and police must make them aware they do not need to accept it, an officer has said.
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Religious Walking Tour Maps out The History of Muslims in New York City
NPRVisitors often get to know Harlem, N.Y., through its many walking tours – from gospel music to architecture to food. But on a recent Sunday morning, two dozen people join their guide to learn about something else in the neighborhood: the history of Muslims.
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A Christian Community Proud of Its Pork Resists Change to Attract Muslim Tourists
LA TimesLake Toba and the surrounding region is home to the country’s largest Christian ethnic minority group, the Batak.
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Oakland County School Districts Defend Cultural Training despite Accusation of Pro-Muslim Bias
The Oakland PressSeveral Oakland County school districts are defending their decision to offer cultural sensitivity training to teachers and other staff in light of a recent article by the Thomas More Law Center that claims the seminars denigrated Christianity and other religions while glorifying Islam.
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East Coast Muslim Women Least Tolerant of Interfaith Interactions, Survey Shows
Malay MailMuslim women from the peninsula east coast states of Kelantan, Terengganu, and Pahang are the least likely to accept cross-religious interactions, such as marrying someone from another religion or allowing non-Muslims to attend weddings in mosques..
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Double Standards in the Muslim World: The Mo Salah Edition
StepFeedMo Salah’s GQ Middle East cover stirred quite the controversy.
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French Secularism is Giving Far-Right MPs Licence to Target Muslim Women yet again
IndependentAnother year, another row over secularism and the hijab in France. This time, the debate erupted after a far-right politician asked a woman who was accompanying her son and other children on a school trip to a regional council headquarters to remove her headscarf when entering the building. It is a reminder that, for all our progress, Islamophobia is still rife – in France, and right across Europe.
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German Synagogue Shooting Makes Clear the Far Right Targets Jews and Muslims Alike
HaaretzAccording to preliminary reports that have not been confirmed but are backed by photos from the scene, the gunman, a 27-year-old from eastern Germany, is apparently a right-wing extremist. No more than that is needed to make clear that the danger from the far right in Europe is real, not only for Muslim immigrants but also – as it once was – for Jewish citizens.
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A Million People Are Jailed at China's Gulags. I Managed to Escape. Here's What Really Goes on Inside
HaaretzRape, torture and human experiments. Sayragul Sauytbay offers firsthand testimony from a Xinjiang ‘reeducation’ camp
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Muslim Rights Group Lobbies House Democrats to Back 'No Ban' Bill
Middle East EyeSince mid-September, at least 40 Democrats in the US House of Representatives have signed on to cosponsor a piece of legislation seeking to overturn US President Donald Trump’s Muslim ban, bringing the total number of signatories to 189.
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US Aid to Egypt Poised to Proceed in What Rights Groups Call 'Shameful' Act
Middle East EyeUS Senate bill would transfer most of $1.3 billion aid package to Egypt despite ongoing human rights abuses.
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Myanmar Might Finally be Held Accountable for Genocide, but the Court Case Must Recognise Sexual Violence
The ConversationIt has been more than two years since “clearance operations” by Myanmar’s security forces, the Tatmadaw, forced more than 700,000 Rohingya across the border to neighbouring Bangladesh. During this time, the UN Security Council has remained silent on the plight of Rohingya, with China and Russia working to keep it off the council’s agenda.
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'Think of Your Family': China Threatens European Citizens over Xinjiang Protests
The GuardianUighurs living in Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, and France have complained of intimidation by Beijing.
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On Islamophobia, Britishness and the Shrinking Political Space
Middle East EyeIslamophobia has always needed to be understood as part of the deeper crisis of the political and social culture we live in.
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Muslim Families not Allowed to Board NYC Ferry after being Labeled a 'Security Issue,' Complaint Says
NBC News“These families were humiliated and traumatized in public view and treated as suspect because they happen to be Muslim,” a lawyer representing the families said.
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Maydan editors selected some of the most thought-provoking news items on issues around Islam, religion and public-life for you. Let us know what you have been reading. Drop us a line at mediaroundups@themaydan.com!