Islamophobia and media stigma is having real effects on Muslim mothers in maternity services
The ConversationFear of Islamophobic attacks and media stigma are preventing Muslim women from seeking medical help regarding health-related concerns.
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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey ignites a new storm over Myanmar
CNN BusinessTwitter’s CEO faced a backlash from Twitter users for ignoring Myanmar’s treatment of its Rohingya ethnic minority.
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'Terrorism' database cites 'Islamophobic' sources in Muslim profiles
Middle East EyeA leading financial risk database faces multiple lawsuits from Muslim organizations which the database suggested had links to terrorism; several websites the database uses as sources are accused of promoting far-right and Islamophobic agendas.
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Saudi media targets leading Muslim-American women for a trolling
The New ArabCongresswomen-elect Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were among the women accused by Riyadh’s Al-Arabiya of having political links with Islamist movements.
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Big rally by Malaysia Muslims calls for upholding privileges
AP NewsTens of thousands of Malaysian Muslims gathered in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, rallying against any attempt to strip the ethnic Malay majority of its privileges.
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‘Just deal,’ Muslim lawmaker Ilhan Omar says to the pastor who complained about hijabs on House floor
Washington PostIn response to a conservative pastor’s negative remarks regarding a proposed rule change to allow headwear on the floor of the House of Representatives, Congresswoman-elect Ilhan Omar noted that Congress was “going to look like America.”
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Turkish court recognizes Alevi houses of worship
Al-MonitorTurkey’s sizable Alevi community won an important legal victory that could lead to Alevi places of worship gaining the same privileges provided to mosques of the Sunni majority.
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Can South Africa's 'cradle of Islam' survive gentrification?
Al-JazeeraCitizens of Bo Kaap are struggling to pay for housing due to an increase in prices, forcing families who have owned property in the neighborhood for generations to sell their homes or share housing with other people to afford living expenses.
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Trump might not have gotten his ‘Muslim ban.’ But he sure got his ‘extreme vetting.
The Washington PostPresident Trump might not have gotten his Muslim ban but his administration has almost completely cut down Muslim immigration from the countries included in the original Muslim ban.
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Saudi Arabia Declares War on America’s Muslim Congresswomen
Foreign PolicyDemocratic politicians from Arab or Muslim backgrounds have been the victims of many conspiracy theories originating abroad, specifically from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
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Men accused in mosque attack face federal trial in Minnesota
AP NewsThree members of an Illinois militia group face federal hate crime charges for bombing a mosque in Minnesota, the attackers attempting to scare Muslims out of the country.
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Probe of a U.S. funded news network that called George Soros a ‘Jew of flexible morals’ finds additional offensive content
The Washington Post A U.S. taxpayer-funded broadcaster published a polemical Spanish-language opinion piece warning Europe of the “Islamization” of migrants, describing how migrants are destroying the continent’s Christian character and pose a danger to the United States “greater than that from the Nazis in the 1940s.”
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In a Muslim lawyer’s murder, Myanmar’s shattered dream
ReutersA Muslim lawyer was gunned down in a plot involving ex-military officers, stemming from the lawyer’s advocacy work calling for an end to military dominance in Myanmar’s government.
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The dead-end politics of exclusion: Islam in France according to Hakim El-Karoui
Middle East EyeThe former director of the Institute of Islamic Cultures Hakim El-Karoui has advocated for several reforms in the French Muslim community, but does not understand the history of Islamism or of the relations between the West and the “Muslim world,” according to the author.
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House approves the resolution calling persecution of Myanmar Muslims a ‘genocide,’ in contrast with Trump’s silence
The Washington PostIn contrast to President Trump’s silence regarding on the matter, the House approved a bill describing the persecution of Myanmar’s Muslim minority groups as a genocide.
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Want to Stop Islamophobia? Talk To Your Fellow Christians
SojournersTo address and end Islamophobia, a scholar and activist of interfaith studies calls on the Muslim community to increase communications with non-Muslims rather than remain quiet.
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‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means
ForwardDr Marc Lamont Hill, a scholar and human rights activists, apologized for his controversial closing remarks to the United Nations after three days of online attacks and criticism. Detractors accused Dr Hill of calling for Israel’s elimination and repeating triggering phrases.
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The Pro-Israel Push to Purge US Campus Critics
The New York BooksIn response to human rights concerns stemming from Israel’s suppression of the rights of Palestinians, students on campuses across the country are lobbying their universities to divest from companies doing business in Israel.
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Thai Islamic leaders tighten rules on child marriage
AP NewsThe guiding council of the Muslim community in Thailand has introduced new regulations requiring that marriages of children under age 17 be approved by a religious committee.
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We’ve got the degrees, so why do Muslim women struggle to get jobs?
The GuardianA high unemployment rate among educated Muslim women in the UK stems from Islamophobia and racism, among other factors, according to the author.
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Egyptian cleric Yousef al-Qaradawi removed from Interpol 'wanted' list
Middle East EyeInterpol has removed Egyptian Islamic scholar and government critic Yousef al-Qaradawi from its “wanted” list after finding that cases brought against him by Egypt and Iraq were “politically motivated.”
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I produced an interfaith play. Then all hell broke loose
Religion News Service“Christmas Mubarak”, an interfaith play produced by a theater company in Chicago, sparked a right-wing backlash, with detractors calling the play blasphemous and anti-Christian.
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Iraq lays cornerstone to rebuild iconic Mosul mosque
France24Iraq began the rebuilding of Mosul’s Al-Nuri mosque and leaning minaret, national emblems destroyed last year in the ferocious battle against the Islamic State group.
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Facebook Temporarily Bans Yair Netanyahu After Posting He 'Prefers' Israel Without Muslims
HaaretzFacebook has temporarily blocked Netanyahu’s son due to anti-Muslim remarks on social media.
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Shareef Abdur-Rahim Named NBA G League President as Malcolm Turner Steps Down
NBA G LeagueNBA Vice President of Basketball Operations and former NBA All-Star Shareef Abdur-Rahim has been named President of the NBA G League.
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Chinese 're-education camps' for Uighur Muslims run like 'concentration camps', says Amnesty
IndependentUighur and other Muslim minorities in China are being held in mass re-education camps similar to wartime concentration camps. Detainees were forced to denounce Islam and declare loyalty to the Chinese communist party.
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Ms. Marvel is getting a new comic with a new creative team in 2019
The first Muslim superhero with her own comic series at Marvel, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel has gained a following while saving her hometown and fighting alongside superhero teams like the Avengers and the Champions.
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From Arizona to Yemen: The Journey of an American Bomb
The New York TimesA stunning account of a 2016 airstrike on a village in Yemen details the day’s events and the attacks’s aftermath, as well as the journey of the American-made bomb the Saudi forces used.
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The Difficulty with Diversity
CommentIn a new publication, Muslim interfaith leader Eboo Patel studied the difficulties arising from increased diversities in American communities, focusing on the integration of Muslim-Americans.
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Maydan editors selected some of the most thought-provoking news items on issues around Islam, religion and public-life for you. Let us know what you have been reading. Drop us a line at mediaroundups@themaydan.com!