As a resource for our readers, the Maydan presents panel, session and paper information related to Islamic Studies at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado 16-20 November, 2018.
Get a pdf version of the complete program book here.
The Digital Turn in Islamic Studies: Implications for the Study of Religion sponsored by the Maydan
Friday 16 November
Saturday 17 November
Sunday 18 November
Monday 19 November
Tuesday 20 November
Presenters and Panelists in Other Units
Sunday 18 November, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Convention Center-110 (Street Level)
Despite the increasing prominence of – and problems associated with – the digital turn in the study of religion, scholars continue to search for innovative, meaningful, and informed perspectives on this field of inquiry. Join us for a structured debate involving ten major stakeholders that lead digital Islamic production and multiple digital humanities projects to help the broader religious studies audience at AAR, both specialists of Islam and beyond, to develop meaningful engagement with the field of digital religious studies. This roundtable discussion will allow these scholars who produce websites, blogs, pedagogical resources, and digitization projects – hence the broader field of digital humanities – that focus on academic study of religion to think through a number of challenges that face the field in a productive, constructive manner. These challenges are structured across four thematic foci: knowledge production, evaluation of scholarship, pedagogy, and bridging the divide between academic and public knowledge. Participating platforms will produce a summary document detailing the perspectives developed in the roundtable, presentable in both digital and analogue formats.
Maria Massi Dakake, George Mason University, Presiding
- Caleb Elfenbein, Grinnell College: Mapping Islamophobia
- Kristian Petersen, Old Dominion University: New Books in Islamic Studies
- Atalia Omer, University of Notre Dame: Contending Modernities
- Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu, George Mason University: The Maydan
Anti-Islamophobia Workshop: Countering Islamophobia
1:30 PM–5:30 PM
Convention Center-302 (Street Level)
Caleb Elfenbein, Grinnell College, Presiding
- Sylvia Chan-Malik, Rutgers University: Intersections of Race, Gender, and Religion
- Mohammad Khalil, Michigan State University: Public Discourse and Anti-Muslim Hostility
Anti-Islamophobia Workshop: Teaching Against Islamophobia
By Invitation Only
Friday, 1:30 PM–5:00 PM
Hyatt Regency-Granite (Third Level)
Todd Green, Luther College, Aysha Hidayatullah, University of San Francisco, and Juliane Hammer, University of North Carolina, Presiding
This is a follow-up gathering, by invitation only, for participants in the “Teaching Against Islamophobia” workshop, co-sponsored with the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion. Immediately after the workshop, participants will attend a private reception.
Islamic Mysticism Unit: Ways of Knowing in Islam
9:00 AM–11:30 AM
Hyatt Regency-Capitol 4 (Fourth Level)
Racha el Omari, University of California, Santa Barbara, Presiding
- Elizabeth Sartell, University of Chicago: Prime Matter and the Elements as Mystical Concepts in Ibn al-Arabī’s Cosmogony
- Noah Gardiner, University of South Carolina: Diagrams, Visions, and Cosmological Exegesis in Ahmad al-Bini’s Latāif al-ishārāt fī al-hurūf al-’ulwīyat
- Yasir Qadhi, Rhodes College: Ibn Taymiyya’s Supra-Rational Epistemology: The Fitra and Its Role in Correcting Human Intellect (‘aql)
- Sayed Hassan Hussaini Akhlaq, Boston University: Nasaf ī’s Idea of Theological, Philosophical and Mystical Schools of Islam in Examining Sharī’a, Tarīqa, and Haqīqa
- Nora Jacobsen Ben Hammed, University of Chicago: Knowledge and Eternal Felicity in Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s al-Matālib al-’ālīya
Qur’an Unit: Emotion and Affect in and around the Qur’an
9:00 AM–11:30 AM
Convention Center-Mile High 1C (Lower Level)
Jessica Mutter, University of Chicago, Presiding
- Karen A. Bauer, Institute of Ismaili Studies: God’s Emotions and Human Emotions in the Qur’an
- Mahdi Tourage, University of Western Ontario: Affective Entanglements with the Sexual Imagery of Paradise in the Qur’an
- Kathryn M. Kueny, Fordham University: Tasting Fire: Affective Turn in Qur’anic Depictions of Divine Punishment
- Joseph Vignone, Harvard University: “To Have Knowledge is to Dread God”: Fear and Learning in Medieval Islam
- Lauren Osborne, Whitman College: Affective Reading in Sayyid Qutb’s Al-Taṣwīr al-fannī fī al-Qur’ān
Contemporary Islam Unit and Islam, Gender, Women Unit and Islamic Mysticism Unit and Qur’an Unit and Study of Islam Unit Mentoring Session for Scholars Studying Muslims/Islam
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
Convention Center-205 (Street Level)
Robert Rozehnal, Lehigh University, Presiding
This mentoring session will provide an opportunity for graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars engaged in the study of Islam and Muslims to connect with others and receive tailored mentoring and professional advice. We will share best practices and engage in small group discussions led by senior scholars on topics such as publishing, the tenure process, job searches, discrimination, institutional and professional service, and discussing Islam with the media and general public.
North American Religions Unit: Producing Islam(s) in Canada: On the Politics of Knowledge Production
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
Convention Center-702 (Street Level)
Rubina Ramji, Cape Breton University, Presiding
- Meena Sharify-Funk, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Jason Sparkes, Wilfrid Laurier University: Expressions of Sufism in Canada
- Sadaf Ahmed, University of Toronto: A Case for a “Hijab-Ban” in North American Scholarship
- Jennifer A. Selby, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and Amelie Barras, York University: The Interview Schedule as Site of Knowledge Production and Politics on Islam(s) in Canada
- Melanie Adrian, Carleton University: Do Scholars Sway the Public Imaginary? Radio, Slander, and a Canadian Private Islamic School
- Aaron W. Hughes, University of Rochester
- Amir Hussain, Loyola Marymount University
Qur’an Unit: Theme: Aspects of Qur’an Usage and Interpretation
3:30 PM–5:00 PM
Convention Center-702 (Street Level)
Samuel Ross, Texas Christian University, Presiding
- Syed Zaidi, Emory University: The Use of the Qur’ān in the Ikhwān al-afā’s Treatise on Love
- Tehseen Thaver, Princeton University: Ambiguity and Metaphor as Modes of Knowledge in Qur’anic Exegesis
- James Riggan, Florida State University: Islamic Exorcism and the Somatic Modality of the Qur’an
- Salih Sayilgan, Georgetown University: The Qur’an in the Literature of Muslim Slaves in America
Study of Islam Unit: The Heart of the Matter: Centers, Peripheries, Borders, and Contestations in Islamic Studies
3:30 PM–5:00 PM
Convention Center-507 (Street Level)
Travis Zadeh, Yale University, Presiding
- Zahra Ayubi, Dartmouth College: Decentering the Center: How the Study of Gender in Islam Diversifies the Genres, Languages, and Geographies of Islamic Studies
- Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst, University of Vermont: Made by Committee: How Academic Job Ads Reify and Shape IslamicStudies
- Chiara Formichi, Cornell University: Is This Islamic?
Wildcard Session: Teaching Local Religion with Digital Humanities: Objects, Methods, Pedagogies
3:30 PM–5:00 PM
Convention Center-601 (Street Level)
Amy DeRogatis, Michigan State University, Presiding
- Emily Suzanne Clark, Gonzaga University: Jesuit Missions on the Columbia Plateau
- Rachel Lindsey, Saint Louis University: Arch City Religion
- Christopher Cantwell, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee: Gathering Places: Religion and Community in Milwaukee
- Rachel Kranson, University of Pittsburgh: The Pittsburgh Torah Scrolls Project
- Jennifer S. Leath, Iliff School of Theology: Black Religious Denver
- Shana Sippy, Centre College, and Michael McNally, Carleton College: Religious Diversity in Minnesota Initiative
- Gale Kenny, Barnard College: Religion in the Archive
- Amy DeRogatis, Michigan State University, and Isaac Weiner, Ohio State University: The American Religious Sounds Project
American Lectures in the History of Religions Theme: Complicit Scholarship: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Religious Studies
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Convention Center-Four Seasons 1 (Lower Level)
Rumee Ahmed, University of British Columbia, Presiding
- Sailaja Krishnamurti, Saint Mary’s University
- Andrea C. White, Union Theological Seminary
- Sylvia Chan-Malik, Rutgers University
- Valerie C. Cooper, Duke University
- Simran Jeet Singh, New York University
- Ayesha S. Chaudhry, University of British Columbia
Cultural History of the Study of Religion Unit: Author Meets Critics: Irfan Ahmad’s Religion as Critique: Islamic Critical Thinking from Mecca to the Marketplace (University of North Carolina Press, 2017)
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Convention Center-603 (Street Level)
SherAli Tareen, Franklin and Marshall College, Presiding
- Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst, University of Vermont
- Peter Gottschalk, Wesleyan University
- Ebrahim E. I. Moosa, University of Notre Dame
- Teena Purohit, Boston University
- Marcia Hermansen, Loyola University, Chicago
Responding: Irfan Ahmad, Max Planck Society
Contemporary Islam Unit: Islamic Peripheries and Historical Imagination: Narrative, Genealogy, and Ritual
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Convention Center-107 (Street Level)
Danielle Widmann Abraham, Ursinus College, Presiding
- Eric Schluessel, University of Montana: Emperor of China, Son of Japheth: Expressions of Imperial Legitimacy and Historical Trauma through Genealogy in the Eastern Turkestani Stories of the Prophets
- Tristan Brown, Stanford University: Genealogies of Place: Islam in the Landscape of Popular Religion in the Late Imperial and Modern China
- Ashish Koul, Northwestern University: Making a Muslim Caste in South Asia: Arab Genealogy and Arain Identity, 1910s-1980s
- Daniel Birchok, University of Michigan, Flint: Tawassul as Genealogy: A Non-Authenticating Genealogical Mode in Twenty-First Century Aceh
Responding: Devin DeWeese, Indiana University
Study of Islam Unit: New Graduate Research in Islamic Studies
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Convention Center-507 (Street Level)
Kristian Petersen, Old Dominion University, Presiding
- Joshua Mugler, Georgetown University: A Martyr with Too Many Causes: Christopher of Antioch (d. 967) and Local Collective Memory
- Reyhan Durmaz, Brown University: Stories, Saints, and Sanctity between Christianity and Islam
- Hadi Qazwini, University of Southern California: Accessing God’s Mind: The Islamic Debate on Fallibilism and Infallibilism
- Ali Olomi, University of California, Irvine: Re-Imagining Muslims: Identity and History in the Perso-Islamic World
- Rebecca Faulkner, Princeton University: Graduate Student Research on Muhammad Iqbal
Islam, Gender, Women Unit: Islam and Gender: The State of the Field
9:00 AM–11:30 AM
Convention Center-704 (Street Level)
Justine Howe, Case Western Reserve University, Presiding
- Sylvia Chan-Malik, Rutgers University: Being Muslim: A Cultural History of Women of Color in American Islam
- Zareena Grewal, Yale University, Facilitator
- Kecia Ali, Boston University: Gender, Authority, and Inclusion: Citational Politics in Islamic Studies
- Jonathan E. Brockopp, Pennsylvania State University, Facilitator
- Elizabeth Bucar, Northeastern University: Pious Fashion: How Muslim Women Dress
- Sophia Arjana, Western Kentucky University, Facilitator
- Younus Mirza, Allegheny College: “The Slave Girl Gives Birth to Her Master”: Female Slavery from the Mamluk Era to the Islamic State
- Roshan Iqbal, Agnes Scott College, Facilitator
Responding: Marcia Hermansen, Loyola University, Chicago
Contemporary Islam Unit: American Muslims between Lived Experience and Textual Authority
Sunday, 1:00 PM–3:00 PM
Convention Center-Mile High 1E (Lower Level)
Kayla Renée Wheeler, Grand Valley State University, Presiding
- Tazeen Ali, Boston University: “Beyond Vulnerable Bodies: Re-Conceptualizing Sexual Violence at the Women’s Mosque of America”
- Zaid Adhami, Williams College: “I can’t get rid of my experience”: Autonomy and Authority in American Muslim Doctrinal Belief
- Shehnaz Haqqani, Ithaca College: “Lived Experience as a Motivator of Change: Determining the Negotiables and Non-Negotiables in American Islam”
- Katherine Merriman, University of North Carolina: “Dinner, Speeches, and Shaping Sensibilities: The Ramadan Charity Fundraiser as a Space for the Creation of Legal Norms in American Islam”
- Freeha Riaz, Harvard University, Rutgers University: “Jummah at the Women’s Mosque of America: Righteous Discontent Takbeer! Takbeer!”
Responding: Juliane Hammer, University of North Carolina
Conversation with Ishmael Wadada Leo Smith, 2018 Religion and the Arts Award Winner
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
Hyatt Regency-Mineral A (Third Level)
Jason C. Bivins, North Carolina State University, Presiding
Special conversation with the recipient of the AAR Religion and the Arts Award, Ishmael Wadada Leo Smith. Smith will discuss his role in Chicago’s Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians, his notational and philosophical systems, the role of Islam in his musical output, and several of his recent major works.
- Karen Gonzalez Rice, Connecticut College
- Wadada Leo Smith, Chamber Music America
Contemporary Islam Unit: Muslim Minorities and the Transformation of Affect and Representation
3:30 PM–5:00 PM
Convention Center-Mile High 1A (Lower Level)
Sarah Eltantawi, Evergreen State College, Presiding
- Samah Choudhury, University of North Carolina: “It’s in the Bones”: Muslim Pathologies and the Problem of Representation in Disgraced
- Kristin Peterson, Boston College: Creating Feelings of Resonance for #OurThreeWinners: The Circulation of Affects in the Creative Projects to Honor the Legacy of the Chapel Hill Victims
- Kirsten Wesselhoeft, Vassar College, and Meghan Cook, Vassar College: “Muslimness is a Relationship of Power”: The Racialization of Islam in European Anti-Islamophobia Activism
- Sajida Jalalzai, Trinity University: “Uncovering What Allah Has Concealed”: Secrecy and Transparency in Muslim Spiritual Care Relationships
Responding: Anna Bigelow, North Carolina State University
Study of Islam Unit: Beyond Binaries: Law, History, and Hermeneutics
3:30 PM–5:00 PM
Convention Center-103 (Street Level)
Tehseen Thaver, Princeton University, Presiding
- Saadia Yacoob, Williams College: Male Desire and Female Desirability: The Male as Knowing Subject of Islamic Law
- Raha Rafii, University of Pennsylvania: “Not Every Mujtahid is Correct”: Ibn Idrīs al-Ijilī and the Genre of “The Judge’s Protocol”
- Hunter Bandy, Duke University: Recovering the Marghūb al-qulūb of Sadr Jahān Tabasī: Iranian Sufism, Deccan Shī’ism, and the Destiny of a Deccan Sultanate
Responding: Matthew Pierce, Centre College
Qur’an Unit and Traditions of Eastern Late Antiquity Unit | Theme: Parody, Polemics, and Wordplay through Scriptural Interpretation
5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Convention Center-403 (Street Level)
Naomi Koltun-Fromm, Haverford College, Presiding
- Devin J. Stewart, Emory University Ironic Inversion and Humor in the Qur’an
- Nathan Hershberger, Duke University Patient Apocalypticism and the Syriac Tradition: Political Theology in Ephrem the Syrian, Mar Qardagh, and Giwargis Warda
- Shuaib Ally, University of Toronto Mockery in the Qurʾān: The Role of Zamakhsharī and the Later Ḥāshiya Tradition
Anthropology of Religion Unit and Contemporary Islam Unit and Critical Theory and Discourses on Religion Unit and Secularism and Secularity Unit: Special Session in Honor of Saba Mahmood
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Convention Center-Four Seasons 1 (Lower Level)
Jonathan VanAntwerpen, Henry Luce Foundation, Presiding
- Noah Salomon, Carleton College
- Pamela Klassen, University of Toronto
- Webb Keane, University of Michigan
- Hussein Ali Agrama, University of Chicago
- Michael Lambek, University of Toronto
- Mayanthi Fernando, University of California, Santa Cruz
Chinese Religions Unit and Study of Islam Unit: Hui Muslims in the Qing Dynasty: Identity, Religion, and Culture
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Convention Center-107 (Street Level)
Natasha Heller, University of Virginia, Presiding
- Shaodan Zhang, University of Illinois: Chinese Muslims in the Qing Empire: Islamic Law, Imperial State, and Muslim Identity, 1644–1911
- Cuma Ozkan, University of Iowa: Contesting Sinicization: Jin Tianzhu’s (1736–1795) Qingzhen Shiyi (Dispelling the Doubts about Islam)
Responding: Kelly Hammond, University of Arkansas
The Digital Turn in Islamic Studies: Implications for the Study of Religion- sponsored by the Maydan
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Convention Center-110 (Street Level)
Maria Massi Dakake, George Mason University, Presiding
- Caleb Elfenbein, Grinnell College: Mapping Islamophobia
- Michael Pregill: Mizan
- Kristian Petersen, Old Dominion University: New Books in Islamic Studie
- Atalia Omer, University of Notre Dame: Contending Modernities
- Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu, George Mason University: The Maydan
IIIT Al Faruqi Memorial Lecture 2018
7:00-9:00 PM
Colorado Ballroom (Salon E), Hilton City Center
“Islam and the New Atheism” by Dr. Mohammed Hassan Khalil, Michigan State University
Comparative Theology Unit and Eastern Orthodox Studies Unit: Making Meaning of Mary: Christian and Muslim Perspectives on Images (Actual and Virtual) of the Mother of Jesus
9:00 AM–11:30 AM
Convention Center-405 (Street Level)
Nicolas Mumejian, Hartford Seminary, Presiding
- Rita George-Tvrtkovic, Benedictine University: Early Modern Images of Mary: Our Lady of Victory, Defeat, or Mission?
- Asma Afsaruddin, Indiana University: “Above All Other Women of the Worlds”: Mary and the Construction of Feminine Moral Excellence in the Islamic Milieu
- Younus Mirza, Allegheny College: Was Mary an Islamic Prophet?
- Maria Massi Dakake, George Mason University: Maryam as Paradigmatic Saint in Sufi Thought
- Lucinda Mosher, Hartford Seminary
- Brian A. Butcher, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Toronto
Study of Islam Unit: Making and Breaking Boundaries of the Muslim American Family
9:00 AM–11:30 AM
Convention Center-Mile High 4C (Lower Level)
Zareena Grewal, Yale University, Presiding
- Justine Howe, Case Western Reserve University: Da’wa, the Nuclear Family, and the Neighborhood: Women’s Writings in Muslim Students’ Association Publications, 1963-1980
- Juliane Hammer, University of North Carolina: The Family is Political (and Religious): American Muslims on Same-Sex Marriage and Queer Love
- Nadia Khan, University of Chicago: From Wet-Nurse to Artificial Nipple: Infant Feeding Choices and the State of the American Muslim Nursery
- Kathleen Moore, University of California, Santa Barbara: Is Adoption an Option? Muslim Foster and Adoptive Families in Southern California
- Nermeen Mouftah, Butler University: Debating Orphan Care across the Oceans: Global Muslim Contentions
Material Islam Seminar: Islam and the Human Body
9:00 AM–11:30 AM
Convention Center-707 (Street Level)
Anna Bigelow, North Carolina State University, Presiding
- Kathryn M. Kueny, Fordham University: “Taking on Glitter”: Contested Uses of False Hair and Gold Noses in Medieval Muslim Contexts
- Patrick D’Silva, University of North Carolina: Bodies in Translation: Esoteric Conceptions of the Muslim Body in Early-Modern South Asia
- Alan Godlas, University of Georgia: Trembling, Weeping, and Wajd (Ecstasy): Varieties of Involuntary Affective-Bodily Expressions from the Qur’an, Hadith, and Early Sufi Literature.
Interreligious and Interfaith Studies Unit: Interreligious/Interfaith Studies: Defining a New Field (Beacon Press, 2018)
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
Convention Center-Mile High 4A (Lower Level)
Eboo Patel, Interfaith Youth Core, Presiding
- Homayra Ziad, Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies
- Jennifer Howe Peace, Andover Newton Theological School
- Younus Mirza, Allegheny College
- Hans Gustafson, University of St. Thomas
Responding: Laurie Louise Patton, Middlebury College
Study of Islam Unit: On Religion and Its Translatability
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
Convention Center-Mile High 4E (Lower Level)
Matthew Kuiper, Missouri State University, Presiding
- Abiya Ahmed, Stanford University: The “Islamic” at an Islamic School: How Religion and Schooling Interact
- Brannon Ingram, Northwestern University: Making Sense of Din in Early Modern Europe: Islam between “Religion” and “Law”
- Amanda Propst, Florida State University: The Role of Scholarship in Religious Identity and Land Privatization in North Africa
- Yunus Doğan Telliel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute: Does Islam Have a Sacred Language? Thinking about Religion, Secularism, and Untranslatability
Responding: Kathleen Foody, College of Charleston
Islamic Mysticism Unit: Challenging Gendered Constructions of Authority and Piety in Sufism
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
Hyatt Regency-Capitol 3 (Fourth Level)
Robert Rozehnal, Lehigh University, Presiding
- John Zaleski, Harvard University: Muslim Women as Teachers and Practitioners of Asceticism in the Kutub al-Zuhd (Third/Ninth Century)
- Sa’diyya Shaikh, University of Cape Town: Muhammad, Masculinities, and Mysticism
- Rebecca Makas, Villanova University: Virile Knowledge and the Impotence of Ignorance: Masculinity, Embodiment, and Authority in Ishrāqī Philosophy
- Brittany Landorf, Emory University: “Sitting between the Hands of a Shaykh”: Adab al-Ziyārah and the Constitution of Pious Masculinities in Moroccan Sufism in the 19th Century
Responding: Maria Massi Dakake, George Mason University
Business Meeting:
- Maria Massi Dakake, George Mason University
- Robert Rozehnal, Lehigh University
Qur’an Unit: Women and Gender Issues in Qur’an and Qur’an Interpretation
3:30 PM–5:00 PM
Convention Center-605 (Street Level)
Stephanie Yep, Emory University, Presiding
- Halla Attallah, Georgetown University: Surat Yusuf and the #MeToo Movement: A Case for a Broader Methodological Approach to the Qur’an
- Soumia Bardhan, Kansas State University: Women in The Sublime Qur’an: Rhetorical Analysis of a “Feminist”Re-Interpretation of the Qur’an
- Hadia Mubarak, New York University, Abu Dhabi: A New Discourse on Polygyny: Modern Interpretations of Q. 4:3
- Shehnaz Haqqani, Ithaca College: “The Qur’an Clearly Forbids It!”: A Feminist Challenge to the Prohibition of Women’s Interfaith Marriage
Liberal Theologies Unit: Liberalism’s Islams and Islam’s Liberalisms: Constructing a Contrast in a Paradigmatic Period
3:30 PM–5:00 PM
Hyatt Regency-Capitol 7 (Fourth Level)
Sarah Morice Brubaker, Phillips Theological Seminary, Presiding
- Thomas Lynch, University of Chichester: A Constitutive Tension of Liberalism: Hegel, Islam, and the Fear of “the Fanatic”
- Fatima Tofighi, University of Religions: The Development of Islamic Liberal Theology in Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s Thought
- Ulrich Schmiedel, University of Edinburgh: Supremacy Smugglers? Interrogating Ernst Troeltsch’s Interpretation of Islam
- Hannah Strommen, University of Chichester: Specters of Schleiermacher: Liberalism and the Study of the Bible
Pragmatism and Empiricism in American Religious Thought Unit: Islam and Pragmatism
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Convention Center-204 (Street Level)
Joseph Winters, Duke University, Presiding
- Shifa Noor, University of Virginia: Iqbal, Peirce, and a Pragmatist Phenomenology of Love
- Mian Ahmed Shaheer Afaqi, Indiana University: Revisiting William James’s Approach to Conversion through the Lens of Al-Ghazali
- Basit Bilal Koshul, Lahore University of Management Sciences: Towards Reconstruction, through “Reconstructions”: John Dewey,Muhammad Iqbal, and Charles Peirce
Study of Islam Unit: Geographies of Piety
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Convention Center-Mile High 4C (Lower Level)
Elliott Bazzano, Le Moyne College, Presiding
- Ari M. Gordon, University of Pennsylvania: Place and Performance in Early Islamic Ritual and Architecture: The Qibla as Identity Marker
- Alex Matthews, University of Chicago: Paradise Is in the Sky: Astrology as Religious Practice in Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’
- Noorzehra Zaidi, University of Maryland, Baltimore County: “Our Vanished Lady”: Memory, Ritual, and Shi’a-Sunni Relations at Bibi Pak Daman
Responding: Sadaf Jaffer, Princeton University
Islam, Gender, Women Unit and Teaching Religion Unit Teaching About Islam, Gender, and Women
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Convention Center-108 (Street Level)
David B. Howell, Ferrum College, Presiding
- Fatima Seedat, University of Cape Town, and Sarojini Nadar, University of KwaZulu-Natal: Between Boundaries: Holding a Space between Quran and Bible in a Feminist Classroom
- Hadia Mubarak, New York University, Abu Dhabi: Women and Gender in Islam: Challenging Preconceived Notions in the Classroom
- Andrew Polk, Middle Tennessee State University: “Ain’t I an Afghan Girl”: Teaching about Muslim Women in American History
- Kirsten Wesselhoeft, Vassar College: “Gender and Sexuality in Islamic Spaces”: Teaching Religion and Gender through Space
- Kathryn Moles, Graduate Theological Union: Lesson Plan for a Class Session on Islam, Gender, and Women
Responding: Merin Shobhana Xavier, Ithaca College
Men, Masculinities, and Religion Unit and Religion in Premodern Europe and the Mediterranean Unit
Theme: Masculinity and Femininity in Medieval Islamic Sources
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Convention Center-502 (Street Level)
- Amanullah De Sondy, University College Cork, Presiding
- Sara Verskin, Rhode Island College: Who Counts As “Their Women”? Qur’ān 24:31 and Medieval Islamic Debates about Interreligious Intimacy among Women
- Saadia Yacoob, Williams College: Between Freedom and Enslavement: Deconstructing Normative Masculinity in Islamic Law
- Linda G. Jones, University of Pompeu Fabra: Sufi “Soft Power”: An Alternative Model of Hegemonic Masculinity in Nasrid Granada
Responding: Zahra Ayubi, Dartmouth College
Study of Islam Unit: Muhammad Iqbal: Beyond Tradition and Modernity
8:30 AM–10:00 AM
Convention Center-505 (Street Level)
Jawad Qureshi, University of Chicago, Presiding
- Shifa Noor, University of Virginia: Iqbal, Arendt, and the Agency of Khudī
- Francesca Chubb-Confer, University of Chicago: Remnants of Eternal Possibility: Iqbal’s Persian Lyrics of the Payam-i Mashriq
- M M Nauman Faizi, University of Virginia: Religion as Modernity’s Other: Muhammad Iqbal’s Critique of Religion after Modernity
Responding: Basit Bilal Koshul, Lahore University of Management Sciences
Contemporary Islam Unit: Wither Islam and Popular Culture?
10:30 AM–12:00 PM
Convention Center-204 (Street Level)
Hussein Rashid, Islamicate, LLC, Presiding
- Sylvia Chan-Malik, Rutgers University
- Christiane Gruber, University of Michigan
- Kristian Petersen, Old Dominion University
- Kayla Renée Wheeler, Grand Valley State University
Responding: Monica R. Miller, Lehigh University
Theology and Continental Philosophy Unit: Anand Taneja’s Jinnealogy: Time, Islam, and Ecological Thought in the Medieval Ruins of Delhi (Stanford University Press, 2016)
10:30 AM–12:00 PM
Convention Center-503 (Street Level)
Richard McGregor, Vanderbilt University, Presiding
- Kathleen Foody, College of Charleston
- Anna M. Gade, University of Wisconsin
- A. Azfar Moin, University of Texas
- SherAli Tareen, Franklin and Marshall College
Responding: Anand Taneja, Vanderbilt University
Sher Tareen, Florida State University Saturday, 1:00 PM–3:00 PM Hyatt Regency-Centennial E (Third Level)
Learning Islam, Learning Professionalism: Al-Fatih Academy and Muslim Piety in Reston, Virginia
Sultan Doughan, University of California, Berkeley
Protestant Atonement as a Practice of Citizenship: How Muslim Belonging in Germany is Dependent on the Figure of the Jew
Timothy Carey, Boston College Saturday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Convention Center-204 (Street Level)
Justice and Islamic Bioethics: Imām al-Shātibī and the Common Good
Meena Sharify-Funk, Wilfrid Laurier University Saturday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Hyatt Regency-Capitol 4 (Fourth Level)
Ibn al-’Arabi and the Virtues of “Holy Envy” in Islam
Aldea Mulhern, Fresno State University Saturday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Convention Center-102 (Street Level)
Is an Indoor Islamic Environmentalism Possible? Some Notes on Racialized Women and Religion from the Central Canadian Field
Alexander Thurston, Georgetown University Saturday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Convention Center-505 (Street Level)
Methodologies for Mapping Religious Fields: The State of the Literature in Islamic Studies
Jessica Mutter, University of Chicago Sunday, 9:00 AM–11:30 AM Convention Center-Mile High 1F (Lower Level)
By the Book: Religious Conversion in Early Islamic Syria and Iraq
Mourad Takawi, University of Notre Dame
The Specter of Conversion in Muslim and Christian Arabic Apologetic Tracts in the Early Abbāsid World
Bilal Bas, Marmara University
From Benjamin David to Abdulahad Davud: the Story of a Chaldean Christian’s Conversion to Islam in the Early 20th Century
Norah Elmagraby, Emory University Sunday, 9:00 AM–11:30 AM Hyatt Regency-Capitol 5 (Fourth Level)
Apocalypse and Climate Change in Islam: A Study of the Virtual Climate Change Discourse
Tazeen Ali, Boston University Monday, 9:00 AM–11:30 AM Convention Center-103 (Street Level)
Muslim Women’s Religious Authority and the Women’s Mosque of America: Beyond Islamic Legal Debates on Ritual Leadership
Omer Awass, American Islamic College Sunday, 9:00 AM–11:30 AM Convention Center-107 (Street Level)
Fatwa and the Art of Ethical Embedding
Tezcan Gümüş, Deakin University Sunday, 9:00 AM–11:30 AM Hyatt Regency-Mineral A (Third Level)
Muslim Aid: Exploring the Ethics of Giving in Islam
Rebecca Moody, Syracuse University Sunday, 9:00 AM–11:30 AM Convention Center-Mile High 1A (Lower Level)
“But That’s a Biological Impossibility!”: Nuancing Women and Islam through Film
Leyla Ozgur Alhassen, University of California, Berkeley Sunday, 3:30 PM- 5:00 PM Convention Center- 108
The Performance of the Qur’an: Recitation and Interpretation
Brian Siebeking, Gonzaga University Sunday, 9:00 AM–11:30 AM Convention Center-Mile High 3C (Lower Level)
The Problem of Patronage in the Islamic Tale of Jirjīs: A Study in Cross-Tradition Textual Reception
Fadi Ragheb, University of Toronto Sunday, 3:30 PM–5:00 PM Hyatt Regency-Granite AB (Third Level)
The Holy Land through Medieval Muslim Eyes: Sanctification, Holy Sites, and Religious Debates in Islamic Pilgrimage Texts, Chronicles, and Travelogue Literature on Jerusalem
Allison Ralph, Durham, NC Sunday, 3:30 PM–5:00 PM Hyatt Regency-Mineral A (Third Level)
Purity and Danger: Islam, the Body Politic, and Public Policy
Shankar Nair, University of Virginia Sunday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Convention Center-402 (Street Level)
Muslim Dreams in Sanskrit and Greek: Encountering the Pre- Modern Other through Islamic Notions of the Imagination
Harvey Stark, California State University, Sacramento Monday, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
American Muslim Chaplains and New Forms of Religious Identity in America
Isra Yazicioglu, St Joseph’s University Monday, 1:00 PM–3:00 PM Hyatt Regency-Centennial B (Third Level)
Quranic Miracle Stories beyond Literal vs. Metaphorical: An Islamic Perspective from Jalal al-din Rumi & Said Nursi
Sarra Tlili, University of Florida Monday, 1:00 PM–3:00 PM Convention Center-103 (Street Level)
A Case for Vegetarianism in Islam?
Deirdre DeBruyn Rubio, Harvard University Monday, 3:30 PM–5:00 PM Convention Center-Mile High 2A (Lower Level)
Beyond Visibility: Representing Islam and Muslims in Interfaith Initiatives in the Boston Area
Ariel Schwartz, Northwestern University Monday, 3:30 PM–5:00 PM Convention Center-506 (Street Level)
Implicating Islam
Kevin Jaques, Indiana University Monday, 3:30 PM-5:00 PM Convention Center-602 (Street Level)
Dreams, Revelation, and Visiting Spirits: An Early Muslim Cosmology of Divine Communication
Simon Wood, University of Nebraska Monday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Convention Center-103 (Street Level)
“Making Themselves like the Franks”: Europeanization and Conversion in Modern Islam
Ahmed Ragab, Harvard University Monday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Convention Center-109 (Street Level)
Piety, Medicine, and Patienthood in Medieval Islam
Emma Nolan-Thomas, University of Michigan
“Islamic Health Houses (Griya Sehat Islami)”: Prophetic Medicine, Chronic Diseases, and Semi-Formal Healthcare in Indonesia
Anna Piela, Northeastern University, Katarzyna Gorak-Sosnowska, Warsaw School of Economics, Beata Abdallah-Krzepkowska, University of Silesia, and Joanna Krotofil, University College London Monday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Convention Center-Mile High 4E (Lower Level)
Managing Spoiled Identity: The Case of Polish Female Converts to Islam
Fuad Naeem, Gustavus Adolphus College Monday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Convention Center-401 (Street Level)
Islam for Victorians: Syed Ameer Ali, Apologetics, and the Construction of a Modern Islam
Jawad Qureshi, University of Chicago Monday, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM Convention Center-602 (Street Level)
Reform, Print, and Memory: Forgetting and Remembering Najm al-Din al-Tufi (d. 1316) in 20th century Islamic Legal Reform
Etin Anwar, Hobart and William Smith Colleges Tuesday, 10:30 AM–12:00 PM Convention Center-Mile High 1A (Lower Level)
Caring for Planet Earth: Ecological Education in Indonesia’s Islamic Boarding Schools
Deborah L. Wheeler, United States Naval Academy Tuesday, 10:30 AM–12:00 PM Convention Center-303 (Street Level)
Women Driving Change? Gender, Islam, and Public Life in Saudi Arabia